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PyValentin - Advanced Matchmaking System


PyValentin is a sophisticated matchmaking system that uses multi-dimensional distance calculations, compatibility filtering, and grade-based matching to create optimal pairs from survey responses. The system processes raw survey data through several stages, applying mathematical models to quantify compatibility.

Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. The Beautiful Beautifly Simple Math Behind PyValentin
  5. File Structure
  6. Configuration
  7. Input Format
  8. Output Files
  9. Customization Guide
  10. Technical Details
  11. Troubleshooting
  12. Contact & Support
  13. License


  • Multi-dimensional compatibility analysis
  • Grade-based matching with configurable weights
  • Customizable gender/preference filtering
  • Quality vs. quantity optimization
  • Grade difference consideration
  • Multiple matching algorithms (Greedy and Hungarian)
  • Interactive GUI with progress tracking
  • Drag-and-drop file support
  • Comprehensive results output
  • Automatic dependency management

Setup and Installation


  1. Python 3.8+
  2. Required packages (automatically installed):


  1. Download the latest .ZIP release
  2. Run python core/ to check and install dependencies
  3. Configure your settings files:
    • Config.json (response mappings)
    • Filter.json (preference rules)
    • defaults.json (default file paths)


  1. Launch the application:
  2. Select required files:
    • Survey responses (CSV)
    • Configuration file (JSON)
    • Filter rules (JSON)
    • Grade data (CSV)
  3. Adjust sliders:
    • Quality-quantity balance
    • Grade weight importance
  4. Click "Process Files"
  5. Check the genR folder for results

The Mathematics Behind PyValentin

1. Data Normalization

Before processing, all categorical survey responses are converted to numerical values using the Config.json mapping. This creates a consistent numerical space for calculations.

2. Distance Calculation

For each pair of users (i,j), we calculate a multi-dimensional Euclidean distance:

distance(i,j) = √(Σ(xi,k - xj,k)²)
where k represents each survey question

This produces a distance matrix D where D[i,j] represents how different two users are across all responses.

3. Similarity Transformation

The distance matrix is transformed into a similarity matrix using:

similarity(i,j) = 1 / (1 + distance(i,j))

This creates a normalized similarity score where:

  • 1.0 = perfect match
  • 0.0 = complete mismatch

4. Preference Filtering

The system applies a boolean matrix F where:

F[i,j] = 1 if preferences match
F[i,j] = 0 if preferences conflict

The final compatibility score becomes:

compatibility(i,j) = similarity(i,j) × F[i,j]

5. Optimal Pairing Algorithm

The system uses a modified stable marriage algorithm with the following steps:

  1. Sort users by number of potential matches
  2. For each user i:
    • Find top N matches based on quality weight
    • Select best available match j
    • Remove both i and j from available pool

Quality weight affects match selection:

  • High (>0.5): Selects from top 25% of matches
  • Low (<0.5): Considers up to 75% of matches

6. Second Pass Optimization

For remaining unmatched users:

  1. Create a graph of mutual matches
  2. Find maximal matching using a greedy algorithm
  3. Optimize for global satisfaction using local improvements

7. Grade-Based Optimization

The system incorporates grade differences into the matching process:

final_score = (1 - grade_weight) * compatibility_score + grade_weight * (1 - grade_penalty)

grade_penalty = {
    0: 0.0,    # Same grade
    1: 0.3,    # One grade difference
    2: 0.7,    # Two grades difference
    3: 0.9     # Three+ grades difference

The grade_weight slider (0.0-1.0) determines the importance of grade matching:

  • 0.0: Ignore grades entirely
  • 0.7: Recommended balance (default)
  • 1.0: Prioritize grade matching above all else

File Structure

├──           # Main application
├──        # Data preprocessing
├──           # Core algorithms
├──    # Improved UI
├── genR/            # Generated results
├── ASF Specific/    # Configuration files
└──        # Documentation



Defines mappings from survey responses to numerical values:

     "Response Text": "Numerical Value",



Defines preference matching rules:

     "filterables": {
          "1": "Male",
          "2": "Female",

     "filters": {
          "5": ["1", "2", "3"], 
          "4": ["1", "2"],      


Input Format

Required CSV columns:

  1. Timestamp
  2. Email
  3. Gender (a)
  4. Attracted to (b)
  5. Question responses...


Timestamp,Email,Gender,Attracted To,Q1,Q2,...
2024-01-01,[email protected],Male,Female,Response1,Response2,...

Output Files

  • modified_csv.csv: Normalized survey data
  • processed_distances.csv: Distance matrix
  • similarity_list.csv: Similarity scores
  • filtered_similarity_list.csv: Filtered matches
  • optimal_pairs_greed.csv: Greedy algorithm pairs
  • optimal_pairs_gluttony.csv: Hungarian algorithm pairs
  • optimal_pairs_with_info_greed.csv: Detailed greedy matches
  • optimal_pairs_with_info_gluttony.csv: Detailed Hungarian matches
  • unpaired_entries_greed.csv: Unmatched users (greedy)
  • unpaired_entries_gluttony.csv: Unmatched users (Hungarian)

Customization Guide

Modifying Match Criteria

  1. Update Config.json with new response mappings
  2. Modify Filter.JSON matching rules
  3. Adjust weights in calculate_distances() function

Adding New Questions

  1. Add response mappings to Config.json
  2. Update CSV processing in if needed
  3. Modify distance calculation in

Custom Filtering Rules

Modify Filter.JSON:

    "filterables": {
        "value": "label"
    "filters": {
        "seeker_value": ["acceptable_values"]

Technical Details

Distance Calculation

  • Uses normalized Euclidean distance
  • Configurable weights per question
  • Range: 0 (identical) to 1 (maximum difference)

Matching Algorithm

  1. Converts responses to numerical values
  2. Calculates distance matrix
  3. Generates similarity scores
  4. Applies filtering rules
  5. Handles edge cases


  • O(n²) complexity for n participants
  • Memory usage: ~100MB for 1000 participants
  • Processing time: ~1-2 seconds per 100 participants


Common Issues

  1. Missing dependencies

    • Run pip install tkinterdnd2 numpy
    • Check Python version (3.8+ required)
  2. File format errors

    • Verify CSV column order
    • Check JSON syntax
    • Ensure UTF-8 encoding
  3. No matches found

    • Verify filter rules
    • Check response mappings
    • Confirm gender/attraction values

Debug Mode

Add debug logging:

import logging

Contact & Support

Contact me for info on this project at: Nagusame CS on Github


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see below for details:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.


A Project Focused on Optimaly Digesting and Matching Data







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