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Podio.NET Build status NuGet

This is the .NET Client for accessing the Podio API.


The client library requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher and Json.NET as its dependency.

This package is available on NuGet Gallery. To install the Podio package run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package Podio.Async

This will install the client library and the required dependency.

Constructing API client instance

Before you can make any API calls you must initialize the Podio class with your client ID and secret and authenticate with the Podio API.

using PodioAPI;
var podio = new Podio(clientId, clientSecret);

We will use this initialized podio object for all further operations.


The client supports three ways of authentication:

Web Server Flow

The default OAuth flow to be used when you authenticate Podio users from your web application.

// Redirect the user to the authorize url, You can get the authorize url by calling 'GetAuthorizeUrl' method in podio class.
string authUrl = podio.GetAuthorizeUrl(redirectUri);

// In the callback you get the authorization_code 
// which you use to get the access token
await podio.AuthenticateWithAuthorizationCode(Request["code"], redirectUri);

Username and Password Flow

If you're writing a batch job or are just playing around with the API, this is the easiest to get started. Do not use this for authenticating users other than yourself, the web server flow is meant for that.

await podio.AuthenticateWithPassword("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");

App authentication flow

The app authentication flow is suitable in situations where you only need data from a single app and do not wish authenticate as a specific user.

await podio.AuthenticateWithApp("APP_ID", "APP_SECRET")

Basic Usage

After constructing Podio object you can use all of the wrapper functions to make API requests. The functions are organized into services, each service corresponds to an Area in official API documentation. You can access the services right from podio class. For example:

// Getting an item
var item = podio.ItemService.GetItem(123456);

//Filtering items with a date field with external_id 'deadline' and limit the results by 10
  var filters = new Dictionary<string,object>
    {"deadline",new  { from = new DateTime(2013, 10, 1), to = DateTime.Now }}

await podio.ItemService.FilterItems(AppId, 10, null, filters);

All the wrapped methods either return a strongly typed model, or a collection of models.

Error Handling

All unsuccessful responses returned by the API (everything that has a 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code) will throw exceptions. All exceptions inherit from PodioAPI.Exceptions.PodioException and and it has an Error property that represents the strongly typed version of response from the API:

    var uploadedFile = await podio.FileService.UploadFile(filePath,"image.jpg")
catch (PodioException exception)
    Response.Write(exception.Status); // Status code of the response
    Response.Write(exception.Error.Error); // Error
    Response.Write(exception.Error.ErrorDescription); // Error description -> You need this in most cases
    Response.Write(exception.Error.ErrorDetail); // Error detail

Full Example

Adding a new item with a file on an application with id 5678.

using PodioAPI;
using PodioAPI.Models;
using PodioAPI.Utils.ItemFields;
using PodioAPI.Exceptions;

await podio.AuthenticateWithPassword("YOUR_PODIO_USERNAME", "YOUR_PODIO_PASSWORD");

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Text field with external_id 'title'
var textfield = myNewItem.Field<TextItemField>("title");
textfield.Value = "This is a text field";

//A Date field with external_id 'deadline-date'
var dateField = myNewItem.Field<DateItemField>("deadline-date");
dateField.Start = DateTime.Now;
dateField.End = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2);

//A Location field with external_id 'location'
var locationField = myNewItem.Field<LocationItemField>("location");
locationField.Locations = new List<string> 
 "Copenhagen, Denmark"

//A Money field with external_id 'money'
var moneyField = myNewItem.Field<MoneyItemField>("money");
moneyField.Currency = "EUR";
moneyField.Value = 250;

//An App reference field with external_id 'app-reference'
var appReferenceField = myNewItem.Field<AppItemField>("app-reference");
//Item id's to reference
appReferenceField.ItemIds = new List<int>
    1234, 4568

// Embed/Link field with with external_id 'link'
var embedField = myNewItem.Field<EmbedItemField>("link");
var embed = await podio.EmbedService.AddAnEmbed(""); // Creating an embed

//Uploading a file and attaching it to new item
var filePath = Server.MapPath("\\files\\report.pdf");
var uploadedFile = await podio.FileService.UploadFile(filePath, "report.pdf");
myNewItem.FileIds = new List<int> { uploadedFile.FileId }; //Attach the uploaded file's id to item

var itemId = await podio.ItemService.AddNewItem(5678, myNewItem);

For more documentation and examples see Documentation

Contribution guideline

Your contribution to Podio .NET client would be very welcome. If you find a bug, please raise it as an issue. Even better fix it and send us a pull request. If you want to contribute, fork the repo, fix an issue and send a pull request.

Pull requests are code reviewed. Here is what we look for in your pull request:

  • Clean implementation
  • Comment the code if you are writing anything complex.
  • Xml documentation for new methods or updating the existing documentation when you make a change.
  • Adherence to the existing coding styles.
  • Also please link to the issue(s) you're fixing from your PR description.


Podio .NET client







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