- This is a simple WebApp I made using Django to introduce users to coding / Python!
- I believe that the perception or connotation people have with coding is very negative (from past experience). But once you get into it, coding is pretty easy, and especially rewarding!
- The purpose of this website is to introduce people to coding concepts so that in the future, they may have an open door to coding that was previously closed.
- I made this for my Junior research project
- From the data collected, users of my website are more confident in their learning, and programming ability!
- This was my very first time ever working with Django, and my second web project ever.
- I prioritized backend functionality and didn't know about good front end design, and I didn't have the time to figure it out. Ignore the horrible design.
- I programmed the entire website in about a month
- I followed Django tutorial to learn Django then began my own project
- There were LOTS of bugs and issues that I had to spend days on, but this mainly stemmed from inexperience with Django
- Learned a lot about CSS (variables, animations, etc.) and how I need to learn JS soon
- Created a massive excel file to hold all chapter content, questions, important instructions, and how that question's answer is write
- This was about 4100 words of content made 100% by me and not from the internet's sources (however I did look to see what other python tutorials ordered each topic in).
- When pressing "next chapter" will result in a "Chapter DNE" error
- This stems from my lack of Django experience and especially lack of understanding primary keys
- This may be fixed soon
- An ability to reorder the objects of primary keys / reorder chapters so that the order of website content can be changed
- This ability furthermore would hopefully be able to be done graphically in some sort of GUI in the admin panel. However, a simple list storing the order of chapters might suffice within the views.py file.
- Lines of code : 2000+
- Words of content: 4100+
- Estimated hours spent: 70+
- Website design: 2/10
- All-nighters: 1
- Happiness: a lot :)
- although simple, I took a big step with Django in learning this project. It was awesome for me to slowly see my thinking change as I slowly understood the flow of Django, how all the url files went with the views and how the template language worked.