This is a javafx project which contains list of items to be done along with their detailed description and due date.
A brief overview of this app :
Red color text signifies items due today.
Orange color text signifies items due tommorow.
Green color text signifies items whose deadline are over.
Black color text signifies items due for day after tommorow.
Button with a add icon to add new Deadline.
Another way to add a new Deadline is go to file , select new Deadline.
After selecting add new Deadline , A new Widnow will generated asking to fill details about this new Deadline , then click ok
After clicking OK , new Deadline will be created and shown .
To delete a Deadline , right click on any item on left side or simply press delete key from your keyboard.
After selecting delete option , a conformation window will be generated , asking to confirm delete operation of selected Deadline
After pressing ok , that item will be deleted from Todo items.