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Wehe Command Line Client

This is the Wehe command line client. This app runs tests to help users determine whether their ISPs are throttling network traffic for certain apps or ports. Please see for more details.

There are two ways to run the code:

  1. Run the jar file (wehe-cmdline.jar)
  2. Build from source (use Java 17)

About the Code

  • The code is based off of the Wehe Android Client.
  • Building the source code requires two additional libraries: Tyrus Standalone Client v1.17 for WebSocket support and JSON (Maven repo).
  • The src/ directory contains the source files.
  • The res/ directory contains the app and port client traffic for the tests.
  • The code runs one test (one app/port replay and one "random" replay) for each shell command.

Build jar with Maven

This source code contains pom.xml file with the configuration and dependencies needed to build the jar file.

To build the jar file, simply execute: mvn package.

Run the jar

A compiled jar comes with the repo (wehe-cmdline.jar). This jar was compiled using Java 17. To run this jar, it must be in the same directory as the res/ directory.


If using this client with different certificates than the production certificates, replace res/main with the proper PEM certificate.


Usage: java -jar wehe-cmdline.jar -n <TEST_NAME> [OPTION]...

Example: java -jar wehe-cmdline.jar -n applemusic -c -r results/ -l info


-n TEST_NAME - The name of the test to run. Argument required. See below for list of test names.

-s SERV_NAME - The hostname or IP of server to run the tests. Default:

-m MLAB_API - The URL of the API to retrieve access envelopes to run tests on M-Lab servers. Default:

-u MUM_SRVR - The number of servers to run the test concurrently. This feature is available only with M-Lab servers. Must be integer between 1 and 4 inclusive. Default: 1.

-c - Turn off confirmation replays (if test is inconclusive, it will automatically rerun by default).

-a A_THRESH - The area threshold percentage for determining differentiation. Default: 50.

-k KS2P_VAL - The KS2P-value threshold percentage for determining differentiation. Default: 1.

-t RESR_ROOT - The resources root containing apps_list.json and the tests. No need to change this if using the jar or if you don't move the res/ directory. Default: res/.

-r RSLT_ROOT - The results root containing the output logs and info. Default: test_results/.

-l LOG_LEVEL - The level of logs and above that should be printed to console (all levels will be saved to logs on disk regardless of the level printed to console). Choose from wtf, error, warn, info, or debug. Default: none of these, only UI logs (what the user would see on screen when running the Android app) will be printed to the console.

-h - Print the help message.

-v - Print the version number.


App Name Test Name (-n arg) Port Name Test Name (-n arg)
Amazon Prime Video amazon 80 HTTP small port80s
Apple Music applemusic 81 HTTP small port81s
Dailymotion dailymotion 465 SMTPS small port465s
Deezer deezer 853 DoT small port853s
Discord discord 993 IMAPS small port993s
Disney+ disneyplus 995 POP3S small port995s
ESPN espn 1194 OpenVPN small port1194s
Facebook facebook 1701 L2TP small port1701s
Google Meet meet 5061 SIPS small port5061s
Hulu hulu 6881 BitTorrent small port6881s
Instagram instagram 8080 SpeedTest small port8080s
Max max 8443 SpeedTest small port8443s
Microsoft Teams teams 80 HTTPS large port80l
NBC Sports nbcsports 81 HTTP large port81l
Netflix netflix 465 SMTPS large port465l
Molotov TV molotovtv 853 DoT large port853l
myCANAL mycanal 993 IMAPS large port993l
OCS ocs 995 POP3S large port995l
Pandora pandora 1194 OpenVPN large port1194l
Salto salto 1701 L2TP large port1701l
SFR Play sfrplay 5061 SIPS large port5061l
Skype skype 6881 BitTorrent large port6881l
Snapchat snapchat 8080 SpeedTest large port8080l
Spotify spotify 8443 SpeedTest large port8443l
TikTok tiktok
Twitch twitch
Vimeo vimeo
Webex webex
WhatsApp whatsapp
X x
YouTube youtube
Zoom zoom

Note: Small port tests are 10 MB per replay, while large port tests are 50 MB per replay.


Output is contained in RSLT_ROOT:

  • By default, the name of RSLT_ROOT is res/ (change the directory name using the -r option).
  • info.txt - This file contains the user's random ID and the current history count.
  • logs/ - This directory contains the logs that would be printed to the Android logs (think of Android's Log class).
    • Log files are the in the format logs_<randomID>_<historyCount>_<exitCode>.txt.
  • ui/ - This directory contains the text that a user running the Android client would see on his/her screen.
    • Log files are in the format ui_<randomID>_<historyCount>_<exitCode>.txt.

Exit Codes

Each error exit code corresponds to a specific spot in the code where execution of the tests was terminated. CTRL+F the exit status on the code base to find where each of these locations are located.

Exit Code Exit Status Explanation
0 SUCCESS No errors occurred during the test.
1 ERR_GENERAL An error occurred that does not fit any below.
2 ERR_CMDLINE Invalid command line input.
3 ERR_INFO_RD Error reading from info.txt.
4 ERR_INFO_WR Error writing to info.txt.
5 ERR_WR_LOGS Error writing to the logs.
6 ERR_CONN_IP Error connecting to server because IP not found.
7 ERR_CONN_INST Error getting instance of TCP or UDP socket to send data.
8 ERR_CONN_IO_SERV IO issue with the SideChannel.
9 ERR_CONN_WS Error connecting to WebSocket.
10 ERR_UNK_HOST Error connecting to the server.
11 ERR_UNK_META_HOST Error connecting to metadata server.
12 ERR_CERT Error with the certificates.
13 ERR_NO_ID No random ID found.
14 ERR_NO_TEST Test not found on client.
15 ERR_PERM_REPLAY Test not found on server.
16 ERR_PERM_IP Another user with the same IP is running tests on the server.
17 ERR_PERM_RES Server is low on resources.
18 ERR_PERM_UNK Unknown server error.
19 ERR_ANA_NULL No analysis status returned.
20 ERR_ANA_NO_SUC Analysis did not succeed.
21 ERR_ANA_HIST_CT Invalid analysis history count.
22 ERR_RSLT_NULL No result status returned.
23 ERR_RSLT_NO_RESP Result succeed, but result was not sent.
24 ERR_RSLT_NO_SUC Result not found.
25 ERR_RSLT_ID_HC Result returned wrong random ID or history count.

NOTE: If the Exit Code is negative, then two errors occurred: the number in the Exit Code and ERR_WR_LOGS. For example, -24 means no result was found and the logs could not be written to disk.