This is a fork from c2t_hccs. Ive added a couple IotM I had that werent suported and added minimal support.
- Spacegate access badge
- Horsery contract
- Bird-a-Day calendar
- Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog
- Pokéfam Guide to Capturing All of Them
- Machine Elf
- Tunnel of LOV
- Asdon Martin
Kolmafia script to handle a hardcore community service run with my set of skills and IotMs and with any class.
This is a continual work-in-progress. It is not likely to run out-of-the-box for most, but others may be able to glean things from it. To see what is needed to run smoothly without changes, see:
To install, run the following on the gCLI:
git checkout master
To uninstall, run the following on the gCLI:
git delete NoctiBeard-c2t_hccs-master
First, remove the SVN repository via the gCLI:
svn delete c2t_hccs
Then follow the installation section above
- The main script is
, and is the thing that should be run to do a community service run - Not likely to run out-of-the-box for most. Hoping to change this eventually
- Able to be re-run at any point in a run, hopefully after manually correcting whatever caused it to stop
- Will abort when a non-coil test does not meet its turn threshold after preparations for it are done, which defaults to 1 turn Workshed: select diabolic pizza cube in the options for the workshed if you have it and haven't run this before, since that will give the greatest chance of success. Pizza cube can be optional if you have most of the IotM in the lists below
- Muscle classes: need to have the prevent scurvy and sobriety skill permed, otherwise stat tests may be difficult to pass. Can optionally pull an oil of stability if in softcore before running.
- In Valhalla:
- Choose any class
- Choose the corresponding "knoll" moonsign
- Optimal astral stuff is astral six-pack and astral pet sweater, though neither is strictly required
- The script uses moods
, andhccs-mox
for leveling purposes on muscle, mysticality, and moxie classes, respectively. So set your own to what you want for what skills you have, otherwise you won't have many buffs while levelling.- Exception: the script will cast and handle stevedave's shanty of superiority and ur-kel's aria of annoyance, so either put them in the mood as well or leave 2 song slots open for them
- The moods I use can be seen in mood examples.txt to use as a starting point.
Most settings can be changed via a relay script. To start the relay script, find the drop-down menu that says -run script-
at the top-right corner of the menu pane and select c2t hccs
, as seen here:
Resources can be disabled with the same relay script.
The script assumes several IotM are owned and will break without them. In addition, the sweet synthesis skill is very highly recommended, and the Summon Crimbo Candy skill is required to fuel sweet synthesis. Also, the Imitation Crab familiar is required if using the pizza cube.
Some of the required IotM are only required for now because they're explicitly used in the script without any checks. Some will be moved to the supported list as I get around to adding the necessary checks. I'll be working on trying to minimize the required list, but do note one will probably still need to have a critical mass of IotM for the script to run smoothly.
Required IotM (ordered by release date)
- Tome of Clip Art — can be somewhat possible to get around this requirement by pulling a borrowed time prior to running
- Clan VIP Lounge invitation — assumes a fully-stocked VIP lounge
- corked genie bottle
- January's Garbge Tote (unopened)
- Neverending Party invitation envelope
- Latte lovers club card
- Kramco Industries packing carton
- Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit
- rune-strewn spoon cocoon
- Distant Woods Getaway Brochure
- packaged Pocket Professor
- Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium
- emotion chip
Supported IotM (ordered by release date)
While these are not strictly required, not having enough that either save turns or significantly help with leveling may cause problems. The blurb after the em dash (—) is basically what the script uses the IotM for.
- Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog — saves 1.3 turns on item test.
- panicked kernel — can potentially save a turn if lacking an astral pet sweater or better
- Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog — used to get the synthesize item buff to save 10 turns on the item test; provides backup candies for other synthesis buffs
- Machine Elf — Doesn't use fights yet, gets inner elf from personal clan, youll need to change this to one of yours in properties, saves up to 2 turns on spell test.
- Source terminal — saves 2 turns on item test; turns speakeasy fights into scaling fights
- Tunnel of LOV — get's Elixir #3 + #6, Fam Weight Buff, LOV Earrings, LOV Chocolate, saves up to 2 turn on weapon test, 2 on spell test, 2 on Familiar test.
- Spacegate access badge — provides stat buff for leveling.
- Suspicious Package — saves 5 on hot test, 3 on combat test, 1 on weapon test, 1 on spell test; backup banishes
- Asdon Martin — saves up to 6.66 turns on items test, 6 on non-combat, 1 on heat resistance.
