Version 1.0.13
Update user category exclusion handling in API and APIv2 (3b31118)
Check if request has api_token(v2 API) or apikey(v1 API) (a8aecf2)
Switch from groupfixrelnames to fixRelNames script (cc492ac)
Update PPA class, use File facade in additional postprocessing and files management (96a48af)
Do not show used query in NameFixer, clutters screen and is not needed if not debugging (02542d0)
Update searchIndexes function and use it in NameFixer and speedup predb search in admin area (6be3a34)
Update releases renaming, especialy XXX releases (8b77c8c)
- Use Bootstrap 4 and adjust Gentele for BS4
- Add migrations_table.sql so users that are patched run it and be able to use laravel's migrate method from now on (4d3e0cf)
- Use sphinx for predb filename matching (fd1b279)
- Fix checks of missing itunes data (b0521e4)
- Prevent query error on empty movie page (when no movies have been added yet) (c2f4932)
- Remove requirement for userid when using RSS, API and APIv2, its useless as we already have the token (327b6be)
- Remove Versions classes and all related data (1077c46)
- Remove old add_triggers migration and create completely new with new code (b193359)
Breaking changes: