Releases: NarrikSynthfox/FuserCustomSongCreator
V2.1.5 - orig_tempo, Layer select modes, and Visual keyzone mapping editor
Fixed issue with advanced mode crashing if audio labels were missing from a .fusion file on import
Customs can now be opened by dragging them over the .exe, with the open with... dialog, or with a file association for .pak to open in the customs creator
Added orig_tempo and a checkbox to disable it updating with the main tempo of the song.
Added layer select mode options. The options are as follows:
- Layers: the default option, any overlapping keyzones will play at the same time.
- Random: Will randomly select one keyzone to play from any that overlap
- Random with repetition: Same as random, but the last played keyzone can repeat
- Cycle: Will cycle through any overlapping keyzones in order
Added a visual keyzone mapping editor, to make it easier to see how keyzones are mapped
V2.1.4 Direct .mid support, chords, and more
- Direct .mid support for import as well as .mid_pc, export is only .mid since the .mid_pc files can't be edited without converting them.
- 8, 16, 32, and 64 bar length options for customs, and a way of manually entering the length.
- Reworked UI for sidebar for discs, so that it has tabs as well so things can be less cluttered.
- Added Stream Optimized checkbox under main properties.
- Title bar at top of window shows the currently loaded song shortname and artist/title, and unsaved changes are tracked.
- Confirmation on creating a new custom, opening a custom, and closing the program if there's unsaved changes.'
- Added gain for risers/discs, as well as volume and pan options for keyzones.
- Added labels for audio files.
- Added a "Link MIDI Notes" option to make updating keyzones for midi drums that use single notes for each sample a little quicker.
- Added a config file and preferences, preferences has 2 options, one to use percentages instead of velocity values because some DAWs don't show 0-127, but instead 0-100, and an option to change the default shortname, so it could be set to a prefix or something to save time there.
MIDI File Info
It's recommended to use REAPER to make midi files, since there's specific settings that need to be used.
The ticks per quarter note needs to be set as 480, and the midi track that contains the notes that play the audio files is called "samplemidi"
Can also add a track called "chords" with text events to add chords that way, or use the tabs in the editor which should be easier
2.1.1 - Bug with chords and decimal places fixed.
2.1.2 - Crashing with chords track being removed if empty fix
2.1.3 - Make it so that all chords show up, with the instrument patching for chords now.
- Borrowed chords are no longer swapped by default, and there's a config option to return to the previous behavior.
- Default gain config options added
V2.0.1 Accented Characters and UI Update.
- Accented/other characters work properly (actually this time).
- Art is now on the main tab instead of it's own tab.
- Added fonts (All are fonts that come with Windows)
- Consolas for main font.
- Malgun Gothic for Korean
- Microsoft JhengHei for Traditional Chinese
- Microsoft YaHei for Simplified Chinese
- SimHei for Japanese
The font used in-game for song titles doesn't support Cyrillic text.
Some characters may appear in-game as question marks, if so, then that character is not supported by the font.
V2: The Definitive Edition
- It's purple now
- Application Icon added
- Album Art
- Risers
- Pickups
- Beat now is able to have Major/Minor.
- Beat tracks now have an option that is on by default to have no key associated with them, so that they can act like beat tracks in-game and allow for changing keys when dropping a bass, loop, or lead disc if only the beat disc is playing.
- Advanced mode:
- Multiple audio files/Keyzones
- Can have both pitched and unpitched parts in same disc.
- Keymap presets for ease of use:
- Major plays on Major Key, Minor on Minor key, and Shared on both keys.
- Unpitched, Natural Pitching, and Singleton checkboxes for each keyzone.
- Singleton is basically if the audio can only play if it's not already playing
- Tutorial for advanced mode written by Blahaszi can be found here:
- Old files can be loaded and it will convert them to the new template. Audio and metadata will be kept, but any midi changes if any were done will be overwritten with the new ones.