[2023.02] - 2023-07-28
- SHARED: Fixes crashes due to uninitialized namelist variables.
- Routines/variables from FMS have been updated to include a prefixes containing fms and the subdirectory/module name. This was necessitated by aliases being added to the 'global' libFMS.F90 module in FMS.
- FULL: Adds logic for PE assignment in order to allow for a data atmosphere to be used alongside the combined ice-ocean driver.
- Usage of fms_io and mpp_io has been deprecated. If using these modules in a model, you must compile both FMS and FMScoupler with the -Duse_deprecated_io CPP flag.
Tag Commit Hashes
2023.02-alpha1 9da2d61
2023.02-alpha2 9da2d61
2023.02-alpha3 4ca21a7
2023.02-beta1 78c4384