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How to clone the Github NOAA_3drtma repository and create a new branch

EdwardColon-NOAA edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 1 revision

First, ensure that you have properly configured the machine so that it can access the Github repository (NOAA_3drtma).

To clone the NOAA_3drtma repository, use the following command:

  git clone

Once the cloning process is complete, you go into your new EMC_noaa-3drtma directory.
By default, you will be in the master branch. You can verify this by using:

  git branch

You should see master with an asterisk next to it (* master)
To create a new branch from the master, use:

  git checkout -b branch-name

This will create a new branch, branch-name, and check it out.
To ensure that you are in your new branch, use:

  git branch

You should see that the asterisk is now next to your new branch (* branch-name)

Example of creating a new branch

I've cloned a fresh copy of the NOAA_3drtma repository and I need to create a new branch for development.
Within EMC_noaa-3drtma, I ensure that I am currently in the master branch:

[Ming.Hu@tfe07 EMC_noaa-3drtma]$ git branch
* master

Everything looks good, so I will now create a new branch from the master:

[Ming.Hu@tfe07 EMC_noaa-3drtma]$ git checkout -b build_initial_system
Switched to a new branch 'build_initial_system'

Now, I need to make sure that I'm in my new branch:

[Ming.Hu@tfe07 EMC_noaa-3drtma]$ git branch
* build_initial_system

I'm good to go! Now I can begin my development in the build_initial_system branch.