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- chapters/04-01-link-to-census.Rmd
- chapters/04-02-fhir-pit.Rmd
- chapters/05-00-analysis-case-studies.Rmd
- chapters/05-01-hcup-amadeus-usecase.Rmd
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- chapters/AA-01-user-profiles.Rmd
- chapters/AA-02-data-science-dictionary.Rmd
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217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions chapters/05-01-hcup-amadeus-usecase.Rmd
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# HCUP and Amadeus Smoke Plume Use Case {#chapter-hcup-amadeus-usecase}

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### Integrating HCUP databases with Amadeus Exposure data {.unnumbered}

**Date Modified**: February 19, 2025

**Author**: Darius M. Bost

<!-- **Key Terms**: [Data Integration](, [Social Determinants of Health](, [Geocoded Address](#def-geocoded-address), [GeoID](#def-geoid), [Geographic Unit](#def-geographic-unit) -->

**Programming Language**: R

```{r global options, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)

## Motivation

Understanding the relationship between external environmental factors and health outcomes is critical for guiding public health strategies and policy decisions. Integrating Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) data with environmental datasets allows researchers to examine how elements such as air quality, wildfire emissions, and extreme temperatures impact hospital visits and healthcare utilization patterns.

Ultimately, linking HCUP and environmental exposure data enhances public health monitoring and helps researchers better quantify environmental health risks.

### Outline

This tutorial includes the following steps:

1. [Install R packages](#link-to-hcupAmadeus-0)

2. [Data Curation and Prep](#link-to-hcupAmadeus-1)

3. [Downloading and Processing Exposure Data with the `amadeus` Package](#link-to-hcupAmadeus-2)

## Tutorial

### Install R Packages {#link-to-hcupAmadeus-0}

```{r eval = FALSE}
# install required packages
install.packages(c("readr", "data.table", "sf", "tidyverse", "tigris",
"dplyr", "amadeus"))
# load required packages

## Data Curation and Prep {#link-to-hcupAmadeus-1}

Upon acquistion of HCUP database files, you will notice that the state files are distributed as large ASCII text files. These files contain the raw data and can be very large, as they store all of the individual records for hospital stays or procedures. ARHQ provides SAS software tools to assist with loading the data into [SAS]( for analysis, however, this doesn't help when using other coding languages like R. To solve this we utilize the .loc files (also provided on HCUP website), the year of the data and the type of data file being loaded.

We will start with State level data: State Inpatient Database (SID), State Emergency Department Database (SEDD), and State Ambulatory Surgery and Services Database(SASD).

### Read and format HCUP datafiles

We start with defining the years of the data we have as well as the type of data we want to process. There is a core data file that all states have and additional files which may include Diagnosis and Procedure Groups, AHA Linkages, Charges, and/or Severity.

```{r eval=FALSE}
# Define years and data type
years <- 2021
data_type <- "CORE"
# Define possible data sources
data_sources <- "SEDD"

```{r eval=FALSE}
# Missing values definition
missing_values <- as.character(quote(c(-99, -88, -66, -99.9999999, -88.8888888,
-66.6666666, -9, -8, -6, -5, -9999,
-8888, -6666, -99999999, -999999999,
-888888888, -666666666, -999, -888,
# Loop through data sources
for (data_source in data_sources) {
# Create lowercase version with "c" appended
data_source_lower_c <- paste0(tolower(data_source), "c")
for (year in years) {
# Determine fwf_positions based on the year
# Year 2021 had a slightly different format on the specifications
# at meta_url below
if (year == 2021) {
positions <- readr::fwf_positions(
start = c(1, 5, 10, 28, 32, 64, 69, 73, 75, 80),
end = c(3, 8, 26, 30, 62, 67, 72, 73, 78, NA) # NA for ragged column
} else {
positions <- readr::fwf_positions(
start = c(1, 5, 10, 27, 31, 63, 68, 73, 75, 80),
end = c(3, 8, 25, 29, 61, 66, 71, 73, 78, NA) # NA for ragged column
The `fwf_positions()` function is utilizing column start and end positions found on the ahrq website (`meta_url` listed in next code chunk). We use these positions to read in the raw data files from their .asc format.
::: figure
<img src="images/hcup_amadeus_usecase/oregon2021_SEDD_core_loc_file.png" style="width:100%"/>

