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A lightweight and flexible library for working with Deno KV. Inspired by Mongoose, EasyKV simplifies database interactions in Deno applications.


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A lightweight and flexible library for working with Deno KV. Inspired by Mongoose, EasyKV simplifies database interactions in Deno applications.

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EasyKV is a high-level abstraction layer for Deno's built-in KV (Key-Value) database. It simplifies working with Deno KV, making it easier and more efficient to use. Whether you're new to Deno KV or planning to use it in large-scale applications, EasyKV provides the tools to streamline your workflow.

We think: Deno KV is often perceived as a simple database, suitable only for storing tokens or short-term data, and not ideal for complex programs. But what if it could handle more? At its core, EasyKV was built to unlock the full potential of Deno KV and make it production-ready for larger projects.

With EasyKV, I wanted to take something simple and make it even simpler without compromising on flexibility or power. While Deno KV is a great built-in option, it can be challenging to scale for big projects. That's why I created EasyKV—not just to make my workflow easier, but to make yours easier too.

With EasyKV, you can:

  • Easily interact with Deno KV.
  • Save, update, and delete data effortlessly.
  • Query, filter, and manage data with ease.
  • Retrieve multiple records simultaneously using flexible filters.

Database Structure

DenoKv's multiple key system unlocks the flexibility of databse. This can follow multiple structure like SQL, NoSQl, TreeShape etc. This EasyKv library is highly inspired by mongoose. The Structure I made for this is:

  • Database: The main database. You can specify the database location by EasyVk.connect(location) Reference=>
  • Collection: The collection is the main and most used class of this library. Collection is a group. A group where you gonna save all similar types of entries. For example: A User collection contains all user's data. A collection works like a model of other orms(e.g. Mongoose). Reference=>
  • Enrty: After creating a collection, you can save data as JSON or Object{} format. Each object which is being saved is called entry.
  • Data: The information an entry contains is called data.
       |--- Collections
       |    |---------- Entry
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           
       |    |           
       |    |---------- Entry
       |                |------ Key: value
       |                |------ Key: value
       |                |------ Key: value
       |--- Collections
       |    |---------- Entry
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           
       |    |---------- Entry
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           |------ Key: value
       |    |           
       |    |---------- Entry
       |                |------ Key: value
       |                |------ Key: value
       |                |------ Key: value


EasyKV is designed exclusively for Deno to simplify working with its built-in KV (Key-Value) database. Follow these steps to install and start using EasyKV in your project:


  • Deno v2.0 or higher is recommended.

Install via Deno Official Repository

Run the following command in your terminal to add EasyKv to your project:

deno add easykv

Install via JSR

Run the following command in your terminal to add EasyKV to your project:

deno add jsr:@easykv/easykv

Import Directly

Alternatively, you can directly import EasyKV into your project:

import * as easykv from "jsr:@easykv/easykv";
// Or...
import * as easykv from "";

Quick Start

API Reference

Connect Database

import * as EasyKv from "@easykv/easykv";

await EasyKv.connect();
// If you have any specific remote locaion or local path,
//you can pass that in parameter.

Definition: EasyKv comes with a connect() function. This allows you to connect your DenoKV database. Just call this function to create a local datdbase.

  • If you wants to connect a remote database here, you can pass the link to the parameter. Ex. connect(location)
  • If you want to include a local path, you can also do that like this : connect("./database").
    Note: in that case, you have to give read and write permission. to give read & write permission you can pass -RW flag while running.
deno run -RW --unstable-kv main.ts

Create a Collection

import { Collection } from "@easykv/easykv";

// Create a "User" collection or model
const User = new Collection("user");

// Example: Create another collection for products
const Product = new Collection("product");

Definition: Deno KV supports hierarchical keys, and EasyKV uses the first key as the collection name. For instance, the string "user" passed in the parameter creates a collection called user in the database. This acts as the base namespace for all keys stored under this collection. Collections in EasyKV act like models in traditional ORMs (e.g., Mongoose). They group related data under a common namespace, enabling you to manage users, products, or other entities in an organized way.

Save Some Data to the Database

import { Collection } from "@easykv/easykv";

// Create a collection or model
const User = new Collection("user");

// Data to be stored in the database
const data = {
    name: "MrSIHAB",
    age: 19,
    country: "Bangladesh",
    dn: "Dark-Ness",

// Save the data to the "user" collection
const result = await;

// Log the result
console.log(result.ok); // Boolean indicating if the save was successful
console.log(result.versionstamp); // The version stamp for the saved data
console.log(; // The saved data from the database

Definition: The save() function accepts a data object (e.g., {}) to store in the collection. Here, we created a data object and used to save it. This function returns a Promise<object>, which resolves to an object containing three properties:

  • ok: A boolean value indicating whether the save operation was successful.
  • versionstamp: A unique identifier (timestamp) for the saved version of the data.
  • data: The saved data from the database, which will be returned if the save was successful.

