Releases: NeoApplications/Neo-Backup
Releases Β· NeoApplications/Neo-Backup
Release 8.3.1
- Add: busy to renameDamagedToERROR etc.
- Add: DevTools openBackupDir (works only with SAF capable file managers, so only Files/DocumentsUI)
- Add: Dev-Prefs: autoLogUnInstallBroadcast, toolbarOpacity, prettyJson
- Add: maxJobs to change the default (changing needs real kill + restart),
- Add: killThisApp (app is killed, alarms are kept, unlike force-close)
- Add: Stopping schedule service on finished
- Fix: renameDamagedToERROR missing some important damages
- Fix: hidden Lucky Patcher issue (please test, we don't use it)
- Fix: missing empty line after log header
- Fix: all backups running at once
- Fix: Phh su + inherited+enforcing, directly check if su has --mount-master (github issue #562)
- Update: Pretty print properties files
- Update: improves prevention of duplicate schedules handling (should no more trigger detection)
- Update: Scan depth first in findBackups (= add directory contents at front of queue)
- Update: Remove all xxx dir for before queueing directory content in findbackups
- Update: terminal button log/rel to extract lines that are related to NB from logcat
- currently machiav3lli.backup + NeoBackup, also used in SUPPORT. Note, log/app is PID related,
so only from the running NB, not from the one before, if it was restarted)
- currently machiav3lli.backup + NeoBackup, also used in SUPPORT. Note, log/app is PID related,
- Remove: finishWork -> simplification
- Add: New app icon
- Add: busy handling + refresh (indicator) button to Logs tab
- Update: Revamp NavBar & SearchBar
- Update: Another option for busy background with grey fade
- Update: Allow BottomSheet to extend over StatusBar
- Update: Icon & theme colors
- Update: Cleaner splash icon
- Remove: Overriding background color in light theme
- Add: Rotating refresh button (turn time and scale in devsettings/adv)
- Add: search field in DevTools/devsett, searches all settings, but only key names, not the label
- Add: support infos for mount master etc.
- Fix: renameDamagedToERROR + undoDamagedToERROR blocking the UI
- Fix: a delete/rename backup glitch
- Fix: progress notifications
- Fix: missing refresh of packages on start
Release 8.3.0
Usability / UX
- Add:
developer options - Add: Confirmation to context menu "add to blocklist"
- Add: Context menu item "Deselect Not Visible"
- Add: Enable backup/restore in context menu
- Add: Button to run schedule in Schedule item
- Fix: Duplicate entries in LogPage
- Fix: Remove and dismiss AppSheet of uninstalled package with no backups
- Update: Revamp the backend for faster reading and loading of the apps' list
- Update: More informative log file format
- Update: Replace busy progress bar by a more background animation
- Add: Context menu floating button
- Add: Info on who's the build is signed by in HelpSheet
- Add: Separate Black theme preference
- Fix: Grey out app icon when uninstalled
- Update: Improve background theming
- Update: Actions buttons layout
- Update: ScheduleSheet bottom layout
- Add: Database accessor on OABX
- Add: An experimental flatStructure scheme (read more in developer notes document)
- Add: DevTools for advanced users (read more in developer notes document)
- Fix: Run only numCores threads in parallel on menu actions
- Fix: Duplicated schedules
- Fix: Blocking other parts until full scan is ready
- Fix: Thread safety for parallel processes
- Fix: Duplicate searching time for backups of packages that don't have backups
- Fix: Failing backup after cleaning up the backup list
- Update: Use parallel processing where appropriate
- Update: Speedy cached/prefetched icons
- Update: Organize dev options in groups
Release 8.2.5
- Fix: Schedules ignoring specials in blocklists
- Fix: Running schedules twice
- Add: Fake schedules
- Add: More tracing prefs
- Fix: Add space to info chips
Full Changelog: 8.2.4...8.2.5
Release 8.2.4
- Fix: BlockLists in schedules
- Fix: Repetitive running schedules
- Update: Default disable tracing
- Fix: Restore full height of terminal
- Update: Separate service prefs into backup and restore ones
Release 8.2.3
- Fix: Note & Tags in AppSheet
- Fix: Log not updated when deleting items
- Update: Separate PrefGroups for logging and tracing
- Fix: Schedule filters
- Fix: Height calculation of LogItem/TerminalText, button colors
- Update: Revamp Chips layout
- Add: Batch settings Sheet
- Add: Tooltips to check all buttons in Batch
Release 8.2.2
- Fix: Schedules handling
- Add: System theme based icon
Release 8.2.1
- Add: Persisting backups
- Add: Dev Prefs: restoreKillApps, pref_refreshOnStart, pref_logToSystemLogcat
- Add: Dev Prefs: Trace options
- Add: Terminal for support (retrieving infos by buttons, e.g. toybox versions, su version, text can be saved to Log)
- Fix: Support of non-magisk SU implementations (
su 0
now is the only feature su needs to have) - Fix: Bug in
ls -l
of statically linked toybox variants (e.g. toybox-ext Magisk module) - Fix: Handling of
ls -l
numeric user ids output (xxx_cache group adds 10000 if numeric) - Fix: Quoting/escaping problems of Magisk su
- Fix: Do not use restorecon if selinux context cannot be retrieved from the file system
- Fix: Don't change group of a cache directory if it'S a system group (e.g. sdcard_rw)
- Fix: A StorageFile bug resulting more issues
- Fix: Make startup more robust in case NB was restored by backup software
- Fix: Cache invalidation
- Fix: Restoring (un)compressed data/specials
- Fix: Specials and data: don't restorecon in case of selinux context = "?"