<figcaption>This is an example of the specifications loc file</figcaption>

```{r eval = FALSE}
# Read metadata with adjusted URL
meta_url <- paste0("",
data_source_lower_c, "/tools/filespecs/OR_",
data_source, "_", year, "_", data_type, ".loc")
df <- readr::read_fwf(meta_url, positions, skip = 20)
# Read data
data_file <- paste0("../OR/", data_source, "/OR_", data_source, "_",
year, "_", data_type, ".asc")
df2 <- readr::read_fwf(
readr::fwf_positions(start = df$X6, end = df$X7, col_names = df$X5),
skip = 20,
na = missing_values
# Write output CSV
output_file <- paste0("OR_", data_source, "_", year, "_", data_type, ".csv")
write.csv(df2, file = output_file, row.names = FALSE)
#Output file: OR_SEDD_2021_CORE.csv

We can test what that our positions are right for reading in raw data by printing `df`.

```{r eval=FALSE}
# A tibble: 702 × 10
# X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10
# <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
# 1 OR 2021 CORE 1 AGE 1 3 NA Num Age in years at…
# 2 OR 2021 CORE 2 AGEDAY 4 6 NA Num Age in days (when…
# 3 OR 2021 CORE 3 AGEMONTH 7 9 NA Num Age in months (wh…
# 4 OR 2021 CORE 4 AHOUR 10 13 NA Num Admission Hour
# 5 OR 2021 CORE 5 AMONTH 14 15 NA Num Admission month
# 6 OR 2021 CORE 6 ATYPE 16 17 NA Num Admission type
# 7 OR 2021 CORE 7 AWEEKEND 18 19 NA Num Admission day is…
# 8 OR 2021 CORE 8 CPT1 20 24 NA Cha CPT/HCPCS procede…
# 9 OR 2021 CORE 9 CPT2 25 29 NA Cha CPT/HCPCS procedu…
# 10 OR 2021 CORE 10 CPT3 30 34 NA Cha CPT/HCPCS procedu…
# ℹ 692 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

## Downloading and Processing Exposure Data with the `amadeus` Package {#link-to-hcupAmadeus-2}

This section provides a step-by-step guide to downloading and processing wildfire smoke exposure data using the `amadeus` package. The process includes retrieving Hazard Mapping System (HMS) smoke plume data, spatially joining it with ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for Oregon, and calculating summary statistics on smoke density.

### Step 1: Define Time Range

The first step is to specify the date range for which we want to download wildfire smoke exposure data.

```{r eval=FALSE}
time_range <- c("2021-01-01", "2021-12-31") # Range of dates for exposure data

### Step 2: Download HMS Smoke Plume Data

Using the `amadeus::download_hms()` function, we download HMS smoke plume data in shapefile format within the specified time range. The data will be saved in a local directory.

```{r eval=FALSE}
data_format = "shapefile", # Specify format as shapefile
date = time_range, # Use the defined time range
directory_to_save = "./data", # Set the directory for saving files
acknowledgement = TRUE, # Accept the data use acknowledgement
download = TRUE # Enable downloading

### Step 3: Load Oregon ZIP Code Spatial Data

To analyze smoke exposure by geographic location, we retrieve ZCTA boundaries for Oregon using the `tigris` package.

```{r eval=FALSE}
or <- tigris::zctas(state = "OR", year = 2010) # Get Oregon ZCTA boundaries

### Step 4: Process HMS Data

Once the raw HMS data is downloaded, we process it using `process_hms()`. This function cleans and filters the data based on the given time range and geographic extent (Oregon ZCTAs).

```{r eval=FALSE}
cov_h <- process_hms(
date = time_range, # Specify the date range
path = "./data/data_files/", # Path to the downloaded data files
extent = sf::st_bbox(or) # Limit processing to Oregon's spatial extent

### Step 5: Extract Smoke Plume Values at ZIP Code Locations

Using `calculate_hms()`, we extract wildfire smoke plume values at the ZIP code (ZCTA) level. This function returns a data frame containing `locs_id`, `date`, and a binary variable for wildfire smoke plume density.

```{r eval=FALSE}
temp_covar <- calculate_hms(
covariate = "hms", # Specify the covariate type
from = cov_h, # Use the processed HMS data
locs = tigris::zctas(state = "OR", year = 2010), # Use Oregon ZIP code bounds
locs_id = "ZCTA5CE10", # Define ZIP code identifier
radius = 0, # No buffer radius
geom = "sf" # Return as an sf object
# Save processed data
saveRDS(temp_covar, "smoke_plume2021_covar.R")
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