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ReimuDodge Tutorial Part 6

Barley edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 34 revisions

Finishing touches

Nearly done. Now we just need to go over some minor details and get the game fully operational.

1. Adding the music

Lets add the tunes. Open up your ReimuDodge1 scene and find the Music GameObject under the Microgame Controller:

Make another folder in ReimuDodge called "Music" and drag in the music file, ReimuDodge_Eternal.ogg, from the assets ZIP folder. Drop this file into the AudioClip setting in the inspector for the Music object:

Leave the rest of the settings as they are. Also, you'll need to repeat this for the ReimuDodge2 and ReimuDodge3 scenes.

2. Final Testing

Still here? Excellent. Now, it's time to test the microgame for real.

2a. Shortcuts

Firstly, a big time-saver: play mode shortcuts. You can use the following handy shortcuts while the game is running in the scene editor:

  • R will reload the game from the beginning.
  • F will reload the game at a faster speed. Make sure your game isn't impossible once it's sped up!
  • N will load the next difficulty up. So, if you're testing ReimuDodge1, it will instantly load and play ReimuDodge2. Note that this will only work after you update the build settings (see step 3)
  • M Ditto above, but it will load the previous difficulty.

2b. Debug Settings

In the MicrogameController for each of your scenes is a section called Debug Settings, which contain a number of adjustable functions you can use to test your game:

These settings switch on certain functionality that will normally be enabled in the base game. This lets you easily test aspects of the game you might not have considered before. You can change these settings as much as you like since they will only have an effect on the play mode of the scene editor.

Lets explain each one in detail:

  • Play Music
    • Enables music
    • The music file must be in the Music Clip setting of the scene's traits prefab
  • Display Command
    • Shows the stages command instruction
    • From the Command setting of the microgame traits
  • Show Timer
    • Shows the stage countdown timer at the bottom of the screen
  • Timer Tick
    • Enables the timer ticking noise
  • Simulate Start Delay
    • Simulate the small in-game delay before the stage "beats" begin
    • This is useful for testing music synchronisation if its relevant to your game
  • Localize Text / Force Localization Language
    • If the microgame's text has been localized, you can force a specific language with this (not needed if the only text in the game is the Command; most microgames can ignore these)
  • Reset Through All Languages
    • Also only useful for games with localised text. With this option enabled, and "Localize Text" checked, the game will change its language every time you press R to restart the scene, useful for checking language compatibility.
  • Voice Set
    • Change the voiced lines that are spoken (e.g. on win/loss)
  • Speed
    • Speed up the game to simulate fast modes
    • Alternative to the F shortcut
  • Simulate Difficulty
    • This is for games where the scene isn't entirely dependent on the difficulty (e.g. a single-scene microgame), doesn't apply to this tutorial, but in those types of games it's the only way to test higher difficulties without using the debug shortcuts.

3. [OPTIONAL] [CURRENTLY BROKEN] Microgame practice

Using the microgame practice mode is a handy way to test microgames. You can access this mode using one of the scenes in the project called MicrogamePractice.unity

But first, in order to test your scenes in this mode you have to add them to the Unity build settings. You'll revert all of this afterwards since you don't want your pull request to contain any changes to files outside of your microgame folder. With that in mind, feel free to skip this section if you like.

Go to File > Build Settings to open the build settings window. With the ReimuDodge1 scene open, click Add Open Scenes to add it to the end of the scenes list.

Repeat this for ReimuDodge2 and ReimuDodge3 and your build settings should look like this:

Now go to Assets > Stages > Nitori > Variations in the project window and open the MicrogamePractice scene.

Select the Microgame Stage object and write "ReimuDodge" in Force Microgame:

Now, hit play and enjoy your game in its full glory!

When you're done, exit the scene (but remember not to save it and don't commit your changed to the build settings!).


Make one last commit now that your scenes have music.


OK, you're done! That's it for the tutorial! Yay.

And maybe you learned a few useful things along the way.

Now that you've completed our little training course, all that's left is to submit your microgame to the main NitorInc repository using a Pull Request.