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Merge pull request #25 from DeniseWorthen/feature/addfortranpost
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Add fortran code for ice or ocn post
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aerorahul authored Oct 20, 2023
2 parents a283262 + 0a404fe commit 50a06ee
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,399 additions and 0 deletions.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions src/ocnicepost.fd/arrays_mod.F90
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module arrays_mod

use init_mod , only : nxt, nyt, nlevs, nxr, nyr
use init_mod , only : debug, logunit
use init_mod , only : vardefs

implicit none

integer :: nbilin2d !< the number of 2D fields mapped bilinearly
integer :: nbilin3d !< the number of 3D fields mapped bilinearly
integer :: nconsd2d !< the number of 2D fields mapped conservatively

! source arrays
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: bilin2d !< packed 2D source fields for bilinear remap
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: consd2d !< packed 2D source fields for conservative remap
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: bilin3d !< packed 3D source fields for bilinear remap

type(vardefs), allocatable, dimension(:) :: b2d !< variable metadata for 2D source fields bilinear remap
type(vardefs), allocatable, dimension(:) :: c2d !< variable metadata for 2D source fields conservative remap
type(vardefs), allocatable, dimension(:) :: b3d !< variable metadata for 3D source fields bilinear remap

! destination arrays
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rgb2d !< packed 2D fields with bilinear remap
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rgc2d !< packed 2D fields with conservative remap
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: rgb3d !< packed 3D fields with bilinear remap

real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dstlon !< the destination grid longitudes
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dstlat !< the destination grid latitudes

public setup_packing


subroutine setup_packing(nvalid, vars)

type(vardefs), intent(inout) :: vars(:)
integer , intent(in) :: nvalid

! local variables
integer :: n,i,j,k

! --------------------------------------------------------
! count numbers of fields to remapped for each
! mapping type; these can be remapped as packed arrays
! --------------------------------------------------------

nbilin2d = 0; nbilin3d = 0; nconsd2d = 0
do n = 1,nvalid
if (trim(vars(n)%var_remapmethod) == 'bilinear') then
if (vars(n)%var_dimen == 2) nbilin2d = nbilin2d + 1
if (vars(n)%var_dimen == 3) nbilin3d = nbilin3d + 1
end if
if (trim(vars(n)%var_remapmethod) == 'conserve')nconsd2d = nconsd2d + 1 !no 3d variables w/ conservative mapping
end do
if (debug) write(logunit,'(3(a,i4))')'bilin 2d ',nbilin2d,' bilin 3d ',nbilin3d,' conserv 2d ',nconsd2d

! initialization required when compiled with sinit_arrays=nan
if (nbilin2d > 0) then
allocate(bilin2d(nxt*nyt,nbilin2d)); bilin2d = 0.0
if (debug) write(logunit,'(a)')'allocate bilin2d fields and types '
end if
if (nconsd2d > 0) then
allocate(consd2d(nxt*nyt,nconsd2d)); consd2d = 0.0
if (debug) write(logunit,'(a)')'allocate consd2d fields and types '
end if
if (nbilin3d > 0) then
allocate(bilin3d(nxt*nyt,nlevs,nbilin3d)); bilin3d = 0.0
if (debug) write(logunit,'(a)')'allocate bilin3d fields and types '
end if

! --------------------------------------------------------
! create types for each packed array and fill values
! --------------------------------------------------------

i = 0; j = 0; k = 0
do n = 1,nvalid
if (trim(vars(n)%var_remapmethod) == 'bilinear') then
if (vars(n)%var_dimen == 2 .and. allocated(b2d)) then
i = i+1; b2d(i) = vars(n)
end if
if (vars(n)%var_dimen == 3 .and. allocated(b3d)) then
j = j+1; b3d(j) = vars(n)
end if
end if
if (trim(vars(n)%var_remapmethod) == 'conserve' .and. allocated(c2d)) then
k = k+1; c2d(k) = vars(n)
end if
end do

! --------------------------------------------------------
! create arrays for remapped packed fields
! --------------------------------------------------------

if (nbilin2d > 0) then
allocate(rgb2d(nxr*nyr,nbilin2d)); rgb2d = 0.0
end if
if (nconsd2d > 0) then
allocate(rgc2d(nxr*nyr,nconsd2d)); rgc2d = 0.0
end if
if (nbilin3d > 0) then
allocate(rgb3d(nxr*nyr,nlevs,nbilin3d)); rgb3d = 0.0
end if

end subroutine setup_packing
end module arrays_mod
158 changes: 158 additions & 0 deletions src/ocnicepost.fd/init_mod.F90
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@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
module init_mod

implicit none


real, parameter :: maxvars = 50 !< The maximum number of fields expected in a source file

type :: vardefs
character(len= 10) :: var_name !< A variable's variable name
character(len=120) :: long_name !< A variable's long name
character(len= 20) :: units !< A variable's unit
character(len= 10) :: var_remapmethod !< A variable's mapping method
integer :: var_dimen !< A variable's dimensionality
character(len= 4) :: var_grid !< A variable's input grid location; all output locations are on cell centers
character(len= 10) :: var_pair !< A variable's pair
character(len= 4) :: var_pair_grid !< A pair variable grid
real :: var_fillvalue !< A variable's fillvalue
end type vardefs

type(vardefs) :: outvars(maxvars) !< An empty structure filled by reading a csv file describing the fields

character(len=10) :: ftype !< The type of tripole grid (ocean or ice)
character(len=10) :: fsrc !< A character string for tripole grid
character(len=10) :: fdst !< A character string for the destination grid
character(len=120) :: wgtsdir !< The directory containing the regridding weights
character(len=20) :: input_file !< The input file name
character(len=10) :: maskvar !< The variable in the source file used to create the interpolation mask