- Fix: Updating a Package on (Un)Install when there's backups
- Fix: Delete any password accidentally saved to non-encrypted preferences
- Update: Special folders start with
to put them at the top of a directory listing - Update: Activities hold VMs (avoid memory duplicates)
- Update: Simplify files creation
- Update: Improve tar error output handling
- Update: Dev prefs: pauseApps + pmSuspend is now backupPauseApps + backupSuspendApps
- Update: Toybox scores
- Update: Migrate fields from LiveData to Flow
- Update: Context menu actions to non-blocking
- Update: Replace AppInfo of uninstalled packages that left backups
- Add: Missing buttons to legend on HelpSheet
- Add: Save button to error dialogs
- Fix: Share button on Logs works now
- Fix: LogsPage
- Fix: ScheduleSheet custom & block lists state update
- Update: Allow swiping between pages
- Update: Minimize & simplify UI layouts
- Update: Hide NavBar when in a Tool page
- Update: Log entries have a maximum height and are scrollable
- Update: Global loading/busy bar
- Update: Migrate updatedApps bar into expandable FAB
- Update: Make StatusBar transparent
- Add: Tooltips to AppSheet action buttons
- Add: Save/Load context menu selections
- Fix: Dependent preferences should now work flawless
- Fix: Re-initiating app state when rotating screen
- Fix: Show Launch action only for launchable apps
- Update: Alphabetical sort respects Locale
- Update: Short touch on the app icon will select it, a long touch opens context menu
- Update: Hide irrelevant actions for Specials
- Update: Search term is applied again when changing tab
- Update: Make SortFilterSheet immediately updating counts
Release 8.2.0
- Add: Support for themed icon on A13
- Add: Option to backup no_backup files
- Add: Option for multiline InfoChips Pref
- Add: Option to Squeeze NavItems' text instead of ellipsis
- Add: Note about downgrading being only supported by debuggable packages
- Add: Selectable Home items with context menu (needs heavy testing)
- Update: New icons (Phosphor icons)
- Update: Allow to backup the app
- Update: TopBar layout
- Update: Set better fitting view composition strategy for Sheets
- Update: Make progress bars global
- Update: Migrate SplashActivity to compose
- Update: BackupItem's layout to better fit low dpi and huge fonts
- Update: Improve error messages to include a log
- Update: Revamp password dialog
- Update: Show error message when passwords don't match
- Fix: Handling when apk is not called base.apk
- Fix: Auto updating AppSheet after uninstall/enable/disable/restore
- Fix: Crash on recreating app with a Sheet initiated
- Fix: Crash on prefs having wrong data
- Fix: Forwarding to Main directly from Intro
- Fix: Tonal surface follows set accent color
- Fix: Not respecting default Backup prefs
- Fix: StringPref value not shown
- Fix: Password field not being marked as password
- Fix: Device/biometric lock prompt throwing exception
- Fix: SeekBar's layout
- Fix: TopBar title for Exports & Logs
- Fix: Version name alignment in HelpSheet
- Remove: Tint for Prefs' icons
- Remove: Xml-based unused resources (replaced with compose-based)
Release 8.1.3
SHA256: 4f586a56d4a4d5005029b0cf40a499d32de9f4dcf5c2b99550498650e3c0575c
- Update: Migrate navigation fully to Compose
- Update: Convert AppInfo to chips
- Update: Layouts of BackupItem,
- Update: Unify TopBar and sort management by Main
- Update: Apply Sort/Filter options to sheet's stats
- Update: Make sheets fill available size
- Update: Tag editor animation
- Update: Revamp prefs UI
- Update: Matrix link
- Update: NavBar items UI
- Fix: Inconsistent default theme pref (@hg42)
- Fix: Cropping package name in AppSheet
Release 8.1.2
SHA256: 77cc06e162d04f1a057bd8df5c9a8f94091a9978fc47e12371ca22a7ad8f93b6