Studies project of BANG game for mobile systems
BANG is a dueling game where two (or more) people face each other in a series of duels. This duel similar to all wester revolver duels but instead of revoler you use your phone. As a result core mechanic of the game revolves around placing phone in holster
and drawing phone from holster
Example 2 player flow could be described in this steps:
- Player 1 and Player 2 starts the app.
- Player 1 creates lobby and gives invite to Player 2.
- Player 2 joins the lobby.
- Both Players confirm their readines.
- Game starts both Players should place press the ready button.
- When both Players are ready internal timer starts the game.
- After 5s time period Players are notified by another vibration to shoot.
- Each Player shoots (Rise arm with phone upward as fast as possible).
- Times for rising the phone are compared and faster Player wins.
- Game ends, Players return to title screen.
This example flow was also ilustraed in diagram below.
(Optional feature) For more than 2 players duels you choose which Player is your target. Most chosen and slowest Player dies, and the next rounds continues until single winner is decided.