This project implements a Smart Lighting System using a PIC18F4620 microcontroller, an LDR (Light-Dependent Resistor) sensor, and a PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor. The system intelligently controls an LED to simulate lighting automation based on ambient light conditions and motion detection. It is programmed in PIC Assembly Language.
- Light Control with LDR:
- Monitors ambient light levels using an LDR.
- Automatically turns the LED on in low-light conditions (night) and off in bright conditions (day).
- Motion Detection with PIR:
- Detects motion using a PIR sensor.
- Temporarily turns on the LED for 15 seconds if motion is detected, regardless of ambient light.
- Timer-Based Delay:
- Configures Timer0 to generate accurate delays for timed LED control.
- Debugging Support:
- Configures the EUSART module for potential debugging via serial communication.
- Interrupt Handling:
- High-priority interrupts handle Timer0 and PIR motion detection events.
- Microcontroller: PIC18F4620
- Sensors:
- LDR sensor (connected to the ADC pin
) - PIR sensor (connected to external interrupt pin
- LDR sensor (connected to the ADC pin
- Output Device:
- LED (connected to
- LED (connected to
- Power Supply: 5V regulated power source
- Additional Components:
- Resistors for LDR voltage divider.
- Capacitors for noise filtering.
- Breadboard and connecting wires.
- Assembler: MPLAB X IDE with PIC-AS assembler.
- Simulation: Proteus for circuit simulation (optional).
- LDR Threshold Logic:
- The ADC reads the voltage from the LDR.
- If the ADC value is below the configured threshold, the system considers it "night" and turns on the LED.
- PIR Motion Detection:
- If motion is detected, the PIR triggers an external interrupt.
- The interrupt service routine (ISR) turns on the LED for 15 seconds, regardless of ambient light conditions.
- Timer0 Configuration:
- Timer0 generates precise delays for system timing.
- Interrupt Priority:
- PIR interrupts have higher priority than Timer0 to ensure immediate response to motion.
Pin | Function | Description |
RA0 | LDR Sensor (AN0) | Reads ambient light levels via ADC. |
RB0 | PIR Sensor (INT1) | Detects motion using external interrupt. |
RC0 | LED | Controls the LED based on conditions. |
OSC | Internal Oscillator | Configured to 8 MHz. |
- Initialization:
- Configures the internal oscillator to 8 MHz.
- Initializes ADC, Timer0, LED, and interrupt settings.
- Main Loop:
- Continuously monitors ambient light levels using ADC.
- Updates the LED state based on the LDR sensor and PIR input.
- Interrupts:
- PIR (INT1):
- Activates LED for 15 seconds when motion is detected.
- Timer0:
- Generates the delay required for the PIR timer.
- PIR (INT1):
- Internal Oscillator:
- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor: Disabled
- Watchdog Timer: Disabled
- Low-Voltage Programming: Disabled
- Brown-out Reset: Disabled
- Main Code:
- System initialization and main loop.
- Subroutines:
- ADC configuration and reading.
- Timer0 configuration and delay generation.
- LED control logic.
- Interrupt Service Routines:
- Handles PIR motion detection and Timer0 delays.
; Configure ADC to read from AN0
BCF ADCON0, 2 ; Set the ADC channel to AN0
BSF ADCON0, 0 ; Enable ADC
BCF ADCON1, 0 ; Configure AN0 as analog input
; Turn LED on/off based on LDR threshold
BTFSS threshold_flag, 0
BCF LATC, 0 ; Turn off LED (day)
BTFSC threshold_flag, 0
BSF LATC, 0 ; Turn on LED (night)
; ISR for PIR motion detection
BCF INTCON3, 0 ; Clear INT1 interrupt flag
BSF LATC, 0 ; Turn on LED
MOVLW 0x0Fh ; Start 15s delay
MOVWF delay_15s
CALL start_timer0
- Proteus Simulation:
- Simulate the circuit to verify LED behavior with varying light and motion conditions.
- Debugging:
- Use EUSART to monitor ADC readings and threshold values.
- Add more sensors for environmental monitoring.
- Integrate PWM to adjust LED brightness dynamically.
- Implement a real-time clock (RTC) for scheduled operations.
- Mohamed Olwi
- Sama Mohamed