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Merge pull request #289 from NIEHS/stable
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JoQCcoz authored Jul 9, 2024
2 parents 45f6fd2 + 33400aa commit bf8dc84
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Showing 109 changed files with 3,029 additions and 570 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Docker/Dockerfile-smartscope
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ COPY --link ctffind /opt/
COPY --link miniconda3/ /opt/miniconda3/
COPY smartscope/ /opt/smartscope/
COPY external_plugins/ /opt/external_plugins/
COPY Smartscope-connector /opt/Smartscope-connector/

# RUN wget --no-check-certificate && \
Expand All @@ -63,7 +64,8 @@ RUN mkdir /opt/logs/ /mnt/fake_scope/ /mnt/fake_scope/raw/ /mnt/fake_scope/movie
RUN chmod 777 -R /mnt/ && \
chmod 777 -R /opt/logs/ && \
chmod 777 /opt/shared/ && \
chmod 777 /opt/config/
chmod 777 /opt/config/ && \
chmod -R 777 /opt/Template_files
# chmod 777 /mnt/testfiles/

USER smartscope_user
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Docker/SmartScope/docker-compose.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
version: "3"
restart: always
######## FILL THIS ##########
Expand Down
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions Docker/SmartScope/smartscope.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# Define constants
$cmd_file = "dockerCmd.txt"
$dockerRepo = ""
$composeCmd = "docker compose"
$dockerCmd = "docker"

# Check if the command file exists and read commands
if (Test-Path $cmd_file) {
$cmds = Get-Content $cmd_file
$dockerCmd = $cmds[0]
$composeCmd = $cmds[1]

# Define the help text function
function Show-Help {
Usage: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) subcommand [command]
========== ===========
start Start SmartScope
stop Stop SmartScope
restart Restart SmartScope
setup Setup the SmartScope directories
update [version] Update SmartScope to the specified version. Choices: ['latest','stable'] (default: latest)
run [command] Run a SmartScope command in the SmartScope container
exec [command] Run any shell command in the SmartScope container
python Runs an interactive ipython shell inside the SmartScope container
Write-Output $OPTIONS

# Define the stop function
function Stop-SmartScope {
Write-Output "Stopping SmartScope"
& $composeCmd down

# Define the start function
function Start-SmartScope {
$env:UID = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
$env:GID = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value
Write-Output "Starting SmartScope"
& $composeCmd -f docker-compose.yml -f smartscope.yml up -d

# Define the prompt function
function Prompt-YesNo ($question) {
while ($true) {
Write-Output "$question (y/n)"
$user_input = Read-Host

if ($user_input -eq "y") {
return $true
} elseif ($user_input -eq "n") {
return $false
} else {
Write-Output "Invalid choice. Please enter 'yes' or 'no'."

# Define the check for updates function
function Check-ForUpdates ($version) {
Write-Output "Checking for updates to version $version"
$online_sha = & $dockerCmd manifest inspect $dockerRepo:$version | Select-String -Pattern '"digest": "sha256:([^"]*)"' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
$local_sha = & $dockerCmd inspect --format "{{.ID}}" $dockerRepo:$version | ForEach-Object { $_.Split(':')[1] }
Write-Output "Online sha: $online_sha`nLocal sha: $local_sha"
if ($online_sha -eq $local_sha) {
return $false
} else {
return $true

# Process the argument
$argument = if ($args.Count -gt 0) { $args[0] } else { Show-Help; exit 1 }

Set-Location (Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)

