A hardware interface is needed. DIY TTL * https://openenergymonitor.org/forum-archive/node/1944.html DIY RS-232 DIY Sniffer Or Commercial
Developed and tested with EM340-DIN 3-Phase Energy Meter from Carlo Gavazzi. Tested on Rasbian Jessie. DIY RS-232 interface at 24 Volt and Profilic USB to RS-232 adapter.
Reads the data frames from device id:1
Not likley.
I recommend that you first test your setup with CuteCom so you are sure your hardware works before using the plugin. (image needed) Create a folder "MbusSerial" in Domotics/Plugins and copy plugin.py there. Restart Domoticz. Consult your meters M-Bus manual to decide which variable you want to use with wich Device. Setting Debug to "All Steps" will output to Domoticz log.
Thrown together with no respect at all for Python3 or standards.