You can also pass a custom _id to the data. If you don't provide an _id, EasyKV will automatically generate one. Be cautious when providing a custom _id, as it must be unique. Attempting to save data with a duplicate _id will result in an error.

You can provide custom _id like this way:

const dataWithId = {
    _id: "custom-id-1234", // Custom _id
    name: "MrSIHAB",
    age: 19,
    country: "Bangladesh",
    dn: "Dark-Ness",


Get Data from the Database

const User = new Collection("user");

// Retrieve data by using the findById function
const data = await User.findById(id);

// If you pass the _id, it will return the corresponding data
console.log(; // Access the name property
console.log(data.age); // Access the age property
console.log(; // Access the country property
console.log(data.dn); // Access the dn property

Definition: The findById() function allows you to retrieve data by passing the unique _id. The _id acts as the identifier for the specific entry in the collection. By calling collection.findById(_id), it returns the data associated with that _id. If no data is found for the given _id, it will return null or an empty response. To handle null response, you can use ifelse :

if (data) {
} else {
    console.log("No data found for this ID.");

Search or Filter Data

// Import the User collection that we created
import { User } from "./path/user.ts"; // Collection

// Define the filter object
const filter = {
    name: "Shruti Munde",
    age: 20,

// Use findMany to search/filter data based on the criteria
const filteredData: [] = await User.findMany(filter);
// Note: findMany will return an array of matching data objects

// Handling a case where no data matches
if (filteredData.length === 0) {
    console.log("No users found matching the filter.");
} else {
    console.log(filteredData[0]); // Display the first match, for example

// As filterData is an array, ensure the index is a number

Definition: The collection.findMany({options}) function allows you to retrieve an array of data that matches the provided filter criteria. If you pass an empty object {}, it will return all available data in the collection.

For example, to retrieve all data:

const allData = await collection.findMany({});

Update data by ID

// Existing data to update
const userId = "0055"; // Assume this ID exists in the database
const updateOptions = {
    name: "SIHAB",
    age: 20, // Updated age

try {
    const result = await User.updateById(userId, updateOptions);

    console.log("Update successful:", result.ok);
    console.log("Versionstamp:", result.versionstamp);
    console.log("Updated data:", result.dataNew);
    console.log("Updated data:", result.dataOld);
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error updating data:", error.message);

Definition: updatebyId() fanction takes the ID of a entry and update the with the given updateOptions. The function returns:

  • ok: if the process was successfull,
  • versionstamp: VersionStamp of the data
  • dataOld: Existing data before update.
  • dataNew: The data after updateing the Previous entry.

The function will return an Error if no previous data is available in database.

Filter One Data and Update it.

const filter = {
    name: "Shoaib Hossain",
    email: "[email protected]",

const updateOptions = {
    name: "Sihab"
    friends: ["Shruti Munde"],
    followers: ["Jhon", "Doe", "Danbo", "others"],

const result = await User.findOneAndUpdate(filter, UpdteOptions);

Definition: This funtion works similer as Previous collection.updateById() function. But it take an object instead of id. You can pass Id as filterOption{_id: id}. This funtion filters al entry and find the atual entry to update. If multiple entry match with the filter criteria, it will update the first one. So, make sure the given critera finds unique one.

Delete an Entry

const result = await User.delete(id); // returns a boolean value

if (result) {
    console.log("User Was removed successfully");

Definition: Collection.delete() function requires the id of an entry to remove it completely.

Delete whole collection

const isDeleted = await User.deletCollection({
    wantsToRemoveEveryThingOfThisCollection: true, // Just for reduce accidents
if (isDeleted) {
    console.log("All the information of this collection was deleted!!!");

Definition: Internally it uses deleteMany function to delete every entry. wantsToRemoveEveryThingOfThisCollection was included to reduce accidents.

IsExist and IsUniqe

const criteria = {
    name: "Shaoib Hossain",
    age: 105,

const isExist = await User.isExist(criteria); // returns boolean(false)
const isUnique = await User.isUnique(criteria); // returns boolean(true)

Definition: IsExist() ckecks if any entry exists in database with given criteria. If any entry matchs, it returns true else false.
The isUnique() function do just it's opposite. Internally it calls the isExist() function and returns it's opposite(true=>false || false => true).


This project(EasyKv) is licensed under the MIT License.


A lightweight and flexible library for working with Deno KV. Inspired by Mongoose, EasyKV simplifies database interactions in Deno applications.








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