switch ($argument) {
"start" {
if (Check-ForUpdates 'latest') {
Write-Output "A new release is available. Run 'smartscope.ps1 update latest' to update to the latest version."
if (Check-ForUpdates 'stable') {
Write-Output "A new beta version is available. Run 'smartscope.ps1 update stable' to update to the new beta version."
"stop" {
"restart" {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
"run" {
$cmd = "$composeCmd exec smartscope $($args[1..$args.Length - 1] -join ' ')"
Write-Output "Executing command inside the SmartScope container:`n$cmd"
iex $cmd
"help" { Show-Help }
"-h" { Show-Help }
"--help" { Show-Help }
"python" {
Write-Output "Running a python shell inside the SmartScope container"
& $composeCmd exec -it smartscope shell -i ipython
"exec" {
Write-Output "Executing shell command inside the SmartScope container:"
& $composeCmd exec -it smartscope $args[1..$args.Length - 1]
"setup" {
$version = if ($args.Count -gt 1) { $args[1] } else { 'latest' }
Write-Output "Setting up the latest version of SmartScope"
if ($version -eq 'latest') { $version = 'main' }
Write-Output "Setting up the SmartScope directories"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path logs, shared/nginx, shared/auth, shared/smartscope, db, data, backups
foreach ($file in @("docker-compose.yml", "smartscope.yml", "smartscope.conf", "database.conf")) {
Write-Output "Pulling $file from $version"
if (Test-Path $file) {
Write-Output "$file already exists. Skipping."
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$version/Docker/SmartScope/$file" -OutFile $file
Write-Output "Pulling initialdb.sql from $version"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$version/Docker/SmartScope/shared/initialdb.sql" -OutFile "shared/initialdb.sql"
"update" {
$version = if ($args.Count -gt 1) { $args[1] } else { 'latest' }
Write-Output "Updating SmartScope to version: $version"
if (-not (Check-ForUpdates $version)) {
if (-not (Prompt-YesNo "You already have the docker image corresponding to version $version. Do you want to update this instance anyway?")) {
exit 0

$backupDir = "backups/$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd')_config_pre_update"
if (Prompt-YesNo "Do you want to back up the database? (Highly recommended)") {
Write-Output "Backing up the database. This may take a few minutes."
& $composeCmd exec smartscope backup_db
Write-Output "Creating a backup of the configuration in $backupDir"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $backupDir
Copy-Item -Path docker-compose.yml, smartscope.yml, smartscope.conf, database.conf, smartscope.ps1 -Destination $backupDir
Write-Output "Pulling updated docker-compose.yml"
$repo_url = "$version/Docker/SmartScope"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$repo_url/docker-compose.yml" -OutFile "docker-compose.yml"
Write-Output "Pulling docker image"
& $composeCmd pull smartscope
if (Prompt-YesNo "Files updated, do you want to restart SmartScope") {
& $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path restart
default {
Write-Output "Unknown command error: $argument"
exit 1
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions Smartscope.egg-info/PKG-INFO

This file was deleted.

12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions Smartscope.egg-info/SOURCES.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Smartscope.egg-info/dependency_links.txt

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions Smartscope.egg-info/requires.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Smartscope.egg-info/top_level.txt

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Smartscope/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import sys

version_file = Path(__file__).parents[1].resolve() / 'VERSION'
__version__ = version_file.read_text()
__version__ = version_file.read_text().strip()

LOGLEVEL = os.getenv('LOGLEVEL') if os.getenv('LOGLEVEL') is not None else 'DEBUG'

Expand Down
125 changes: 100 additions & 25 deletions Smartscope/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,27 @@
# from asyncio import protocols
import os
from typing import List
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union
from pathlib import Path
import yaml

import logging
import importlib
import sys
from Smartscope.lib.Datatypes.base_plugin import Finder, Classifier, Selector
from Smartscope.lib.Datatypes.base_plugin import BaseFeatureAnalyzer, Finder, Classifier, Selector
from Smartscope.lib.Datatypes.base_protocol import BaseProtocol

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def register_plugin(data):
if not 'pluginClass' in data.keys():
out_class = Finder
if 'Classifier' in data['targetClass']:
out_class = Classifier
if data['targetClass'] == ['Selector']:
out_class = Selector
split = data['pluginClass'].split('.')
module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(split[:-1]))
out_class = getattr(module, split[-1])
return out_class

def register_plugins(directories, factory):
for directory in directories:
Expand All @@ -20,20 +30,11 @@ def register_plugins(directories, factory):
with open(file) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load(f)

if not 'pluginClass' in data.keys():
out_class = Finder
if 'Classifier' in data['targetClass']:
out_class = Classifier
if data['targetClass'] == ['Selector']:
out_class = Selector
split = data['pluginClass'].split('.')
module = importlib.import_module('.'.join(split[:-1]))
out_class = getattr(module, split[-1])
out_class = register_plugin(data)

factory[data['name']] = out_class.parse_obj(data)
factory[data['name']] = out_class.model_validate(data)

def get_active_plugins_list(external_plugins_directory,external_plugins_list):
def get_active_plugins_list(external_plugins_directory,external_plugins_list) -> List[Path]:
with open(external_plugins_list,'r') as file:
return [external_plugins_directory / plugin.strip() for plugin in file.readlines()]

