Managed Account Resources System (MARS) by Moonrise Software LLC
The following quckly installs Mars to your Azure account. Before going further, please have the following ready:
- An Azure Cosmos DB or Microsoft SQL database, and
- A SendGrid API Key
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need the Cosmos or SQL database setup (containers or tables created), answer "true" to the "Setup Db" question. After first run, it is a good idea to set this to "false."
Next click the button below:
Alternatively, follow the docker container installation instructions below to install Mars to another cloud provider.
Mars is a user account and role resource management website built on the ASP.NET Core Identity Framework. Mars is open source and is free to install and use. It works with either Azure Cosmos DB or Microsoft SQL Server. Docker container installation instructions are below.
Functionality includes:
- User Account Management
- Create accounts one at a time or in batches
- Rest passwords
- Resend confirmation emails
- Add/Remove multiple users to and from multiple roles
- Update basic account information
- Delete accounts
- Role management
- Create roles
- Update role names
- Delete roles
- Add/Remove multiple users to and from multiple roles
This product has been tested with the following databases:
- Azure Cosmos Database
- Microsoft SQL Server
Follow these steps to install this application:
- Deploy the docker container to your prefered Docker host.
- Create a SendGrid account and obtain a SendGrid API Key
- Set the following configuration variables:
// Example configuration file
"ConnectionStrings:ApplicationDbContextConnection": "YOUR ACCOUNT CONNECTION STRING",
"DatabaseName": "YOUR DATABASE NAME",
"SetupDb": "true", // Set to true if you want the database to be setup
"DbProvider" : "cosmos", // cosmos or mssql
"GTag": "YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTICS MEASUREMENT ID" // Optional Google Analytics ID
// For MS SQL Server use the following:
"ConnectionStrings:ApplicationDbContextConnection": "YOUR DB CONNECTION STRING",
"SetupDb": "true", // Set to true if you want the database to be setup
"DbProvider" : "Cosmos", // Cosmos or MSSQL
- Open Mars and create a user account. The first account is automatically given the "User Administrators" role.
Now log in and you should see one user (yourself), and one role named "User Administrators."