Welcome to the main project management repository. To ensure transparency and foster active community engagement, GREI established this platform in Year 3 to share its objectives and related tasks during the project timeline. The community can access detailed information about our goals and ongoing efforts here: https://about.zenodo.org/projects/grei/
The vision of the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) is to develop collaborative approaches for data management and sharing through the inclusion of generalist repositories in the NIH data ecosystem. GREI also aims to better enable search and discovery of NIH-funded data in generalist repositories.
GREI’s mission is twofold:
The primary mission is to establish a common set of cohesive and consistent capabilities, services, metrics, and social infrastructure across generalist repositories.
The secondary mission is to raise general awareness and help researchers adopt FAIR principles to better share and reuse data.
GREI currently includes seven established generalist repositories that work together to establish consistent metadata, develop use cases for data sharing and reuse, train and educate researchers on FAIR data and the importance of sharing:
- Start by navigating the Year 3 objectives: Y3-NIH-GREI: Approved NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 3 - Overall Summary
- Within the Year 3 Objectives, the Task Group PM issue holds all task groups, tasks and deliverables, and expected outputs, including links to those outputs when available
- Each ACTIVE task and deliverable contains the GitHub contact information for the group co-leads and members.
- Within the Year 3 Objectives, the Task Group PM issue holds all task groups, tasks and deliverables, and expected outputs, including links to those outputs when available
- Year 1 and Year 2 goals and deliverables are also available for review
As a stakeholder, researcher, or interested community member:
- utilize GREI's "DISCUSSION" feature to initiate discussions on any GREI related topic: GREI Discussion Board
This is the main repository for NIH-GREI project management tracking issues. Each year, GREI establishes goals around its main objectives and designates Task Groups to bring those goals to completion. The following Coopetition Plan Year tracking issues link to all other tracking issues. By design, some of the documents, or other resources linked from tracking issues may not be publicly accessible.
- Main Issue for all Task Groups
- Y3-NIH-GREI: Approved NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 3 - Overall Summary
- Y2-NIH-GREI: Approved NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 2 - Overall Summary
- Y1-NIH-GREI: Approved NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 1 - Overall Summary
- NIH GREI Coopetition CWG Principles and Code of Conduct (updated document not yet available, add after July CWG meeting)
- GREI Team Roster
- GREI Year 3 Task Group Leads & Members Rosters
GREI Coopetition Working Group shared Google Drive folder
- NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 3
- NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 2
- NIH GREI Coopetition Plan Year 1 & NIH GREI Coopetition Working Group Year 1 Summary
Parking lot of ideas (document collecting ideas for future GREI coopeition work)
- NIH ODSS Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (Official NIH GREI webpage)
- The GREI Zenodo Community (published GREI outputs)
- The GREI Community Blog on Medium
- GREI Google Group Forum (join link for GREI email list, which can be used for delivering updates and to initiate discussion)
- GREI Feedback Form (public feedback form)
Used for tracking, managing, and monitoring tracking issues in GREI repo
NIH-GREI Project Management Dashboards
- Year 3 Co Chairs PM
- GREI Repositories
- GREI Objectives
- Community Engagement
- Task Groups
- Y3 Tasks
- Y3 Deliverables
- All by category
Tracking issues are GitHub issues in the GREI repository connecting with deliverables, strategic objectives, and resource monitoring and reporting requirements.
Tracking issues:
- Provide predictable, accessible locations to record and retrieve status on any activity requiring tracking.
- Contain links to documentation, communications channels (e.g., Slack), and other related resources.
NIH GREI team members should create a tracking issue in this repository whenever they need tasks tracked, managed, and reported on across multiple sprints.
Smaller units of work defined by GREI (e.g., set of well-defined, related issues) that have specific deliverables. Usually part of epics.
Products of Tasks, defined by GREI
Development of a proposal for investigating or addressing a problem. When approved, proposals may become projects or go into production.
Development and delivery of a specific report (e.g., project status)
Issue for regular monitoring of a system, a resource, or other repeating task