Official Swift client to interact with apps made with MySocialApp
MySocialApp’s powerful API lets you quickly and seamlessly implement social networking features within your websites, mobile and back-end applications. Our API powers billions of requests for hundred of apps every month, delivering responses in under 100ms.
Add social features to your existing app, automate actions, scrape contents, analyze the users content, add bot to your app, almost anything that a modern social network can bring.. There is no limit! Any suggestion to add here? Do a PR.
Feature | Server side API | Swift client API |
Profile management | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Feed | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Comment | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Like | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Notification | ✔️ | Partially |
Private messaging | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Photo | ✔️ | ✔️ |
User | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Friend | ✔️ | ✔️ |
URL rewrite | ✔️ | ✔️ |
URL preview | ✔️ | ✔️ |
User mention | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Hash tag | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search users | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search news feed | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search groups | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Search events | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Group [optional module] | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Event [optional module] | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Roadbook [optional module] | ✔️ | Partially |
Live tracking with RideShare (exemple here) [optional module] |
✔️ | Soon |
Point of interest [optional module] | ✔️ | Soon |
Admin operations | ✔️ | Soon |
Looking for official Java/Kotlin client API ? Click here
Coming soon:
- Real time downstream handlers with FCM (Android), APNS (iOS) and Web Socket.
Step 1. Activate CocoaPods for your project
pod init
Step 2. Add it in your root Podfile at the end of pods:
target ... {
pod 'MySocialApp', '~> 1.1.2'
post_install do |installer|
myTargets = ['RxSwift', 'RxCocoa', 'RxBlocking', 'Alamofire', 'MySocialApp']
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
if myTargets.include?
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.2'
Step 3. Update CocoaPods for your project
pod update
You must have "APP ID" to target the right App. Want to create your app?
Sign in to and go to API section. Your APP ID is part of the endpoint URL provided to your app. Which is something like
. Your APP ID is u123456789123a123456
Ask for an administrator to give you the APP ID.
Most of the actions can be synchronous and asynchronous with RxSwift. We are using RxSwift to provide an elegant way to handle asynchronous results.
Everytime you see a "try" instruction, you have the choice between these two alternatives :
do {
try MySocialApp.someOperation.throwingException()
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
if let myResult = try? MySocialApp.someOperation.throwingException() {
doSomething(with: myResult)
} else {
// Some error occured
You may use Google Places API, or Apple MapKit. Here is an example of the use of MapKit to provide a list of matching locations from an input string :
import MapKit
// [..]
let thePlaceToFind: String = "some place somewhere"
let callbackToCallWithFoundLocations: ((_: [Location])->Void) = someCallBackFunction
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = thePlaceToFind
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start {
response, error in
if let r = response {
let locations: [Location] = {
mi in
let l = Location()
l.latitude = mi.placemark.coordinate.latitude
l.longitude = mi.placemark.coordinate.longitude
if let lines = mi.placemark.addressDictionary?["FormattedAddressLines"] as? [String] {
// Concatenate every address line, separated by a coma
var fullName = ""
var separator = ""
lines.forEach {
fullName += separator + $0
separator = ", "
if let name = mi.placemark.addressDictionary?["Name"] as? String, !fullName.contains(name) {
fullName = name + separator + fullName
// The completeAddress field will contain the fully qualified human-readable location
l.completeAddress = fullName
return l
} else {
let appId = "u123456789123a123456"
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
// or
let endpointURL = "";
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAPIEndpointURL(endpointURL).build()
// create an account and return an active session to do fluent operations
let johnSession = try msa.blockingCreateAccount(username: "John", email: "[email protected]", password: "myverysecretpassw0rd")
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "my access token")
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(username: "John", password: "myverysecretpassw0rd")
if let account = try johnSession?.account.blockingGet() {
let _ = account.firstName
let _ = account.dateOfBirth
let _ = account.livingLocation?.completeCityAddress
// [..]
if let account = try johnSession?.account.blockingGet() {
account.lastName = "James"
let updatedAccount = try account.blockingSave() // or use save() to asynchronously save it with Rx
let myPhoto = UIImage()
// [..]
try johnSession?.account.blockingChangeProfilePhoto(myPhoto)
The cover photo is a secondary photo that you can add to your profile.
let myPhoto = UIImage()
// [..]
try johnSession?.account.blockingChangeProfileCoverPhoto(myPhoto)
MySocialApp allows you to use your own user IDs to find a user using the "external_id" property.
let yourAppUserId = "12348-abcdy-82739-qzdqdq"
let s = johnSession
// set app external user id
if let account = try johnSession?.account.blockingGet() {
account.externalId = yourAppUserId
let updatedAccount = try account.blockingSave()
// find user by external id
let user = try johnSession?.user.blockingGetByExternalId(yourAppUserId)
âš Caution: this operation is not recoverable
let s = johnSession
let password = "your account password to confirm the ownership"
let _ = try s?.account.blockingRequestForDeleteAccount(password: password)
// Your account has been deleted..
