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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

NOTE: issues with discussion labels should be converted
Related to fates wiki, user's guide or other documentation
Issue is a duplicate and should be closed
git: submodule
git: submodule
github: actions
github: actions
Updates to specific github action tasks
github: boards
github: boards
updates to github board configuration settings
github: permissions
github: permissions
github: teams
github: teams
github: templates
github: templates
Updates to github PR and issue templates
github: workflows
github: workflows
Updates to automated github workflows that use any number of github actions
HLM: cime
HLM: cime
Issue is related to cime configuration
HLM: ctsm
HLM: ctsm
An issue is related to ctsm host land model or a particular PR has a corresponding ctsm-side PR
HLM: e3sm
HLM: e3sm
An issue is related to e3sm host land model or a particular PR has a corresponding e3sm-side PR
host land model
host land model
A broader catch-all tag for all host land models
infrastructure: porting
infrastructure: porting
Code does not reproduce the expected outcomes across multiple machines
inputs: data
inputs: data
Relating to any type of model input data
inputs: parameter file
inputs: parameter file
Pertaining to changes to the FATES parameter file
priority: high
priority: high
projects: pecan
projects: pecan
NOTE: questions should be converted to discussions
This issue is acting a reference information and is not a bug
science: allometry
science: allometry
science: bug
science: bug
Bugs that are specific to the implementation of a scientific model
science: fire
science: fire
science: history output
science: history output
Pertaining to FATES history output variables
science: hydrology
science: hydrology
science: land use
science: land use
Pertaining to land use
science: logging
science: logging
Pertaining to logging disturbance
science: mortality
science: mortality
Pertaining to changes to plant mortality
science: nutrients
science: nutrients