10 Million - English Test Questions Text Parsing And Processing Data, Each question contains title, answer, parse, subject, grade, question type; The educational stages cover primary, middle, high school, and university; Subjects cover mathmatics, biology, accounting, etc.The data are questions text under the Anglo-American system, which can be used to enhance the subject knowledge of large models
For more details, please refer to the link: https://www.nexdata.ai/datasets/speechrecog/1329?source=Github
English questions text data under Anglo-American system;
About 10 million;
contains title, answer, parse, subject, grade, question type;
Subjects across primary, middle, high school, and university;
Multiple Choice,Single Choice,True/False,Fill in the Blanks, etc.;
Subject, questions, parse and answers were analyzed, formula conversion and table format conversion were done, and content was also cleaned
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