A collection of python command-line programs for data upload, metadata translation, and metadata upload.
These are the command-line utilities:
- zenodo_create.py : A program for uploading data files and metadata to Zenodo.
- datacite2iso.py : produce an ISO XML file from DOI published on the DataCite metadata service.
- dset2iso.py : produce an ISO XML file from a JSON file containing elements from the NCAR DSET Metadata Dialect, version 12.
- xpath.py : print text values for a given XML element in an ISO record or group of records.
These utilities require python 3, and the python 'lxml' and 'requests' library. Use the provided conda or pip environment files to create a usable python environment.
See INSTALL.md for instructions on how to install these commands in a user environment.
A program for uploading files to Zenodo.
An API token for Zenodo is required. Before running the program, set the API token value as follows:
export ZENODO_TOKEN='<my_token>'
Also required is a path to a folder with files to upload. All files in the folder and its sub-folders will be uploaded. If the upload folder contains spaces, then surround the path in single quotes.
Example usage:
python zenodo_create.py --folder <local_folder_with_files>
Optional arguments:
--iso_file <iso_file_path> Extract and upload metadata from ISO XML file.
--resume <resume_file_path> Resume uploading to a recently created dataset using an automatically generated
resume file; default location is /tmp/resume_upload_<dataset_id>.json .
--publish After upload, publish the dataset.
--test Upload to Zenodo's sandbox server instead; requires a sandbox API token.
--version Print the program version and exit.
--help Print the program description and exit.
Tested with python 3.8.
A utility for translating DataCite JSON metadata into ISO 19139 metadata.
DataCite metadata is obtained from the DataCite website, so an internet connection is required.
python datacite2iso.py --doi DOI [--template <template_file>] [--help] [--version]
required arguments:
--doi DOI Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--template TEMPLATE custom ISO template to use from the 'templates' folder. Default: datacite.xml
--version show program's version number and exit
example usages:
# Create ISO record for a specific DOI using the default DataCite XML output template
python datacite2iso.py --doi 10.5065/D6WD3XH5 > datacite_D6WD3XH5.xml
# Insert metadata into a special XML output template with hard-coded values specific to a particular researcher
python datacite2iso.py --doi 10.5065/d6bc3x95 --template ral_vigh_dois.xml > test_vigh.xml
A utility for translating JSON metadata into ISO 19139 metadata.
See the JSON input file found at test_dset_full.txt for a complete example of the different metadata concepts that can be converted. The converted file can be found at test_dset_full.xml.
dset2iso.py [--inputDir INPUTDIR] [--outputDir OUTPUTDIR] [--help] [--version]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--inputDir INPUTDIR base directory for input records
--outputDir OUTPUTDIR base directory for output records
--template XML_FILE_PATH specify the XML file template to use. Default path: './templates_ISO19139/dset_full.xml'
--version show program's version number and exit
example usages:
# Convert a single DSET metadata record using STDIN and STDOUT:
python dset2iso.py < defaultInputRecords/test_dset_full.txt > test_dset_full.xml
# Convert a collection of records in a given input folder, and save to an output folder:
python dset2iso.py --inputDir ./defaultInputRecords --outputDir ./defaultOutputRecords
A utility for reporting existence of xml elements, or extracting element values, from a file or directory of files.
xpath.py --type {publisher,resourceFormat,standardResourceFormat,geoExtent,timeExtent} [--inputDir INPUTDIR] [--file FILE] [--datasetsOnly] [--attribute ATTRIBUTE] [--version] [--help]
required arguments:
--type {publisher,resourceFormat,standardResourceFormat,geoExtent,timeExtent} Type of XML element
optional arguments:
--inputDir INPUTDIR base dir for XML files
--file FILE XML file to search
--datasetsOnly Limit output to records with resource type 'Dataset'
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
example usages:
# Print all resource format strings in the EOL WAF to a file
python xpath.py --type resourceFormat --inputDir /data/repos/dash-eol-prod > EOL_FORMATS.txt
# Print whether geoExtent exists for Dataset records in the CISL WAF
python xpath.py --type geoExtent --datasetOnly --inputDir /data/repos/dash-cisl-prod