Basic Augmented matrix operations
matrix.cpp and matrixops.cpp are excluded from VC solution
T - template type (int/double/fractions/etc.)
There's +, =, *, /, [], <<
finds inverse matrix for second matrix and then multiplies first by second
- Constructor:
Matrix(size_t w, size_t h, size_t right_part = 0, bool one = 0);
size_t w: width of Matrix (columns, including right part)
size_t h: height of Matrix (rows)
size_t right_part: right part of Matrix (<=> B in Ax=B)
if 0, auto-add (0, 0, 0,...) column at the right part
bool one: initialize Identity Matrix (E)
- Swap:
bool swap(size_t l1, size_t l2);
Swaps two lines
size_t l1: line 1 index
size_t l2: line 2 index
Returns: 1 -> error
- Add line:
void addline(T *arr);
Add new row at the end of Matrix (if it's not full)
T *arr: array of elements with length of width
- Show:
void show(ostream& output = cout);
Prints matrix to your ostream (file/cout/etc.)
Equivalent for output << matrix;
ostream& output: ostream
- Start solving
void startsolve(bool jord = 1, bool quiet = 0, ostream& output = cout);
bool jord: Gaussian-Jordan method?
bool quiet: 1 -> don't show you possible solutions and result matrix
ostream& output: if not quiet, function prints here...
- Is solved?
bool is_solved();
Not solved if 0 = n row was detected after solving.
- Check 0 = n rows
bool checkzeroerror(size_t rpart);
does this automatically, but you still can use it
size_t rpart: index of right part column (STARTS FROM 1, ENDS AT
Returns: 1 -> 0 = n row detected
- Add row multiplied by coef to another row
bool summarize(size_t from, size_t to, T coef);
Returns: 1 -> error
- Divide (~Multiply) row by coef
bool division(size_t to, T coef);
Returns: 1 -> error
- Transpose your matrix
Matrix<T> transposed();
It will destroy right part columns
Returns: transposed matrix
- Determinator
T Determinator();
- Cancel determinator
void killholds();
A lot of operators. Overflows easily in big matrices (10x10 or bigger)
(3/7 3/5 2/7 1/5 | 8)
(1 5/9 9/4 1 | 1)
(8/3 5/6 0 5/6 | 7/8)
(1 3/7 3/7 2/3 | 9/4)
... inverted
(-6525/13421 31680/93947 81642/93947 -19410/13421 | 0)
(30375/13421 -30852/93947 -30186/93947 2889/13421 | 0)
(-380/13421 66636/93947 23760/93947 -18408/13421 | 0)
(-9495/13421 -70524/93947 -118332/93947 59223/13421 | 0)
(1 0 0 0 | -2271963/375788)
(0 1 0 0 | 1689237/93947)
(0 0 1 0 | -223780/93947)
(0 0 0 1 | 907911/375788)
--- #1 ---
x1 = -2271963/375788
x2 = 1689237/93947
x3 = -223780/93947
x4 = 907911/375788
Determinator: 13421/22680
(-2271963/375788 1689237/93947 -223780/93947 907911/375788)
1ms for 4x4
(1 0 0 0 | 0)
(0 1 0 0 | 0)
(0 0 1 0 | 0)
(0 0 0 1 | 0)
--- #1 ---
x1 = 0
x2 = 0
x3 = 0
x4 = 0
Determinator: 22680/13421
(0 0 0 0)
1ms for 4x4