Release 8.2.0
- Add: Support for themed icon on A13
- Add: Option to backup no_backup files
- Add: Option for multiline InfoChips Pref
- Add: Option to Squeeze NavItems' text instead of ellipsis
- Add: Note about downgrading being only supported by debuggable packages
- Add: Selectable Home items with context menu (needs heavy testing)
- Update: New icons (Phosphor icons)
- Update: Allow to backup the app
- Update: TopBar layout
- Update: Set better fitting view composition strategy for Sheets
- Update: Make progress bars global
- Update: Migrate SplashActivity to compose
- Update: BackupItem's layout to better fit low dpi and huge fonts
- Update: Improve error messages to include a log
- Update: Revamp password dialog
- Update: Show error message when passwords don't match
- Fix: Handling when apk is not called base.apk
- Fix: Auto updating AppSheet after uninstall/enable/disable/restore
- Fix: Crash on recreating app with a Sheet initiated
- Fix: Crash on prefs having wrong data
- Fix: Forwarding to Main directly from Intro
- Fix: Tonal surface follows set accent color
- Fix: Not respecting default Backup prefs
- Fix: StringPref value not shown
- Fix: Password field not being marked as password
- Fix: Device/biometric lock prompt throwing exception
- Fix: SeekBar's layout
- Fix: TopBar title for Exports & Logs
- Fix: Version name alignment in HelpSheet
- Remove: Tint for Prefs' icons
- Remove: Xml-based unused resources (replaced with compose-based)