! rotation angles
character(len=10) :: sinvar !< The variable in the source file containing the cosine of the rotation angle (ocean only)
character(len=10) :: cosvar !< The variable in the source file containing the sine of the rotation angle (ocean only)
character(len=10) :: angvar !< The variable in the source file containing the rotation angle (ice only)

integer :: nxt !< The x-dimension of the source tripole grid
integer :: nyt !< The y-dimension of the source tripole grid
integer :: nlevs !< The vertical dimension of the source tripole grid

integer :: nxr !< The x-dimension of the destination rectilinear grid
integer :: nyr !< The y-dimension of the destination rectilinear grid

integer :: logunit !< The log unit
logical :: debug !< If true, print debug messages and intermediate files
logical :: do_ocnpost !< If true, the source file is ocean, otherwise ice


subroutine readnml

! local variable
character(len=40) :: fname
integer :: ierr, iounit
integer :: srcdims(3), dstdims(2)

namelist /ocnicepost_nml/ ftype, srcdims, wgtsdir, dstdims, maskvar, sinvar, cosvar, &
angvar, debug

! --------------------------------------------------------
! read the name list
! --------------------------------------------------------

srcdims = 0; dstdims = 0
sinvar=''; cosvar=''; angvar=''

fname = 'ocnicepost.nml'
inquire (file=trim(fname), iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
write (6, '(3a)') 'Error: input file "', trim(fname), '" does not exist.'
end if

! Open and read namelist file.
open (action='read', file=trim(fname), iostat=ierr, newunit=iounit)
read (nml=ocnicepost_nml, iostat=ierr, unit=iounit)
if (ierr /= 0) then
write (6, '(a)') 'Error: invalid namelist format.'
end if
close (iounit)
nxt = srcdims(1); nyt = srcdims(2)
nxr = dstdims(1); nyr = dstdims(2)
If (srcdims(3) > 0) nlevs = srcdims(3)

! initialize the source file type and variables
if (trim(ftype) == 'ocean') then
do_ocnpost = .true.
do_ocnpost = .false.
end if
input_file = trim(ftype)//'.nc'

open(newunit=logunit, file=trim(ftype)//'.post.log',form='formatted')
if (debug) write(logunit, '(a)')'input file: '//trim(input_file)

! set grid names
fsrc = ''
if (nxt == 1440 .and. nyt == 1080) fsrc = 'mx025' ! 1/4deg tripole
if (nxt == 720 .and. nyt == 576) fsrc = 'mx050' ! 1/2deg tripole
if (nxt == 360 .and. nyt == 320) fsrc = 'mx100' ! 1deg tripole
if (nxt == 72 .and. nyt == 35) fsrc = 'mx500' ! 5deg tripole
if (len_trim(fsrc) == 0) then
write(logunit,'(a)')'source grid dimensions unknown'
end if

fdst = ''
if (nxr == 1440 .and. nyr == 721) fdst = '0p25' ! 1/4deg rectilinear
if (nxr == 720 .and. nyr == 361) fdst = '0p5' ! 1/2 deg rectilinear
if (nxr == 360 .and. nyr == 181) fdst = '1p0' ! 1 deg rectilinear
if (len_trim(fdst) == 0) then
write(logunit,'(a)')'destination grid dimensions unknown'
end if

!TODO: test for consistency of source/destination resolution
end subroutine readnml

subroutine readcsv(nvalid)

integer, intent(out) :: nvalid

character(len= 40) :: fname
character(len=100) :: chead
character(len= 10) :: c1,c3,c4,c5,c6
integer :: i2
integer :: nn,n,ierr,iounit

! --------------------------------------------------------
! Open and read list of variables
! --------------------------------------------------------

open(newunit=iounit, file=trim(fname), status='old', iostat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
write (6, '(3a)') 'Error: input file "', trim(fname), '" does not exist.'
end if

do n = 1,maxvars
if (ierr .ne. 0) exit
if (len_trim(c1) > 0) then
nn = nn+1
outvars(nn)%var_name = trim(c1)
outvars(nn)%var_dimen = i2
outvars(nn)%var_grid = trim(c3)
outvars(nn)%var_remapmethod = trim(c4)
outvars(nn)%var_pair = trim(c5)
outvars(nn)%var_pair_grid = trim(c6)
end if
end do
nvalid = nn

end subroutine readcsv

end module init_mod

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