If you fork this repo please consider giving the original repo a star. Thank you!
- Cloaking
- Tabs
- History
- Theming
- Bookmarks
- Proxies
- Games
You can not host DDX locally via a static web hosting site such as Netlify, Github Pages, and Cloudflare Pages.
We recommend using the Bun package manager to install DayDreamX's dependencies. However, DayDreamX contains lock files for three major package managers: npm, pnpm, and bun.
Please run the following commands to host a server:
git clone
cd DayDreamX
npm i
npm start
In the above example, replace npm
with bun
or pnpm
for whichever package manager you wish to use.
git pull --force --allow-unrelated-histories
If you'd like to get links, support, or other deployment methods join our Discord Server or open a discussion.
To contribute to DDX, clone the repo locally and submit your code in a pull request. If you are making large changes, please make sure you test your code before submitting a pull request. Please check for a more in-depth explanation.
Thank you to the following people for contributing to DayDreamX.
Please join our Discord to receive support for DayDreamX, receive links from the Link Archive (our link bot), and talk with fellow users.