// You are no more able to perform operations
let s = johnSession
let madridLocation = Location(latitude: 40.416775, longitude: -3.703790)
try s?.user.blockingStream(limit: 10, with: FluentUser.Options.Builder().setLocation(madridLocation).build())
let feeds = try johnSession?.newsFeed.blockingList(page: 0, size: 10)
let feeds = try johnSession?.newsFeed.blockingStream(limit: 100)
let s = johnSession
let post = try FeedPost.Builder()
.setMessage("This is a post with #hashtag url and someone mentioned [[user:3856809369215939951]]")
try s?.newsFeed.blockingSendWallPost(post)
let s = johnSession
let i = someUIImage
let post = try FeedPost.Builder()
.setMessage("This is a post with an image and a #hashtag :)")
try s?.newsFeed.blockingSendWallPost(post)
let s = johnSession
// take my first friend
if let friend = try s?.account.blockingGet()?.blockingListFriends()?.first {
let post = try FeedPost.Builder()
.setMessage("Hey [[user:\(]] what's up?")
try friend.blockingSendWallPost(post)
let s = getSession()
if let newsFeed = try s?.newsFeed.blockingStream(limit: 1)?.first {
try newsFeed.blockingIgnore()
let s = getSession()
if let newsFeed = try s?.newsFeed.blockingStream(limit: 1)?.first {
try newsFeed.blockingReport()
let s = getSession()
if let newsFeed = try s?.newsFeed.blockingStream(limit: 1)?.first {
try newsFeed.blockingDelete()
let s = johnSession
let searchQuery = FluentUser.Search.Builder()
let users = try s?.user.blockingSearch(searchQuery)?.data
// return the 10 first results
let s = johnSession
let parisLocation = Location(latitude: 48.85661400000001, longitude: 2.3522219000000177)
let searchQuery = FluentUser.Search.Builder()
let users = try s?.user.blockingSearch(searchQuery)?.data
// return the 10 first results
let s = johnSession
let searchQuery = FluentFeed.Search.Builder()
.setTextToSearch("hello world")
let feeds = try s?.newsFeed.blockingSearch(searchQuery)?.data
// return the 10 first results
let s = johnSession
let conversations = try s?.conversation.blockingList()
let s = johnSession
// take 3 first users
if let people = try s?.user.blockingStream(limit: 3) {
let conversation = Conversation.Builder()
.setName("let's talk about the next event in private")
let createdConversation = try s?.conversation.blockingCreate(conversation)
let s = johnSession
let i = someUIImage
if let lastConversation = try s?.conversation.blockingList().first {
let message = try ConversationMessagePost.Builder()
.setMessage("Hello, this is a message from our SDK #MySocialApp with an amazing picture. Enjoy")
let messageSent = try lastConversation.blockingSendMessage(message)
let s = johnSession
let conversation = try s?.conversation.blockingList().first
// get 35 last messages without consuming them
let conversationMessages = try conversation?.messages?.blockingStream(limit: 35)
// get 35 last messages and consume them
let conversationMessages = try conversation?.messages?.blockingStreamAndConsume(limit: 35)
let s = johnSession
let conversion = try s?.conversation.blockingList().first
conversion?.name = "new conversation title :)"
try conversion?.blockingSave()
let s = johnSession
let conversation = try s?.conversation.blockingList().first
// kick member
try conversation?.blockingKickMember(user)
// invite user
try conversation?.blockingAddMember(user)
let s = johnSession
let i = someUIImage
if let user = try? s?.user.blockingList().first {
let message = ConversationMessagePost.Builder()
.setMessage("Hey [[user:\(]] ! This is a quick message from our SDK #MySocialApp with an amazing picture. Enjoy")
try user.blockingSendPrivateMessage(message)
let s = johnSession
if let conversation = try? s?.conversation.blockingList().first {
try conversation.blockingQuit()
This module is optional. Please contact us to request it
let s = johnSession
try s?.event.blockingStream(limit: 50)
NB: Setting custom fields value is detailled in the Custom fields section.
