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This is a starter project for ink.


To use this starter for your new ink project, run the following command (replacing your-app-name):

npx degit MrFunctor/ink-starter your-app-name

Then you can just cd into the created directory and run yarn (or npm install):

cd your-app-name


This starter comes with several npm scripts, here are the main ones:

  • build: Build the app for production using esbuild. A typecheck of the source code will be done before the build.
  • checks: Run all the checks (typecheck, lint, prettier, and tests).
  • dev: Run your app for development using ts-node-dev. If your app waits for user input, it will be restarted every time you make a change to your code. Otherwise, the app will exit after completion.
  • dev:hang: Same as dev but will hang once the app exits. This is useful if your app exits after completion and you don't want to re-run it every time, but instead you want it to hang and restart after you make a change to your code.
  • dev:clear: Same as dev but will clear the terminal every time your app is run.
  • dev:clear:hang: Same as dev:clear and dev:hang combined.
  • lint: Lint your code with ESLint.
  • prettier:check: Check the formatting of your code with Prettier.
  • prettier: Format your code with Prettier.
  • start: Start the production app that was built with the build script.
  • test: Run tests with Jest.
  • typecheck: Typecheck your source code and tests with TypeScript.

ink-starter License



A starter project for ink






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