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Docker used for documentation : Docker CE (Community Edition)



Some Basic Docker Commands

Command Description
docker version Get the version information of docker.
docker info Get info.
docker images Get all available images in local repo.
docker container ps / docker container ps -a get running containers (-a all stopped & running)
docker container run -p 80:80 -d --name test_container nginx Run a container with nginx at port 80. bridge host IP 80 and container IP 80.
docker container run --rm -it image_name run container and automatically remove upon close
docker container logs test_container get logs for mentioned container
docker container top test_container Get process/daemons running in the container
docker container rm <container_id1> ... Remove stopped container. Containers to be removed should be stopped.
docker container rm -f <c_id> Remove forcefully.
docker container inspect test_container details of container config
docker container stats show stats mem usage, cpu usage etc.
docker container run -it --name test_name image_name bash run container (-i --> interactive,-t --> pseudo tty/ssh) and opens bash(changed default commands)
docker container start -ai container_name starts existing (-ai start with given starting command) container
docker container stop container_name stops existing container
docker container exec -it container_name bash open bash in already running container
docker history image_name:tag layer information of the image


    -p 8080:8080

    [host_os_port : docker_container_port]

What happens behind docker run


Points to Notice

  • containers aren't mini VM's, they are just processes(binary files) running on HOST Operating Systems.
  • Limited to what resource they can access.
  • Exit when process is stopped




  • docker pull nginx:latest
  • docker run -p 80:80 --name nginx -d nginx:latest
  • curl localhost


  • docker pull mongo:latest
  • docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo -d mongo:latest
  • mongo --host localhost --port 27017


  • docker pull mysql:latest

  • docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes -d mysql:latest

  • get first random password from docker container logs mysql (GENERATED ROOT PASSWORD)

  • mysql -uroot -p[password from previous step] -h127.0.0.1 -P3306


  • docker run -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:latest

  • mysql -uroot -p my-secret-pw -h127.0.0.1 -P3306

Docker Networks


Command Description
docker container port container_name get port info
docker container inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" container_name get IP
docker network ls show networks
docker network inspect net_name inspect a network
docker network create --driver create a network
docker network connect net_id container_id attach
docker network disconnect net_id container_id detach
docker container run --name c_name --network net_name image_name specifying network name in container while starting
docker container run --name c_name --net net_name --net-alias alias_name image_name specifying network name and alias in container while starting (same alias containers can be called with same DNS name)

DNS Naming (inter container communication)

  • containers cant rely on IP's for inter-communication.
  • bridge (default) doesnt have this option.
  • one container can communicate with another in same network with container name(instead of IP).
  • it is easier in docker compose.

try this

  • docker pull nginx:latest
  • docker network create custom_network
  • docker network ls
  • docker run -it -d -p 8081:80 --network custom_network --name nginx2 nginx:latest
  • docker run -it -d -p 8080:80 --network custom_network --name nginx1 nginx:latest
  • docker container ls
  • docker container exec -it nginx1 curl http://nginx2


  • app binaries and dependencies
  • metadata about image data or how to run the image
  • An image is an ordered collection of root filesystem changes and corresponding execution parameters for use within a container runtime.
  • Not a complete OS. No kerel ,kernel modules etc.

Image Layers

image1 image2
port other operation only diff is added in runtime container
copy copy common till here
apt apt
Debian jessie Debain jessie

example of layers:


Image representation



Dockerfile is a recipe for creating image.

Command Description
docker image build -f some-dockerfile build image from a dockerfile
docker image build -t custom_nginx . build docker image with tag custom_nginx from current working directory
Keyword Description
FROM All dockerfile must have to minimal distribution. want to go completely from scratch use "FROM scratch"
ENV Setting up environment variables. inject main key/values for image.
RUN Run shell commads
EXPOSE Expose ports on docker virtual network still need to use -p / -P on host os
CMD Final command to be run every time container is launched/started
COPY Copy from local(host) os to docker(guest/virtual) os
ENTRYPOINT Entrypoint for a container at runtime
WORKDIR is prefered to using "RUN cd /some/path"
VOLUME Create a new volume location and assign it to the directory in the container will outlive the container when container is updated. (requires manual deletion)
    It is adviced to keep least changing things in the
    docker images to keep on top(initial steps) and more
    variable things in later steps so that whenver any step changes or updates till that step cache will help to
    speed up the process of building the image.