let s = johnSession
let i = someUIImage
let newarkLocation = Location(longitude: 40.736504474883915, latitude: -74.18175405)
let tomorrow =, value: 1, to: Date())
let afterTomorrow =, value: 2, to: Date())
let customFields = try s?.event.blockingGetAvailableCustomFields().map {
customField -> (CustomField) in
if let type = customField.fieldType {
switch type {
case .inputText:
customField.stringValue = "Text test"
case .inputTextarea:
customField.stringValue = "TextArea test text"
case .inputNumber:
customField.doubleValue = 1337
case .inputBoolean:
customField.boolValue = false
case .inputDate:
customField.dateValue = Date()
case .inputUrl:
customField.stringValue = ""
case .inputEmail:
customField.stringValue = "[email protected]"
case .inputPhone:
customField.stringValue = "+33123452345"
case .inputLocation:
customField.locationValue = newarkLocation
case .inputSelect:
customField.stringValue = customField.possibleValues?.first
case .inputCheckbox:
customField.stringsValue = customField.possibleValues ?? []
case .inputDateTime:
customField.dateValue = Date()
case .inputTime:
customField.dateValue = Date()
return customField
let event = Event.Builder()
.setName("New test event")
.setDescription("This is a new event create with our SDK")
try s?.event.blockingCreate(event) = "New event name"
try event.blockingParticipate()
let s = johnSession
try s?.account.blockingGet()?.blockingStreamEvent(limit: 10)
let i = someUIImage
try event.blockingChangeImage(i)
let i = someUIImage
try event.blockingChangeCoverImage(i)
let s = johnSession
let madridLocation = Location(latitude: 40.416775, longitude: -3.703790)
try s?.event.blockingStream(limit: 10, with: FluentEvent.Options.Builder().setLocation(madridLocation).build())
let s = johnSession
let tomorrow =, value: 1, to: Date())
let afterTomorrow =, value: 2, to: Date())
let madridLocation = Location(latitude: 40.416775, longitude: -3.703790)
let query = FluentEvent.Search.Builder()
try s?.event.blockingSearch(query)
let s = johnSession
let query = FluentEvent.Search.Builder()
.setName("my event name")
.setDescription("my event description")
try s?.event.blockingSearch(query)
try user.blockingStreamEvent(limit: 10)
let post = FeedPost.Builder()
.setMessage("This is a post with #hashtag url and someone mentioned [[user:3856809369215939951]]")
try event.blockingSendWallPost(post)
This module is optional. Please contact us to request it
let s = johnSession
try s?.group.blockingStream(limit: 100)
let s = johnSession
let i = someUIImage
let newarkLocation = Location(latitude: 40.736504474883915, longitude: -74.18175405)
let group = Group.Builder()
.setName("New group")
.setDescription("This is a new group create with our SDK")
try s?.group.blockingCreate(group) = "New group name"
let i = someUIImage
try group.blockingChangeImage(i)
let i = someUIImage
try group.blockingChangeCoverImage(i)
try group.blockingJoin()
let s = johnSession
try s?.account.blockingGet()?.blockingStreamGroup(limit: 10)
let s = johnSession
let madridLocation = Location(latitude: 40.416775, longitude: -3.703790)
try s?.group.blockingStream(limit: 10, with: FluentGroup.Options.Builder().setLocation(madridLocation).build())
let s = johnSession
let query = FluentGroup.Search.Builder()
.setName("my group name")
.setDescription("my group description")
try s?.group.blockingSearch(query)
try user.blockingStreamGroup(limit: 10)
let post = FeedPost.Builder()
.setMessage("This is a post with #hashtag url and someone mentioned [[user:3856809369215939951]]")
try group.blockingSendWallPost(post)
This feature is available on users, events, groups, and other options to allow your community to provide specific information. This feature can be managed on your MySocialApp admin console.
let s = johnSession
if let user = try s?.user.blockingList().first {
try user.blockingGetCustomFields().forEach {
field in
// NB: label, placeholder and string values are automatically translated into the user's language
NSLog("Custom Field label: \(field.label)")
// Every type of Custom Field may have a placeholder
NSLog("Custom Field placeholder: \(field.placeholder)")
if let type = field.fieldType {
NSLog("Custom Field type: \(type)")
if type == FieldType.inputSelect || type == FieldType.inputCheckbox {
// For SELECT and CHECKBOX types, the list of possible values is provided
NSLog("CustomField possible values: \(field.possibleValues)")
// The way the value can be get / set depends on the type of the Custom Field
switch type {
case .inputBoolean:
NSLog("Custom Field value: \(field.boolValue)")
case .inputDate, .inputDateTime, .inputTime:
NSLog("Custom Field value: \(field.dateValue)")
case .inputCheckbox:
NSLog("Custom Field values: \(field.stringsValue)")
case .inputUrl, .inputText, .inputEmail, .inputPhone, .inputSelect, .inputTextarea:
NSLog("Custom Field value: \(field.stringValue)")
case .inputLocation:
NSLog("Custom Field value: \(field.locationValue)")
case .inputNumber:
NSLog("CustomField value: \(field.doubleValue)")
let newarkLocation = Location(latitude: 40.736504474883915, longitude: -74.18175405)
let url = ""
if let group = try s?.group.blockingList().first {
if let locationField = try group.blockingGetCustomFields().filter({
group in
return group.fieldType == FieldType.inputLocation
}).first {
locationField.locationValue = newarkLocation
if let urlField = try group.blockingGetCustomFields().filter({
group in
return group.fieldType == FieldType.inputUrl
}).first {
urlField.stringValue = url
try group.blockingSave()
In order to make your application able to receive native and silent notifications from our backend, here are some steps to follow.