Expand All @@ -43,21 +44,95 @@ def register_protocols(directories:List[Path], factory):
logger.debug(f'Registering protocol {file}')
with open(file) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load(f)
factory[data['name']] = BaseProtocol.parse_obj(data)
factory[data['name']] = BaseProtocol.model_validate(data)

def register_external_plugins(external_plugins_list,plugins_factory,protocols_factory):
def register_external_protocols(external_plugins_list,protocols_factory):
for path in external_plugins_list:
sys.path.insert(0, str(path))
# register_plugins([path/'smartscope_plugin'/'plugins'],plugins_factory)

def get_protocol_commands(external_plugins_list):
from Smartscope.core.protocol_commands import protocolCommandsFactory
for path in external_plugins_list:
sys.path.insert(0, str(path))
module = importlib.import_module('smartscope_plugin.protocol_commands')
module = importlib.import_module( +'.smartscope_plugin.protocol_commands')
protocol_commands= getattr(module,'protocolCommandsFactory')
return protocolCommandsFactory
return protocolCommandsFactory

class PluginDoesnNotExistError(Exception):

def __init__(self, plugin, plugins:Optional[Dict]= None) -> None:
if plugins is not None:
plugins = '\n- '.join(sorted(list(plugins.keys())))
message = f"Plugin \'{plugin}\' does not exist. Available plugins are:\n- {plugins}"

class PluginFactory:
_plugins_directories: List[Path] = []
_external_plugins_directory: Optional[Path] = None
_external_plugins_list_file: Optional[Path] = None
_plugins_list: List[Path] = []
_plugins_data: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
_factory: Dict[str, BaseFeatureAnalyzer] = {}

def __init__(self, *plugins_directory: Union[str,Path], external_plugins_list_file: Optional[Union[str,Path]]=None, external_plugins_directory: Optional[Union[str,Path]]=None) -> None:
for directory in plugins_directory:
if all([external_plugins_list_file is not None, external_plugins_directory is not None]):
self._external_plugins_list_file = Path(external_plugins_list_file)
self._external_plugins_directory = Path(external_plugins_directory)

def parse_plugins_directories(self) -> None:
for directory in self._plugins_directories:
self._plugins_list += list(directory.glob('*.yaml'))
if self._external_plugins_directory is not None:
external_plugins = get_active_plugins_list(self._external_plugins_directory, self._external_plugins_list_file)
for plugin in external_plugins:
self._plugins_list += list((plugin/'smartscope_plugin'/'plugins').glob('*.yaml'))

def read_plugin_file(self, file) -> None:
logger.debug(f'Reading plugin {file}')
with open(file) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load(f)
self._plugins_data[data['name']] = data

def read_plugins_files(self) -> None:
for file in self._plugins_list:

def register_plugin(self, name:str) -> None:
data = self._plugins_data[name]
out_class = register_plugin(data)
logger.debug(f'Registering plugin {name}')
self._factory[name] = out_class.model_validate(data)

def register_plugins(self):
for name in self._plugins_data.keys():

def get_plugin(self, name) -> BaseFeatureAnalyzer:
if self._factory == {}:
logger.debug('No plugins registered, loading plugins now.')
if (plugin := self._factory.get(name)) is not None:
logger.debug(f'Getting plugin {name}')
return plugin
raise PluginDoesnNotExistError(name, self._factory)

def get_plugins(self):
if self._factory == {}:
logger.debug('No plugins registered, loading plugins now.')
return self._factory

def load_plugins(self):
self._plugins_list = []
self._plugins_data = {}
self._factory = {}

def reload_plugins(self):

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