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user stories for papuc bomberman

Tomasz Drzewiecki edited this page Jan 26, 2017 · 17 revisions

User stories:

Version 1.0

1 As player I want my bomberman to move.

1.1 As player I want to be able to see a board with Bomberman, grass and other stuff

1.2 As player I want to be able to move Bomberman by keyboard input

2 As player I want to place bombs that explode.

2.1 As player I want a bomb object to appear on map at my current position when proper key is pressed

2.2 As player I want my bomb to explode when its timer expires

2.3 As player I want explosions of my bombs to last a predefined time interval

3 As player I want my bomberman to detect collision with walls other game entities.

3.1 As system I want PhysicsEngine to be initialized and all required objects to register with it

3.2 As player I want PhysicsEngine to detect colisions of Bomberman with other entities

Version 1.0 ends

4 As player I want to have AI opponents.

4.1 As player I want to be able to see Monsters

4.2 As player I want to see Monsters moving

As player I want have indestructible walls and destructible walls.

As player I want to have power-ups which have effect on me and my opponents.

As player I want to have power-ups fall out of destroyed walls.

As player I want want to have map editor.(version 2.0)

As player I want to player with human opponent.(version 2.0)

Step 1: Brain storming for business objects and business logic.

  • bomberman
  • bomb
  • fire
  • cpu player
  • human player
  • game world
  • map
  • tile
  • wall
  • grass
  • json representative
  • bonus(powerup) - aditional bomb, speed up, time freeze, increase bomb range, additional live
  • exit gate
  • time
  • bomb counter
  • bomb timer
  • player speed
  • death
  • player live
  • Sprite
  • Graphical object
  • Map Generator
  • Keyboard
  • collision between static and dynamic object
  • collision between dynamic and dynamic object
  • game rules

Step 3: Domain model diagram: