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FATES modeling meeting schedule
- Calibration
- Niwot calibration by Will's group
- Seed dispersal and recruitment
- Greg/Yanlan cross-grid dispersal
- Non-tree pfts
- Mosses: Hui Tang
- Julia Green
- To Ask:
- Yanyan Cheng: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2023MS004195
- NorESM team (user friendly fates interface)
- Anam M. Khan, University of Wisconsin
- Luke Oberhagemann: https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2024/egusphere-2024-1914/
- History of FATES and ED2
- Page: Eddy covariance
4 January 2024: Zachary Robbins, Bark Beetles
18 January 2024: Canceled
01 February 2024: Canceled
15 February 2024: TBD
29 February: Cancelling due to CESM BGCWG meeting conflict
14 March 2024: Cancelled
28 March 2024: Cancelled
11 April: Claire Zarakas, "Different model assumptions about plant hydraulics and photosynthetic temperature acclimation yield diverging implications for tropical forest resilience"
25 April: Huanyuan Zhang - GEM network v TRENDY comparison
09 May 2024: Rachel Ward, Assessing the leverage of forest regeneration processes on demographic outcomes using the VDM FATES
23 May 2024: Shaoqing Liu, GEDI-constrained Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests over the Coming Century
20 June 2024: Noah Liguori-Bills, visitor at NCAR, presents and leads discussion on pyrogenic carbon
18 July 2024: Summer "office hours"
15 August 2024: Summer "office hours"
12 September 2024: Cancelled for NGEE-T FATES tutorial
26 September 2024:Bianca Rius - Modeling functional traits with the CAETE model
10 October 2024: TBD
24 October 2024: Luke Oberhagemann - Sources of Uncertainty in the Global Fire Model SPITFIRE: Development of LPJmL-SPITFIRE1.9
7 November 2024: Annemarie Eckes-Shephard - Demographic Model Comparison Study
21 November 2024: Ensheng Weng (Columbia University) - Modeling compositional dynamics of evergreen and drought-deciduous trees in tropical forests with BiomeE
5th January: Office hours
19th January: Marcos Longo: Regional scale trait and allometry to inform tropical pfts
2nd February: Nick Smith: C4 photosynthesis
16th February: Canceled
2nd March: Linnia Hawkins, Katie Dagon, Dan Kennedy: CLM PPE, calibration and benchmarking discussion
16 March: Julia Maria Chacon-Labella trait scaling rescheduled to May 25
30 March: Nuno Carvalhais, Max Planck Institute for BGC
13 April: Lingcheng Li: coexistence and machine learning
27 April: Shijie Shu, Charlie Koven, Gregory Lemieux: LUH2 updates
11 May: Cancelled
25 May: Julia Maria Chacon-Labella trait scaling
8 June: Xiulin Gao, Oak/grass simulations in California
22 June: Cancelled
6 July: Cancelled
- Global carbon budget meeting is this day
20 July: Adam Hanbury-Brown, recruitment and/or regeneration
3 August: Office hours
17 August: Cancelled
31 August: Zachary Robbins and Chonggang Xu
14 September: Global calibration updates: Rosie
28 September: Chaopeng Shen and Doaa Aboelyazeed, differentiable physics-informed ecosystems modeling
12 October: Ryan Knox and Adrianna Foster, Two-stream update and ILAMB results
26 October: Bharat Sharma: ELM-FATES at ORNL and Duke FACE sites
9 November: Sophia Macarawich, Paleoclimate FATES work
23 November: Cancelled, US Thanksgiving break
7 December: AGU lightning round?
21 December: Holiday Break
18th August: Visualization discussion
1st September: Tentative: Anthony Walker
15th September: LSM summit
29th September: NGEET all hands meeting
13th October: Evan Gora
27th October: Office Hours
10th November: Tristan Quaife
24th November: Thanksgiving
8th December: Xinyuan Wei
22nd December: Cancelled
2025 Software Engineering Meeting Notes
2024 Software Engineering Meeting Notes
2023 Software Engineering Meeting Notes
2022 Software Engineering Meeting Notes
2021 Software Engineering Meeting Notes
FATES API and Host Land Model compatibility table
Relevant References page (User's Guide)
Moorcroft et al. 2001. Ecological Monographs, 74:557-586.