rmlint is a commandline tool to clean your filesystem from various sort of lint (unused files, twins, etc.).
It was mainly written for Unix-like Operating Systems, but should also work on Mac OSX (not yet tested!)
download the sources by one of the following ways:
git clone https://github.com/sahib/rmlint.git
wget --no-check-certificate http://github.com/sahib/rmlint/zipball/master -O rmlint.zip
unzip rmlint.zip
wget --no-check-certificate http://github.com/sahib/rmlint/tarball/master -O rmlint.tar
tar xfv rmlint.tar
cd <name_of_the_dir>
make -j 2 && sudo make install
A PKGBUILD is available in the AUR.
'rmlint -h'
'man rmlint'
- Very fast (written in pure C, in many cases faster than rdfind, and always magnitudes faster than fdupes).
- Output of both a ready to use script to handle finds and a easy-to-parse logfile.
- Tries to minimize I/O as much as possible (focus on CPU-usage).
- Finds duplictes, nonstripped binaries, files with same basenames (nameclusters), empty files/directories, old tempdata, strange filenames and bad links.
- Displays finds in realtime. (like ‘duff’ or ‘fdupes’)
- Safely abortable at any time (will write log & script).
- No extra dependencies at all (glibc2 and pthread is something you already have).
- Colorful output (can be disabled via -B).
- Regex filter for both files and directories.
- It has been tested with very large filesets, with a record of finding 166GB dupes, with a logsize of 82MB (cheers Christoph)
- Handles the files the way you want:
- replace double file by a symboliclink, (-m link)
- Removes the file without asking you. (-m noask)
- Simply list all files without doing anything dangerous. (-m list)
- It executes a user specified commando for each file (-m cmd)
- It asks you for each file what you want (added for convinience only to be honest). (-m ask)
The algorithm tries to mimize IO as far as possible, thus focusing on CPU usage. (can get up to 390% on a quadcore)
- Go through all directories and catch all files conformig to regexpattern / dirpattern / hiddenstatus
- lint other than duplicates get detected here on the fly (like nonstripped binaries – every file is checked)
- the rest of the list (all files without files from 2)) gets sorted by their filesize
- elements with a unique filesize gets kicked out (because they can’t have a twin)
- list gets divided isn sublist, each size one sublist
- each sublist gets sort by inode (to speed up reading from HD)
- Each group is processed seperately:
- if the size of group exceeds a certain limit then it’s processed on an own thread
- else the group gets processed within the main thread
- Processing: For each file of a group..
- A short fingerprint from the start/end + some bytes in the middle of the file is read and stored
- Nonmatching files get kicked out, if the group consists of 1 elem or less, rmlint forgets about it
- a md5sums are calculated for the rest of the group (only the part of the file that hasnt been read, is used fo md5sum calculation)
- if the groupssize exceeds a certain limit, the group gets splitted into several equalsized subgroups
- The whole file is read blockwise, while other threads have wait (so no useless jumping is done)
- After a block is read (blocksize is about 2MB) md5 is updated, while at the same time another thread is reading, back to 8.3.1)
- md5sums, filesize, fingerprint and bytes in the middle get checked each other (to double check and prevent false positives)
- log/handle result to script / log / screen (let other threads wait for this short time, so no chaos is created)
- Do for every group, and print statistics
- Linux 32/64
- Solaris
Note1: It is written in ANSI C, so every ANSI C compiler should be happily compile it.
Note2: rmlint uses alloca(), if you want to port it you may need to replace it with malloc() (and a corresponding free())
Short: False Positves are actuallly possible, but very, very, very unlikely.
Longer: They would need to have the same size, fingerprint and checksums to be marked as twins.
md5 is not perfect, but the probability of getting false positves on a normal set of data is the same as lim(1/x) : x → +inf = 0 + h; where h ~ 0
But isn’t there a solution to be 100% sure? Yes, there is. It’s the “—paranoid/-p” option. It does a
true byte-by-byte comparasion of each(!) file. Be warned, because it’s incredibly slow.
If you find false positives, those are most likely a bug on rmlint, please make a bugreport to [email protected] in this case,
so others won’t suffer from it.
(this list could get very, very long, but never accurate)
compared to…
- ..fdupes / duff:
- + LOTS faster
- + more options
- + finds also bad links and other stuff
- + logging
- - did find one file more once. :-)
- ..rdfind:
- + Live output of finds
- + mostly as fast, or faster
- + little less buggy ;-)
- - rdfind is faster with many small files (like Sourcedirs)
- ..fslint:
- + Faster / more options
- - fslint finds also broken UID/GIDs (this never happened to me, anyone?)
- ..[other disadvantages]
- - does not look into archives (things like those could be performed by some bash script easier)
- - no gui (some people mark this as a clear ‘+’)
Machine was a regular quadcore with a even more regular HDD and an absolutely regular Linux x86_64.
measured was with the 2nd,3rd & 4th run of the programs.
1,430s | 8,137s | 0.656s | rmlint CPU usage was 310%, rdfind’s 99% | |
12.030s | 30.552s | 1.641s | rdfind was faster on the first run. | |
0.089s | 1:54min | 0.097s | Dir did not contain any twins. :-) |
Q: I want only the found files to be displayed! Like fdupes does!
A: “-v 1” is your friend.
Q: I guess I found a bug, what now?
A: Great! Write me an email ([email protected]), with a nifty problem description and/or
a patch and/or any suggestions and/or a backtrace (if it was a crash)
Q: Can I set a ‘preferred dir’ when specifying more than one dir, which picks the orig from the preferred one?
A: Yes, prepend the preferred directory with a ‘//’, the first found file in this directory is tagged as original.
Future versions might tag all files in the //-dir as original.
Q: None of the -m options satisfy my needs. What can I do?
A: You can specify your own commands by -c/-C, those get also replaced in the script.
You can for example pipe rmlint’s find directly to sh:
rmlint -c “echo ‘’ # same as ‘’” -C “ls -la ‘’” -v 5 | sh
Q: Are there bugs I should know off?
A: None that are really known, only some strange output formatting sometimes.
Q: Room for improvement?
A: Of course. Finding non-stripped binaries is slow (should use libmagic), a progress bar should be added maybe.
You also might consider a small (CS-Students are already motivated by 1 Cent ) donation if you use any of my software in a commercial environement:
(For now only possible via Flattr, you gonna need an account there – Sorry)