- run
composer install
to install vendor packages - make storage and bootstrap folder writable
chown -R www-data:www-data storage bootstrap
chmod -R 755 storage bootstrap
- run
php artisan storage:link
to make them accessible from the web - copy
and set necessary configs - run
php artisan key:generate
to generate new application key - run
php artisan migrate --seed
to run database migrations - for test proposal run
php artisan serve
- Each project pull you must run command
php artisan migrate
to migrate new database changes - If there is new packages added to composer file don't forget to run command
composer update
* * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
- PHP ^7.3|^8.0
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Redis Server
- NodeJs
- install redis server
- run
redis-server --daemonize yes
to keep redis server running on background - then check it with
ps aux | grep redis-server