Welcome to my experimental GitHub repository, Chirp.
The purpose of this repository is to act as a sandbox for git-related experiments. Everytime I work on a new project, I always learn something new. Since I'm self-taught, I frequently refer to concepts and practices from other resources, such as the Pro Git book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub.
I pull inspiration (no pun intended) from these sources to advance my version control skillset. However, to preserve the integrity of my other repos, I created this one to use as practice. I will continue to write detailed descriptions in my commits and document my journey.
I named this repository after my favorite music disc in Minecraft, "chirp". It is also a song featured on Minecraft - Volume Beta (2013) by C418.
Like many others, Minecraft was more than a cultural touchstone of my childhood. It became a catalyst in my creativity, a place where I was free to design and build and breakdown and reconstruct ideas without limits. GitHub has allowed me to continue a very similar practice into my adulthood; only this time, I'm making the game.
- This README was authored by Nicole Scalera (Nicole-Scalera).
- I started this README file thru a template from the popular repository, Best-README-Template, by othneildrew on GitHub.
- Many edits have been made to make it different and fit a sufficient README for this repository.