WrenCLI or Wren Console executable
Configure your discord token and wren-cli executable path inside application.properties
./mvnw spring-boot:run
And then Add the bot to your server.
You can now send messages and it will return the output of the code.
Wrenbot is a small Discord bot created for testing out Wren scripts inside Discord.
Unless explicitily stated, all source code is under the permissive MPL v2.0 (Mozilla Public License Version 2.0) license.
Is a copyleft license that is easy to comply with. You can combine the MPL version 2.0 software with a proprietary or differently licensed code.
If you don’t modify the code inside this library, you will have to provide just a link to the library sources.
If you modify these libs, you will have to provide just the sources for the modified files (not the entire project).
Seagull icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Made with ♥ by Ninjas.cl