Command Description
docker image prune remove all dangling images
docker system prune remove everything

Container lifetime and persistent data

  1. immutable (unchanging) and ephemeral (temporary/ disposable).
  2. "immutable infrastructure" : only re-deploy containers, never change.
  3. But if there is some data that has to be present (like database or unique data).
  4. data can be preserved when container is getting updated with latest version. docker gives us feature to ensure "separation of concerns".
  5. This is called as "Presistent data".
  6. 2 solutions for this - Volumns and Bind Mounts.
  7. VOLUMES : make special location outside of container UFS(union file system).
  8. BIND MOUNT : link container path to host path.



  1. Create a new volume location and assign it to the directory in the container
  2. will outlive the container when container is updated.
  3. requires manual deletion


Command Description
docker volume ls list of volumes
docker volume inspect volume_name information about volume
docker volume create volumne_name create volume


    docker container run -d --name mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=True -v mysql-db:/var/lib/mysql mysql:latest
  • if name is provided then it will register by name otherwise by default a random name would be generated. (Named volumes)
  • -v [name]:[path/to/volume]



  1. Maps a host file or dir to container file or directory.

  2. basically two locations pointing to same file.

  3. Skips UFS, host files overwrite any in container.

  4. Cant use Dockerfile, has to be mentioned in docker container run command.

  5. -v [/host/fs/path]:[/container/fs/path]

  6. Try

    docker container run -it -d -p 3000:80 --name nginx -v /home/nishant/Desktop/Docker-Exploration/htmlexample:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:latest

Docker Compose

  • Configure relationships between containers.
  • Save docker container run settings in easy-to-read file
  • One liner developer env setup.
    1. YAML file - containers, networks, volumes, env.(default docker-compose.yml/yaml)
    2. CLI tool - docker-compose

docker-compose CLI

  • CLI tool is not a production grade tool but ideal for development and test.
Command Description
docker-compose up setup volumes,networks and start all containers
docker-compose up -f file_name setup volumes,networks and start all containers with a custom file_name
docker-compose down stop all containers and remove containers/vols/nets
docker-compose up -d setup volumes,networks and start all containers and detach
docker-compose ps get services running
docker-compose run
docker-compose stop

docker-compose versioning

There are three legacy versions of the Compose file format:

  • Version 1. This is specified by omitting a version key at the root of the YAML.

  • Version 2.x. This is specified with a version: '2' or version: '2.1', etc., entry at the root of the YAML.

  • Version 3.x, designed to be cross-compatible between Compose and the Docker Engine’s swarm mode. This is specified with a version: '3' or version: '3.1', etc., entry at the root of the YAML.

Containers Everywhere

Some major tasks

  • automate container lifecycle
  • easily scale up/down/out/in
  • container recreation upon failing
  • replace container without downtime (blue/green deploy)
  • control/track container started
  • create cross-node virtual network
  • only trusted servers run containers
  • store secrets, keys, passwords and access them in right containers

Docker Swarm - container orchestration


  • Swarm mode is a clustering solution built inside Docker
  • docker swarm, docker node, docker service, docker stack, docker secret

swarm1 swarm2 swarm3 swarm4

docker swarm init

  • PKI and security automation
    1. Root signing certificate created for swarm
    2. certificate is issued for first manager node
    3. join tokens are created
  • RAFT database created to store root CA, configs and secrets
    1. no additional key value storage system
    2. replicates logs amongs managers.
Command Description
docker swarm init initialize
docker node ls list down nodes
docker service create creating a container service
docker service ls list down services
docker service ps service_name process information
docker service update service_id --replicas number update replicas
docker service rm service_name remove service and delete all containers one by one


  • if a service is running and we stop one of its replicas by running "docker container rm -f some_id/name" then it will show in the results of "docker service ls" (one less replica) but within seconds it will again start it and it will show in the result if "docker service ps service_name" that one service was stopped.




  • get 3 instances

  • in one instance run

      docker swarm  init --advertise-addr <public_ip>
  • this will give a url like

      docker swarm join --token <some token>
  • run this command in other two instances to join them in this cluster

  • now docker swarm commands cant be run in these worker nodes

  • Run in the leader instance

      docker node ls


  • change the role of a node


  • get the manager token to join anytime and add instance with predefined manager role


  • get the worker token to join anytime


  • now create a service with 3 replicas

docker-swarm5 docker-swarm6

Overlay Multi Host Networking

  • choose --driver overlay when creating network
  • for container to container traffic inside a Single Swarm
  • Optional IPSec (AES) encryption on network creation
  • Each service can connect to multiple networks
Command Description
docker network create --driver overlay network_name create a overlay network
docker-network1 creating a network
docker-network3 creating two services on one network
docker-network2 accessing them by their service name (look at host)

Routing Mesh (Internal Load Balancer)

  • Routes/distributes ingress (incoming) packets for a service to a proper task
  • spans all the nodes
  • Uses IPVS from linux kernel (kernel primitives)
  • Load balances swarm services across their tasks
  • ways to work
    • container to container overlay network (talking to virtual IP/VIP)
    • external traffic incoming to publishing ports (all nodes listen)
  • stateless load balancing

docker stack

Production Grade Compose

  • New layer of abstraction to swarms called stacks

  • accepts compose files

  • docker stack deploy

               services  task and container
                   ^          ^
              || service1 -| node 1  |  
              ||          -| node 2  |  || Volumes ||
              ||-------------------- |
      Stack ->|| service2 -| node 1  |
              ||          -| node 2  |
              ||-------------------- | || Overlay Networks ||
              || service3 -| node 1  |
              ||          -| node 2  |
Command Description
docker stack deploy -c compose_file app_name queue deploy services from a compose file
docker stack ls list all the apps in the stack
docker stack ps app_name list down services in the app
docker stack services app_name gives important info about services like replicas,mode etc.

docker secrets

  • key value store in docker run time
  • attach it to services only those can use it
Command Description
docker secret create secret_name secret_file.txt put value in secret by a file
echo "some_value" | docker secret create secret_name - put value in secret by echoing
docker secret ls list down secrets
-------- --------
with service
docker service create --name service_name --secret secret_name create a service with a secret mentioned that can be used by container
docker service update --secret-rm secret_name remove secret

Swarm App LifeCycle

Three important things in this trilogy is swarm, stack and secrets

$ docker-compose up #for development env
$ docker-compose up #for CI env
$ docker stack deploy #for production env


  • container orchestration
  • runs on top of docker (usually)
  • provides api/cli to manage containers across servers


Other flavours

  • minikube
  • MicroK8s

Cloud providers

  • Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
  • AWS (EKS)
  • Google Cloud


  • kubectl - cube control (cli)

  • node - single server inside the cluster

  • kubelet - Kubernetes agent running on nodes

      In swarm in build docker swarm agent is available for workers to talk back to the master nodes kubernetes needs one explicitly
  • control plane - set of containers that manages the clusters

    • includes api server , scheduler, control manager, etcd and more

    • sometimes called the master

      | etcd                  |
      | api                   |
      | scheduler             |
      | controller manager    |
      | core dns              |
      | .                     |
      | .                     |
      | based on need         |
      |                       |
      | Docker                |
      | kubelet               |
      | kube-proxy            |
      | .                     |
      | .                     |
      | based on need         |
      |                       |
      |                       |
      |                       |
      | Docker                |
  • pod - one or more containers running together on one Node

    • basic unit of deployment, containers are always in pods
  • controller - for creating /updating pods and other objects

    • Deployment
    • ReplicaSet
    • StatefulSet
    • DaemonSet
    • Job
    • CronJob
  • service - network endpoint to connect to a pod

  • namespace - filter group

  • secrets, ConfigMaps ...

in play with k8s

  • I created 3 instances
  • I am going to make node1 as master/ manager node
  • Rest of the nodes will be worker nodes
  • Main goal is to create deplotyments
Snaps Description
kubectl get nodes get nodes connected to the cluster
kube1 starting master node (command already provided with k8s playground)
kube2 getting version (one client and one server )
kubectl run my_nginx --image nginx kube3 run a pod
kubectl get pods kube4 get pods
kubectl create deployment my-nginx --image nginx kube6 kube7 create deployment
kube5 get all contents
kubectl delete deployment my-nginx delete the deployment
    Pods --> ReplicaSet --> Deployment


Scaling ReplicaSets

kube9 kube10

Snaps Description
kube11 logs
kube12 logs follow changes and tail last 1 line logs
kube13 describe pod/deployments etc
kube14 watch

Service Types

  • kubectl expose creates a service for exisiting pods
  • Service is a stable address for pod
  • it we want to connect to pod, we need a service
  • CoreDNS allows us to resolve services by name
  • Types of services :
    1. ClusterIP
    2. NodePort
    3. LoadBalancer
    4. ExternalName

ClusterIP (default)

  • Single, Internal Virtual IP allocation
  • Reachable within the cluster
  • pods can reach service on port number


  • High port on each node
  • Outside the cluster
  • port is open for every node's IP
  • Anyone can reach node can connect


