This bot was created for 'Chim Trains'. A event within ConanExiles server 'Sanctum of Cthulhu'
Example in use:
This is to prevent non-hosts or non-admin role users from changing behaviour of the train.
NPM init should grab all dependencies.
You will need your discord bot's Oauth2 token found here:
Click 'copy' to get your token:
Return config-example.json into config.json and fill out the required fields:
token: Discord Bot Oauth2 Token
Admin Roles: Role ID of anyone who can override the 'host'. Can have multiple roles.
Channel: The channel for the bot to listen in.
Prefix: The prefix for commands such as ?, >, ! - This is used before the command such as ?chimtrain
?chimhelp - Gets the help page
?chimstart - Starts the Chim Train
?chimtransfer (user)- Transfers the 'host' role to a new user to control the train.
Please open a git issue as issues or feature requests as needed.