Releases: NNTmux/newznab-tmux
Bugfix release
Fix the paginate/search issues properly this time
Bugfix release
- Fix error related to empty search result returned
Version 1.0.17
- Use only complete threaded update for binaries (e9c8029)
- Switch from SphinxSearch to Manticore in sphinx.conf (649581a)
- Update fixtures:up and :down commands to accept optional parameters (be277fc)
- Use pear/net_nntp from github and adjust our NNTP class (7a5a1ae)
- Add config/nntmux_nntp.php and use the config in NNTP class (0e49c06)
- Update BTC support to take into account current role expiration date (8f37840)
- Replace usage of str_ helper with Str class directly to prepare for Laravel 5.8 changes (4b4de3a)
- Replace usage of array_ helper with Arr class directly to prepare for Laravel 5.8 changes (08b8edb)
- Use transactions where possible in ProcessReleases class (239570e)
- Simplify expressions to reduce cognitive load in ProcessAdditional class (bd5309b)
- Add try-catch block to archiveinfo to catch errors (f18a97a)
- Add missing STATUS_DISABLED to admin/CategoryController (6a31eb0)
- Optimize RSS and search queries to load only needed columns from releases table (7737551)
- Fix insert_hashes trigger migration (Fixes issue #846) (6fe873c)
- Fix misc/tesing/PostProc/updateXXXImages.php script error (fixes issue #852) (2d3d45e)
- Fix error on search with argument 16 not being an array but null (b9eb3ef)
- Fix XML_Response atom:link url reported for api v1 (57478ee)
- Fix total count of console releases that made console covers page to show only 1 page (97a0e8f)
Version 1.0.16
- Update tmux-ui:stop command to use --kill or -k option if tmux session needs to be killed (651a803 , 06e6bc7)
- Add attributes to predb_rt index (1e7cba9)
- Update predb filename and title check to use only predb_rt index (74ec199)
- Update Categorize class a.b.e group matching (7110e41)
- Update directories that need to be cleaned up after PPA (add unzip folder) (5673918)
- Update laravel/framework to version 5.7.21
- Update config/irc_settings.php
- Fix predb_import_daily_batch.php (442c16b)
Version 1.0.15
- Simplify UpdateNNTmuxDB.php handle function, use native artisan commands without Symfony Process component
- Use config key in place of env in firewall config file
- Update Blacklight/processing/adult/Popporn class
- Fix config/nntmux.php db_name value (Fixes issue #841)
Version 1.0.14
- Revert Binaries to pre-tpg and mgr state, with single tables for binaries, collections, parts and missed_parts
- Update Binaries class, add unique index to binaries table
- Update base laravel classess and middleware
- Update laravel/framework to version 5.7.20
- Alter Binaries class xref updates and adjust nzb creation accordingly
- Update nntmux:all command to stop tmux on start and start it after the process is complete at the end
- Make monitor_delay value 30 seconds in place of old 300 (5 minutes)
- Log Binaries class errors into storage/logs/laravel.log
- Add getRawHTMLThroughCF function to helpers.php
Version 1.0.13
Update user category exclusion handling in API and APIv2 (3b31118)
Check if request has api_token(v2 API) or apikey(v1 API) (a8aecf2)
Switch from groupfixrelnames to fixRelNames script (cc492ac)
Update PPA class, use File facade in additional postprocessing and files management (96a48af)
Do not show used query in NameFixer, clutters screen and is not needed if not debugging (02542d0)
Update searchIndexes function and use it in NameFixer and speedup predb search in admin area (6be3a34)
Update releases renaming, especialy XXX releases (8b77c8c)
- Use Bootstrap 4 and adjust Gentele for BS4
- Add migrations_table.sql so users that are patched run it and be able to use laravel's migrate method from now on (4d3e0cf)
- Use sphinx for predb filename matching (fd1b279)
- Fix checks of missing itunes data (b0521e4)
- Prevent query error on empty movie page (when no movies have been added yet) (c2f4932)
- Remove requirement for userid when using RSS, API and APIv2, its useless as we already have the token (327b6be)
- Remove Versions classes and all related data (1077c46)
- Remove old add_triggers migration and create completely new with new code (b193359)
Breaking changes:
Version 1.0.12
Too many updates to be listed here.
- Use iTunes to fetch audio and movie data
- Add auto-cleanup of tmp/unrar folder and its subfolders
- Fix groupfixrelnames script
- Add local crc32 matching in NameFixer
Release 1.0.11
Changes and fixes:
- Add x265 Movies and TV categories (edd80df)
- Add support for tagging releases (allows releases to be tagged into multiple or custom categories) (8211201, d2a373d, 7be7435, d900301, 9538276, c2e2c5d, 6f98803)
- Update Registration and Login controllers (08ddca1)
- Add config/captcha.php and use it in place of direct env file call (fb7d9d6)
- Update helpers makeFieldLinks function to properly create links, update Movie class and MovieController (530547a)
- Use laravel queue for sending emails (eb90c9e)
- Remove fxp/composer-asset-manager and use npm, laravel-mix and webpack to generate unified css and js files (2a50fbc, f1f8fc9, d1e3aa2, 5682fc3, 53a8aae)
- Update used libraries to their latest versions
Please check to properly setup your site to utilize email queues.
For new tagging support, you need to run php misc/run_me_once/add_tags_to_releases.php
to add tags to existing releases.
Version 1.0.10
- Use transactions in NZB class (907b3b2)
- Updates to additional postprocessing, including new mediainfo library
- Update full site rss feed with ability to define limit and num(offset) for getting more releases from rss (e065a8a)
- Update routes/web.php, use new role_or_permission middleware and group routes that use fw-block-blacklisted middleware (8453ebf)
- Use escapeString function in queries
- Use league/climate in ColorCLI class (bafe7c6)
- Many smaller fixes that make NNTmux run better