  • Controls a Load Balancer external to the cluster
  • Only available when infrastructure providers gives it (AWS ELB etc)
  • Create NodePort+ClusterIP, connect LB to NodePort to send


  • Add CNAME DNS record to CoreDNS only
  • Not used for pods , but for giving pods a DNS name that can be used outside Kubernetes cluster.
Snaps Description
kube15 create service expose port with cluster IP
kube16 create service NodePort. different than docker as left port if internal port and right one is node port for outside cluster
kube17 create service with LoadBalancer
kube18 namespaces

Kubernetes Management Techniques

Generators (Automation behind commands)

  • Helper templates

  • Every resource in kubernetes has a 'spec' or specification

      > kubectl create deployment smaple --iamge nginx --dry-run -o yaml
  • output those templates --dry-run -o yaml

  • these yaml defaults can be a starting points to create new ones

Snaps Description
kube19 Get Generator info for deployemnt
kube20 Get Generator info for job
kube21 Get Generator info for expose
Imperative Decalarative
how program operates what a program should accomplish
ex.- making your own coffee ex.- give instructions to a barista
not easy to automate automation is good
know every step dont know current state, only final result is known
- requires to know all yaml keys

Management approaches

  • Imperative commands
    • create, expose, edit, scale etc
  • Imperative objects
    • create -f file.yml , replace -f file.yml
  • Declarative objects
    • apply -f file.yml

Kubernetes Configuration YAML

  • Each file contains one or more configuration files
  • Each manifest describes an API object (deployment, job, secret)
  • Each mainfest needs these four parts-
    • apiVersion:
    • kind:
    • metadata:
    • spec:
  • kubectl apply -f <directory>/
  • selectors is used for patternmatching for different services
info Snaps Description
cluster kube22 cluster info
kind kube23 api resources (kind will give info for yaml file)
apiVersion kube24 api versions
metadata - only name of the service is required
spec - all the action
explain services recursively kube25 explain services get keywords
explain services description kube26 explain services get keywords
explain deployments description kube27 explain services get keywords
Snaps Description
kube28 find the difference between running service and updated yml

Labels and Annotations

  • labels under metadata
  • for grouping, filtering etc.
  • examples - tier: frontend, app: api, env: prod etc.(There are no specific standards to do so, it depends on the team you are working in)
  • no meant to hold complex or large information, instead of label use annotaions.
  • filter on label used in a get
    • kubectl get pods -l app=nginx
  • apply commands only for matching labels
    • kubectl apply -f some_file.yaml -l app=nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
      app: nginx
  minReadySeconds: 5
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

Label Selectors

  • Indicators to services and deployments, which pods are theirs to pick up.

in above example the resources are going to match labels from selectors to classify nodes and apply things.

Storage in K8s

Initial idea behind containers to be immutable, distributed and replaceable (in hindsight statefulness came later on as feature to have something stored to be used if container instance changes like database)

  • we can create VOLUME similar to docker swarm
  • 2 types
    • Volumes
      • Tied to lifecycle of a pod
      • All containers in a pod can share them
    • Persistent Volumes
      • Created at cluster level, outlives a Pod
      • Sep storage config from pod
      • multiple pods can share them
  • CSI (Container Storage Interface) plugins from different vendors to connect to storage to have uniformity.

Ingress Controller

  • Lets talk about http
  • How do we route outside connections based on hostname or url?
  • ingress controller is the way to do it.
  • Ingress controller is the way to differenciate different routes(considering all of them are using 80 or 443) hosted in a cluster.
  • It is not inherently installed in k8s.
  • Nginx is a populer one, but other examples are Taefik, HAProxy, etc.
  • Implemention is specific to controller chosen.

Custom resources


Simply just additional API extensions that are not default in k8s but they can be part of k8s functionality once added.

Higher Deployment Abstractions

  • We have yaml files/ configurations, but how to use them for deployment.
  • Helm is the most populer one to do so. Helm is to k8s, what k8s is to containers. yaml templates.
  • Compose on k8s comes with docker desktop. Instead of going to docker stack it will ask for k8s deployment (need to try this out).
  • most distros support Helm.

New things CNAB and docker app


user@user~/$ kubectl get namespaces
user@user~/$ kubectl get all --all-namespaces
user@user~/$ kubectl config get-contexts

Docker Security


Docker Bench Sceurity

in a bunch of docker official images available online, there are users created groupadd & useradd. Our job while using those images is use the user mentioned and not run the image with root previleges.

USER <user_name>