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BitBuffers are written in pure Lua, similar to file-objects and store their data in a 32-bit number-array. They offer up to 80x the speed of regular file I/O operations, supports non-byte integers, Float, Double, has multiple additional features and can read/write at the same time.
Returns | Functions | Description |
BitBuffer | NikNaks.BitBuffer( String? /Table? data, Bool? little_endian) | Creates a new BitBuffer. Can be given a Data-String or -Table with 32bit numbers. little_endian is true by default. |
BitBuffer | NikNaks.BitBuffer.OpenFile( String fileName, String? gamePath, Bool? lzma, Bool? little_endian ) | Same as file.Open, but returns it as a bitbuffer. little_endian is true by default. |
Number | NikNaks.BitBuffer.StringToInt( String str ) | Takes a string of 1-4 charectors and converts it into a Little-Endian int |
String | NikNaks.BitBuffer.IntToString( Number int ) | Takes an Little-Endian number and converts it into a 4 char-string |
Returns | Functions | Description |
Number | BitBuffer:Tell() | Returns the size of the BitBuffer |
self | BitBuffer:Seek( Number num ) | Sets the pointer to the given position in bits. |
self | BitBuffer:Skip( Number int ) | Skips the pointer the given bits forward. |
Bool | BitBuffer:Clear() | Removes all data from the buffer. |
Bool | BitBuffer:EndOfData() | Returns true if we've reached the end of the buffer. |
Bool | BitBuffer:IsLittleEndian() | Returns true if the buffer is little endian. |
Bool | BitBuffer:IsBigEndian() | Returns true if the buffer is big endian. |
self | BitBuffer:SetLittleEndian() | Sets the buffer to little endian. |
self | BitBuffer:SetBigEndian() | Sets the buffer to big endian. |
BitBuffer:Debug() | Prints the data to the console. |
Returns | Functions | Description |
self | BitBuffer:WriteUInt( Number int,Number bits ) | Writes an unsigned int |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadUInt( Number bits ) | Reads an unsigned int |
self | BitBuffer:WriteInt( Number int,Number bits ) | Writes a signed int |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadInt( Number bits ) | Reads a signed int |
Returns | Functions | Description |
self | BitBuffer:WriteLong( Number num ) | Writes a 4 byte number ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadLong() | Reads a 4 byte number ( -2147483648 to 2147483647 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteShort( Number num ) | Writes a 2 byte number ( -32768 to 32767 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadShort() | Reads an 2 byte number ( -32768 to 32767 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteSignedByte( Number byte ) | Writes a signed byte ( -128 to 127 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadSignedByte() | Reads a signed byte ( -128 to 127 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteULong( Number num ) | Writes an unsigned 4 byte number ( 0 to 4294967295 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadULong() | Reads an unsigned 4 byte number ( 0 to 4294967295 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteUShort( Number num ) | Writes an unsigned 2 byte number ( 0 to 65535 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadUShort() | Reads an unsigned 2 byte number ( 0 to 65535 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteByte( Number byte ) | Writes a byte ( 0 to 255 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadByte() | Reads a byte ( 0 to 255 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteNibble( Number num ) | Writes a 4 bit unsigned number ( 0 to 15 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadNibble() | Reads a 4 bit unsigned number ( 0 to 15 ) |
self | BitBuffer:WriteSnort( Number num ) | Writes a 2 bit unsigned number ( 0 to 3 ) |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadSnort() | Reads a 2 bit unsigned number ( 0 to 3 ) |
Returns | Functions | Description |
self | BitBuffer:WriteFloat( Number num ) | Writes an IEEE 754 float |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadFloat() | Reads an IEEE 754 float |
self | BitBuffer:WriteDouble( Number num ) | Writes an IEEE 754 double |
Number | BitBuffer:ReadDouble() | Reads an IEEE 754 double |
Returns | Functions | Description |
self | BitBuffer:WriteBoolean( Bool bool ) | Writes a boolean |
Bool | BitBuffer:ReadBoolean() | Reads a boolean |
self | BitBuffer:WriteVector( Vector vector ) | Writes a vector |
Vector | BitBuffer:ReadVector() | Reads a vector |
self | BitBuffer:WriteString( String str ) | Writes a string. Max string length: 65535 |
String | BitBuffer:ReadString() | Reads a string. Max string length: 65535 |
self | BitBuffer:WriteAngle( Angle angle ) | Writes an angle |
Angle | BitBuffer:ReadAngle() | Reads an angle |
self | BitBuffer:WriteColor( Color color ) | Writes a 32bit color |
Color | BitBuffer:ReadColor() | Reads a 32bit color |
self | BitBuffer:WriteTable( Table tab ) | Writes a table |
Table | BitBuffer:ReadTable() | Reads a table |
self | BitBuffer:WriteType( any obj ) | Writes a type using a byte as TYPE_ID. |
any | BitBuffer:ReadType() | Reads a type using a byte as TYPE_ID. |
self | BitBuffer:WriteStringNull( String str ) | Writes a string using a nullbyte at the end. Note: Will remove all nullbytes given. |
String | BitBuffer:ReadStringNull( Number? maxLength ) | Reads a string using a nullbyte at the end. Note: ReadStringNull is a bit slower than ReadString. |
Returns | Functions | Description |
BitBuffer | NikNaks.BitBuffer.FromNet( Number bits ) | Reads the bits from net library and returns it as a BitBuffer. |
Number | NikNaks.BitBuffer.ToNet( BitBuffer buffer ) | Writes the BitBuffer to the net library and returns the amount of bits it wrote. |
self | BitBuffer:ReadFromNet( Number bits ) | Reads the bits from net library and returns self. |
Number | BitBuffer:WriteToNet() | Writes the BitBuffer to the net library and returns the amount of bits it wrote. |
- BitBuffer
- BSP Parser
- DateTime and Date-Functions
- TimeDelta
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- LPathFollower (Coming soon)
- NodeGraph (Coming soon)
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- Extended functions (Coming soon)