Why ? We must provide to the APNS a valid certificate related to your application.
- Connect on your Apple Developer Account, and then get into the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" section, on the "Certificates > All" tab (i.e. on this URL).
- Click on the "+" button to create a new certificate
- Choose "Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)" and click on "Continue"
- Choose your App ID in the list and click on "Continue"
- Follow the instructions to create a CSR
- Click on "Continue"
- Choose the CSR you just created and click on "Continue"
- Download the generated certificate
- Double-click on the certificate you just downloaded, this will open your Keychain manager
- Search in the "My certificates" list to find a certificate named "Apple Push Services: {your App ID}"
- Right-click on it and choose "Export ..." and export it as a .p12 file
- A password is requested, so enter "mysocialapp" (only lowercased)
- On command line (in terminal), in the folder containing the .p12 file, just type these instructions, typing "mysocialapp" (only lowercased) as password everytime one is asked :
# These instructions require a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mysocialapp.jks -srckeystore {your .p12 exported certificat}.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mysocialapp.jks -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore mysocialapp.p12
openssl base64 -in mysocialapp.p12 -out mysocialapp.b64
- Connect on your admin console
- Click on your app
- Choose the "Certificates" tab
- Click on the "+ Add" button
- Enter your package name (App ID)
- Choose IOS as platform
- Enter the expiration date
- Copy / paste the content of the file in the field (open the file "mysocialapp.b64" in a text editor to do so)
- Click on "Add" button, and that's it!
Now you need to adapt your app to register on our backend, and to provide callbacks to be notified when a notification is received, or when the user taps on a native notification to open it in your app
In the project properties in XCode, got to the main target Capabilities, and enable "Push notifications", "Background modes", and in "Background modes" check "Background fetch" and "Remote notifications"
You need to ask to the user for permission to notify it. Just put this piece of code to ask the user for permission to send it notifications :
if #available(iOS 10, *) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options:[.badge, .alert, .sound]){
(granted, error) in
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
UIApplication.shared.registerUserNotificationSettings(UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.badge, .sound, .alert], categories: nil))
Once the user permission is granted, and once the application is registered for remote notifications, you have to receive the APNS token to send it to our backend, by implementing certain methods
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
try johnSession.notification.blockingRegisterToken(deviceToken)
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
If the user explicitely logs out, you may unregister the token to avoid the user receiving unwanted notifications
try johnSession.notification.blockingUnregisterToken()
You have to implement these methods in the AppDelegate.swift file:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// [..]
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let receivedNotification = try johnSession.notification.application(didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions) {
// [..] A notification has just been received, you may update the app GUI to notify the user
} else {
// Nothing happened, it is a regular application start
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
// [..]
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let receivedNotification = try johnSession.notification.application(didReceiveRemoteNotification: userInfo) {
// [..] The notification has just been received, you may update the app GUI to notify the user
} else {
// It wasn't a MySocialApp notification
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable: Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let receivedNotification = try johnSession.notification.application(didReceiveRemoteNotification: userInfo) {
// [..] The notification has just been received, you may update the app GUI to notify the user
} else {
// It wasn't a MySocialApp notification
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
To handle properly the actions on the native notifications, you first have to setup your application to receive the URL generated especially for your MySocialApp appId. To do so, you have to edit your Info.plist file to add these lines in the main markup, remplacing the "u123456789123a123456" by your appId :
Then, the actions on the native notifications can thus be catched in the AppDelegate.swift file by implementing these methods:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([Any]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let tappedNotification = try johnSession.notification.application(continue: userActivity) {
// [..] The notification has just been tapped by the user, you may do something with the notification, like displaying it
} else {
// It wasn't a MySocialApp notification
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
return true
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let tappedNotification = try johnSession.notification.application(open: url) {
// [..] The notification has just been tapped by the user, you may do something with the notification, like displaying it
} else {
// It wasn't a MySocialApp notification
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
return true
@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let msa = MySocialApp.Builder().setAppId(appId).build()
do {
let johnSession = try msa.blockingConnect(accessToken: "user access token stored in user defaults or wherever")
if let tappedNotification = try johnSession.notification.userNotificationCenter(didReceive: response) {
// [..] The notification has just been tapped by the user, you may do something with the notification, like displaying it
} else {
// It wasn't a MySocialApp notification
} catch let e as MySocialAppException {
NSLog("Exception caught : \(e.message)")
} catch {
NSLog("Another technical exception")
All contributions are welcomed. Thank you