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Dynamic form widgets for Vue.

MacGyver is a component library and dynamic form designer for Vue.

It can function either as a simple set of powerful independent components or by using a powerful JSON form layout definition.



This package requires the following as pre-requisite dependencies in the parent:

These are listed as peerDependencies in package.json.


	:data="{}" // Populated as the control values change
	:config="{ // Our form specification
		type: "mgContainer",
		items: [
				id: "textInput",
				type: "mgText",
				title: "Example Text",
				id: "toggleControl",
				type: "mgToggle",
				default: true,
	@change="data = $event"

or use MacGyver widgets as standalone Vue components:

	@change="formData.number = $event"

Creating MacGyver widgets

Each MagGyver widget begins with mg and should be registered via Vue.mgComponent(name, definitionObject).

Vue.mgComponent('mgText', {
	meta: {
		title: 'Textbox',
		icon: 'fa fa-pencil-square-o',
	props: {
		placeholder: {type: 'mgText', help: 'Ghost text to display when the textbox has no value'},

The Vue.mgComponent() function processes the MacGyver widget definition and automatically calls Vue.component() to register the Vue counterpart (after converting prop types and adding other syntax glue to the original object).

Widget setup

MacGyver widgets follow the regular Vue component syntax with some additions:

Property Type Default Description
meta object {} Meta information object - used by the form editor to configure the widget string Computed from name The name of the macgyver component. Always camelcased and prefixed with mg e.g. mgText
meta.title string The ID via _.startCase() The human friendly title of the widget
meta.icon string "far fa-rectangle-wide" The icon CSS class to use in the mgFormEditor UI
meta.shorthand array [] Other aliases the widget answers to in shorthand mode
meta.category string "Misc" Human readable category to add the widget to in the editor
meta.preferId boolean false Whether the component should be auto-allocated an ID if the user doesn't provide one
meta.format boolean / function true How to return the short value of the widget, see NOTES
meta.formatClass string "" CSS classes to attach when rendering the format value, typically used for text alignment
props object {} Vue props definition
props.$type string Name The MacGyver type (e.g. mgText)
props.$dataPath string Computed Dotted notation path within the form of the value to set when changes
props.$specPath string Computed Dotted notation path of the widget spec within the parent $mgForm layout
props.change function none Function to execute when the value changes
props{}.value * none If using the widget as a standalone, set the initial value
props{}.title string Prop ID via _.startCase() Human readable name for the property in the editor
props{}.default * undefined Regular property default value
props{}.type string none Unlike Vue props, this should be an mg* widget with its config
props{}.vueType string / array Computed Type validator to pass to view, this should be an array or string, not native types
props{}.help string "" Additional help text in the editor
props{}.advanced boolean false Label the property for advanced users only
props{}.* * none All other MacGyver widget config for the props{}.type widget
childProps object none All properties that are inherited by direct child components within a container
inject array / object ['$mgForm'] What to inject into each MacGyver component, overridable if needed
data function none Data to provide to the component, is always available
methods object {} Additional methods to provide, the below methods are always available
methods.mgSetup function See code Called during the created lifecycle hook to populate the data default and setup bindings
created function none Creation hook, superclassed to call mgSetup(). If Specified it is called after this
* * none Various other Vue lifecycle hooks and properties, all are carried into the Vue component


  • meta.format returns the human readable value of the component when rendered in tables - if true the value is used unchanged. If a function it is called as (value, config) and can return a scalar string or a Promisable value which should resolve into a string.
  • props{}.type should always be a MacGyver component + config so it can be correctly displayed in the editor. Passing JS primative classes (e.g. {foo: Number}) will raise a warning message and is discouraged for anything other than testing
  • props{}.advanced can be used to hide more complex properties unless the editor is in advanced editing mode
  • props{}.vueType can override the "guessed" type to pass to Vue as a prop validator. Pass strings or arrays of strings not native types - for example {vueType: 'string'} or {vueType: ['array', 'number']} are both correct, {vueType: String} is not supported
  • data() is called as per the usual Vue setup process, however the data value is always provided and is watched by MacGyver for changes. Mutate this value to set new values or emit mgChange if needed
  • childProps sets up the properties inherited into the $props setup by direct children. Items such as title are used by elements such as mgContainer to render the title of the widget and not the widget itself


The following injectables can be subscribed to within each component:

Injectable Description
$mgForm The optional parent mgForm component, automatically applied if vm.inject isn't overriden
$mgFormEditor The optional wrapping mgFormEditor component, if present. This is outside the mgForm parent, its presense can be used to determine whether to display special edit component features

To specify optional injectables (e.g. that $mgFormEditor may be included but is not essencial) use:

	inject: {
		$mgForm: {from: '$mgForm', default: false},
		$mgFormEditor: {from: '$mgFormEditor', default: false},


  • $mgForm is only injected if the component is used inside a <mg-form/> component, otherwise its falsy. This usually occurs when the component is used as a standalone e.g. <mg-button/>
  • $mgFormEditor is only injected if the form is wrapped within a editor context, check for its truthy status to determine if the widget should apply editable behaviours


Event Cardinality Params Description
change Optional (*) Emitted when the widget is a standalone component and its value has changed
mgChange Always ({path, value}) Used to respond to changes in the component state
mgIdentify Always (reply <function>) Used to retrieve all components, component will reply with its VueComponent instance
mgRefresh Always () Used to force refresh the state of a component
mgRefreshForm Always () Used to force refresh the state of all components in a form
mgValidate Optional (reply <function>) Used to validate each component, each component should call reply() with string errors if validation fails


  • All of the above events are automatically added by the mgSetup() method when the component is created

Component Skeleton

In essence the following base skeleton is used for any component that is instantiated via Vue.mgComponent(name, spec). This contains all the injectables, default data props, default events and other hooks. This structure can be considered a Vue.mixin() / _.merge() equivalent where all items are deep merged.

Vue.mgComponent('mgAcmeComponent', {
	meta: {
		title: 'mgAcmeComponent',                            // Calculated via _.startCase() from the name
		icon: 'far fa-rectangle-wide',
		category: 'Misc',
		preferId: false,
		shorthand: [],
		format: true,
		formatClass: '',
	inject: {
		$mgForm: {from: '$mgForm', default: false},          // Will be falsy if the component is stand-alone
	props: {
		$dataPath: {type: String},                           // Default is set when component is populated (when inside an mg-form)
		$specPath: {type: String},                           // Default is set when component is popualted (when inside an mg-form)
		value: {},                                           // Default is populated when a stand-alone component
	methods: {
		mgSetup() {                                          // Function which sets up event handlers and data watcher
			// ... //
	created() {
		this.mgSetup();                                      // Called on every create
		// ... //                                            // component created() lifecycle hook is called here
	// ... //                                                    // Remaining component properties, methods and lifecycle hooks



Attempt to compile up a 'rough' MacGyver spec into a pristine one. This function performs various sanity checks on nested elements e.g. checking each item has a valid ID and if not adding one. It returns an object composed of the form {spec}


An object containing data on each valid MacGyver widget registered. If running on the front-end this is updated as new widgets register themselves. On the backend this uses the computed version located in ./dist/widgets.json.


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