- Pocket Meteor Guide — with saber saves 4 turns on familiar text, 8 on weapon test, 4 on spell test
- pantogram — saves 2 turns on hot test, 3 on combat test, 0.4 on spell test
- locked mumming trunk — 2-4 stats from combat
- Horsery contract — saves a couple turns on non-combat, heat res, and provides buff
- Pokéfam Guide to Capturing All of Them — saves 1.7 on item test if luck incense is pulled, buff for leveling if Snarf Berry is pulled.
- FantasyRealm membership packet — get a hat with +15 mainstat
- God Lobster Egg — 3 mid-tier scaling fights & nostalgia piñata
- Songboom™ BoomBox Box — extra meat from fights
- Bastille Battalion control rig crate — 250 free stats; 25 mainstat buff for leveling; saves 2 turns on weapon test, 1.6 on familiar
- Voter registration form — vote buffs and chance for mid-tier scaling wanderers
- Boxing Day care package — free stats; 200% stat buff for leveling; saves 1.67 turns on item test for mys classes
- Mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag — 3 free kills and 3 free banishes
- vampyric cloake pattern — saves 3.3 turns on item test, 2 on hot test; 50% mus buff
- Beach Comb Box — saves 1 turn on familiar and weapon tests, 3 on hot test, 0.5 on spell test; some minor levelling buffs
- Unopened Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper — buff sets familiars to level 20; 100% stat buff for levelling; can save 3 turns on hot test
- Bird-a-Day calendar — Saves if fav'd item buff/ weapon buff
- unopened diabolic pizza cube box — provides several buffs that help leveling and contribute greatly to tests; I don't suggest running without this unless you basically have everything on both lists
- mint-in-box Powerful Glove — 200% stat buff for leveling & saves 6 turns on combat test, 1 on weapon test, 1 on spell test
- Better Shrooms and Gardens catalog — 1 mid-tier scaling fight
- sinistral homunculus — equip extra offhands for tests
- baby camelCalf — with enough fights to fully charge: can save 4 turns on weapon test, 2 on spell test
- packaged SpinMaster™ lathe — saves 4 turns on weapon test with ebony epee
- Bagged Cargo Cultist Shorts — saves 8 turns on weapon test or 4 turns on spell test; makes hp test trivial
- packaged knock-off retro superhero cape — saves 3 turns on hot test; 30% mainstat for leveling
- box o' ghosts — 50% stat buff for leveling; saves 4 turns on weapon test, 2 on spell test
- power seed — saves 6.7 turns on item test
- packaged backup camera — used for 11 scaling fights & burning delay to get other resources
- shortest-order cook — can save 2 turns on familiar test if lucky
- packaged familiar scrapbook — equip before using ten-percent bonus
- Our Daily Candles™ order form — class-dependent chance of 50% stat buff and/or 10 stats from combat
- packaged industrial fire extinguisher — 30 turns saved on hot test with saber and 3 more turns by itself
- packaged cold medicine cabinet — drinks a 30% stat booze from this for initial adventures and leveling help post-coil test
- undrilled cosmic bowling ball — 50% stat gain in NEP; saves 1.67 adventures on item test; some extra item and meat gain during leveling fights
- combat lover's locket lockbox — up to 3 monsters to fight to save wishes and time spent on fax
- Undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella — saves up to 1.7 turns on item test, 6 on combat test, 1 on weapon test, 0.5 on spell test
- MayDay™ supply package — RtS Effect minor level help + hot res, if acquired - support for emergency glowstick (1.7 turns on item test) + space blanket (Autosell in-case) + gaffer's tape (Buff Moxie class)
- packaged June cleaver — Support for NC adventures
- designer sweatpants (new old stock) — Charges pants and NPC store discount
- unopened tiny stillsuit — if this is not equipped while adventuring, it will be placed on a familiar in the terrarium to passively build up
- packaged Jurassic Parka — helps get NEP experience buff right away and gives 1 free kill
- deed to Oliver's Place — 3 non-scaling free fights
- packaged model train set — lots of extra stats from fights and can smooth out any meat problems
Report bugs here:
- Genericise things to not assume whoever runs this has everything I do
- Better handling when overcapping a test, i.e. only use as much resources as needed and not more
- Purge cruft from changes done over time
- Add more IotMs and such as I get them