Classic Tic Tac Toe Game
Navid Chowdhury Project 2 Tic Tac Toe Game
Started: August 28, 9:18pm
Finished: August 28, 11:23pm
Video Tutorial Used:
9:43 When I run what I have so far, which is just the background and the title screen, it launches and runs without any errors but nothing happens. The graphic being displayed is just a window with 2 colors on it. But then when I maximize the window it works fine. And then I can minimize it again and still it’s fine. But when it launches until I full screen it, it doesn’t work.
Thread.sleep(2000) and then surround it with a try/catch block to make the method sleep for 2000ms in order to slow it down a little bit. This helps to show the title screen because otherwise it’s instantaneous. No one would ever see the title.
10:44pm Determining who wins is a little tedious. You have to determine if 3 boxes in a row have the same letter using the check() method. Then pass those 3 boxes into the xWins() or oWins() method.
11:23 Finished
Working GIF: