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github-actions[bot] committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 84cbe4d commit ec72d3e
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178 changes: 47 additions & 131 deletions chapters/04-01-link-to-census.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,9 @@ This tutorial uses the `R` packages `sf` [@r-sf-1; @r-sf-2], `tidyverse` [@r-tid
```{r eval = FALSE}
# install required packages
install.packages(c("sf", "tidyverse", "tigris", "tmap"))

```{r eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE}
# load required packages
Expand All @@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ The first step is to prepare the geocoded addresses (i.e., geographic coordinate

For this tutorial, we will use sample public data to represent geocoded addresses of, for example, participants in a health cohort study. This sample public data will be the coordinates for the city halls of the five largest cities in North Carolina. These coordinates were identified by searching Google Maps. The following code reads these coordinates into a table in `R` with columns for `id`, `latitude`, and `longitude`:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE}
# create a table of sample public geocoded addresses
geo_addresses_tbl <- tibble(
id = c(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,19 +158,6 @@ geo_addresses_tbl <- tibble(

Here is the table produced by the code above:

```{r eval = FALSE}
# A tibble: 5 × 3
# id latitude longitude
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 01-charlotte 35.2 -80.8
# 2 02-raleigh 35.8 -78.6
# 3 03-greensboro 36.1 -79.8
# 4 04-durham 36.0 -78.9
# 5 05-winston-salem 36.1 -80.2

Next, we'll transform this table to an explicitly spatial data type: [simple features (sf)]( This will allow us to use the point locations for spatial analysis using the `sf` package in `R`.

To do this, we will need to specify the [coordinate reference system (CRS)]( used for the city hall coordinates. For this example, we retrieved the city hall coordinates from Google Maps, which uses the [World Geodetic System 1984]( (`WGS84`) CRS.
Expand All @@ -187,7 +176,7 @@ There are multiple formats available in `R` for [specifying the CRS](https://www

The following code transforms the table of city hall locations to a simple features object:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE}
# transform table to simple features
geo_addresses_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(geo_addresses_tbl,
coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
Expand All @@ -198,77 +187,27 @@ geo_addresses_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(geo_addresses_tbl,

Here is the description of the simple features object produced by the code above:

```{r eval = FALSE}
# Simple feature collection with 5 features and 1 field
# Geometry type: POINT
# Dimension: XY
# Bounding box: xmin: -80.80171 ymin: 35.21599 xmax: -78.64279 ymax: 36.09512
# Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
# # A tibble: 5 × 2
# id geometry
# * <chr> <POINT [°]>
# 1 01-charlotte (-80.80171 35.21599)
# 2 02-raleigh (-78.64279 35.78019)
# 3 03-greensboro (-79.78835 36.07391)
# 4 04-durham (-78.89907 35.99608)
# 5 05-winston-salem (-80.24284 36.09512)

Now, we can see that each city hall has associated `geometry` in point format. We can also confirm that the correct CRS (`WGS84`) is now associated with the city hall locations.

### Access Census Geographic Boundaries {#link-to-census-step-2}

The second step is to prepare the Census geographic boundaries for mapping in `R`. For this tutorial, we'll use the `tigris` package to load the Census tract boundaries for North Carolina in year-2010 (i.e., year-2010 vintage). Using an `R` package like `tigris` to load the Census geographic boundaries will help keep the workflow reproducible by documenting all of the steps in `R`. The following code reads the North Carolina 2010 Census tract boundaries into `R` as simple features:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, results = FALSE}
# download Census tracts in North Carolina in 2010 as simple features
nc_tracts_2010_sf <- tigris::tracts(state = "NC", year = 2010)
# view the first several rows of the Census tracts simple features

Here is the description of the simple features object produced by the code above:

```{r eval = FALSE}
# Simple feature collection with 6 features and 14 fields
# Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
# Dimension: XY
# Bounding box: xmin: -80.07571 ymin: 34.80499 xmax: -79.45918 ymax: 35.18342
# Geodetic CRS: NAD83
# 1 37 153 970100 37153970100 9701 Census Tract 9701 G5020
# 2 37 153 970200 37153970200 9702 Census Tract 9702 G5020
# 3 37 153 970800 37153970800 9708 Census Tract 9708 G5020
# 4 37 153 970900 37153970900 9709 Census Tract 9709 G5020
# 5 37 153 971000 37153971000 9710 Census Tract 9710 G5020
# 6 37 153 971100 37153971100 9711 Census Tract 9711 G5020
# 1 S 246281647 2106825 +35.0503203 -079.6180454
# 2 S 457736198 7835811 +35.0967892 -079.8225512
# 3 S 139358521 2752112 +34.8508484 -079.8201950
# 4 S 23311020 78240 +34.8785679 -079.7346295
# 5 S 49233222 188190 +34.9395795 -079.6628977
# 6. S 161136716 948938 +34.8751742 -079.6567146
# 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.56729 3... 153 37
# 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.71753 3... 153 37
# 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.76773 3... 153 37
# 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.76773 3... 153 37
# 5 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.69038 3... 153 37
# 6 MULTIPOLYGON (((-79.5684 34... 153 37

Each tract has associated `geometry` in polygon format plus 14 additional attributes (i.e., variables, columns). Importantly, the Census tract geoID (i.e., [11-digit identifying code](#intro-census-geoids)) for year-2010 is stored in the column `GEOID10`.

We can see that the CRS listed above for the Census tract boundaries (`NAD83`) is different from the CRS for the city hall locations (`WGS84`). This will be important for the [linkage step](#link-to-census-step-3).

Next, we can view the geometry of the tracts by creating a map:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE, fig.align = "center", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 0.4419055, out.width = '100%'}
# create a map of the Census tracts
nc_tracts_2010_map <- tmap::tm_shape(nc_tracts_2010_sf) +
tmap::tm_polygons(lwd = 0.5)
Expand All @@ -277,11 +216,6 @@ nc_tracts_2010_map <- tmap::tm_shape(nc_tracts_2010_sf) +

::: {.figure}
<img src="images/link_to_census/nc_tracts_2010_map.png" style="width:100%">
<figcaption>Census Tracts in North Carolina in 2010</figcaption>

Other [types and vintages of Census geographic boundaries]( are available through `tigris` and the related `tidycensus` package [@r-tidycensus]. In most cases, these boundaries are available for recent years (i.e., 1990 to present) and are accessed by state (i.e., users can download geographic boundaries for one state at a time, in separate files).

Census geographic boundaries are also available to download by state for years 2007 to present via the Census TIGER/Lines website [@census-tiger-line-shapefiles].
Expand All @@ -292,7 +226,7 @@ Historic Census geographic boundaries (i.e., 1910 to present) are available thro

The third step is to link each geocoded addresses to the geoID of the Census geographic unit that contains it. To do this, we'll first need to prepare the geocoded addresses and Census geographic boundaries in the same CRS. The following code transforms the CRS of the geocoded addresses to match the the CRS of the Census geographic boundaries (`NAD83`) and then maps them together:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE, fig.align = "center", fig.width = 8, fig.asp = 0.4419055, out.width = '100%'}
# transform city hall locations to match CRS of Census tracts
geo_addresses_crs_sf <- sf::st_transform(geo_addresses_sf,
crs = sf::st_crs(nc_tracts_2010_sf)
Expand All @@ -311,14 +245,9 @@ linkage_map <- tmap::tm_shape(nc_tracts_2010_sf) +

::: {.figure}
<img src="images/link_to_census/linkage_map.png" style="width:100%">
<figcaption>Census Tracts in North Carolina in 2010 (Grey) with Sample Geocoded Addresses (Red)</figcaption>

Now that the geocoded addresses and Census tracts are in the same CRS, we can link each geocoded address to the Census tract that contains it using a spatial join. The following code produces a table of geocoded addresses linked to Census tract geoIDs:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE}
# link geocoded addresses to the Census tracts that contain them
geo_addresses_linkage_sf <- sf::st_join(geo_addresses_crs_sf,
Expand All @@ -329,25 +258,10 @@ geo_addresses_linkage_tbl <- sf::st_drop_geometry(geo_addresses_linkage_sf) %>%
dplyr::rename(geoid_tract_2010 = GEOID10) %>%
dplyr::select(id, geoid_tract_2010)
# write linked table to CSV file
# view the linked table

```{r eval = FALSE}
# A tibble: 5 × 2
# id geoid_tract_2010
# <chr> <chr>
# 1 01-charlotte 37119001100
# 2 02-raleigh 37183050100
# 3 03-greensboro 37081010800
# 4 04-durham 37063002200
# 5 05-winston-salem 37067000100

### Link AHRQ SDOH Data to Geocoded Addresses {#link-to-census-step-4}

The fourth step is to link the AHRQ SDOH data to each geocoded address based on the Census geoID.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,35 +295,49 @@ We find that the Excel file has two sheets: `Layout` and `Data`. The `Layout` sh

The following code downloads the Excel file and reads its `Data` sheet into a table in `R`:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE}
# download Excel file using the URL provided in the screenshot above
sdoh_tracts_2010_url <-
download.file(sdoh_tracts_2010_url, destfile = "sdoh_2010_tract_1_0.xlsx")
# specify your file path for downloading the Excel file
sdoh_tracts_2010_xlsx <-
"/ YOUR FILE PATH /sdoh_2010_tract_1_0.xlsx"
# read the "Data" sheet of the Excel file into a table R
# note that you may need to provide a complete filepath for the Excel file
sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl <- readxl::read_xlsx("sdoh_2010_tract_1_0.xlsx",
sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl <- readxl::read_xlsx(sdoh_tracts_2010_xlsx,
sheet = "Data")

# view the table

```{r eval = FALSE, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, results = FALSE}
# download Excel file using the URL provided in the screenshot above
sdoh_tracts_2010_url <-
# specify your file path for downloading the Excel file
sdoh_tracts_2010_xlsx <-
# read the "Data" sheet of the Excel file into a table R
# note that you may need to provide a complete filepath for the Excel file
sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl <- readxl::read_xlsx(sdoh_tracts_2010_xlsx,
sheet = "Data")

```{r eval = FALSE}
# A tibble: 6 × 355
# <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 2010 01001020100 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# 2 2010 01001020200 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# 3 2010 01001020300 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# 4 2010 01001020400 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# 5 2010 01001020500 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# 6 2010 01001020600 01001 01 Alabama Autauga County South
# ℹ 348 more variables: TERRITORY <dbl>, ACS_TOT_POP_WT <dbl>,
# ACS_TOT_POP_ABOVE15 <dbl>, ACS_TOT_POP_ABOVE16 <dbl>, …
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names
```{r eval = TRUE, include = FALSE}
# read in the RDS file
tmp <- tempdir()
unzip("./dataset/ahrq/", exdir = tmp)
sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl <-
readr::read_csv(file.path(tmp, "sdoh_2010_tract_1_0.csv"))

```{r eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE}
# view the top of the table

We can see that the variable `TRACTFIPS` contains the 11-digit geoID for Census tracts in character format, which matches the geoID format we prepared in the previous [step](#link-to-census-step-3) .
Expand All @@ -428,7 +356,7 @@ For this example, we can choose to link the following sample of SDOH variables i

The following code joins those SDOH data variables to the geocoded addresses based on the Census tract geoID:

```{r eval = FALSE}
```{r eval = TRUE}
# rename geoID in SDOH table to match the geoID in the geocoded addresses table
# select the SDOH variables of interest
sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl <- sdoh_tracts_2010_tbl %>%
Expand All @@ -447,26 +375,14 @@ geo_addresses_sdoh_tbl <- dplyr::left_join(geo_addresses_linkage_tbl,

Now, we have a linked table of geocoded addresses (by individual id) linked to the SDOH data. We can also save the linked table as a CSV file using the following code:

```{r eval = FALSE}
# A tibble: 5 × 5
# id geoid_tract_2010 ACS_PCT_INC50 POS_DIST_ED_TRACT
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 01-charlotte 37119001100 3.68 0.85
# 2 02-raleigh 37183050100 6.77 2.8
# 3 03-greensboro 37081010800 6.16 0.99
# 4 04-durham 37063002200 25.9 2.62
# 5 05-winston-salem 37067000100 9.01 3.35
# <dbl>
# 1 7.24
# 2 25.5
# 3 16.4
# 4 7.63
# 5 16.5
# write linked table to CSV file using your file path
"/ YOUR FILE PATH /geo-addresses-sdoh.csv")

Now, we have a linked table of geocoded addresses (by individual id) linked to the SDOH data.

## Concluding Remarks

This tutorial demonstrates how to link geocoded addresses for individuals to Census geographic boundaries and then to SDOH data available for those Census geographic boundaries. Additional tabular data available for Census geographic boundaries can then be readily linked to further develop an integrated dataset for individuals. Such integrated datasets can be used to investigate relationships between SDOH and health outcomes for individuals.
Binary file added dataset/ahrq/
Binary file not shown.

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