ivxn@github:~/profile$ whoami
Ivan, a Software & Cloud Engineer from the Netherlands.
I like solving complex and meaningful problems with simple lines of code.
Also enjoy building scalable and resilient platforms that prioritize developer experience.
Kubernetes nerd.
ivxn@github:~/profile$ grep -A 3 "Greetings" greetings.log
Hi / Привет / Hoi / 你好
Interested in exploring AI (it is what it is, isn't it?), contributing to Cloud Native technologies,
modernizing legacy systems, and learning new things. I speak English and Russian fluently;
learning Chinese and Dutch.
ivxn@github:~/profile$ tail -n 1 quotes.log
✨ "Secundo, check the computer, we might need it." ✨
ivxn@github:~/profile$ curl -s https://spotify-now-playing-six-lime.vercel.app/api/spotify-playing
🎧 Do you code with music? Now playing on Spotify:
ivxn@github:~/profile$ ls -lah ./code/
My Tech Stack - Code:
ivxn@github:~/profile$ ls -lah ./devops/
My Tech Stack - Infra & DevOps:
ivxn@github:~/profile$ grep "AI" research.log
Actively exploring:
ivxn@github:~/profile$ less -N bucket_list.txt
😵 Before I die I want to:
- 🌟 Build something truly impactful
- 🗺️ Travel around the world
- 👨🚀 Go on a suborbital flight
- 🧠 Witness the emergence of an artificial human brain or true AGI
ivxn@github:~/profile$ ./connect.sh
Let's connect:
ivxn@github:~/profile$ watch -n 1 cat /var/log/visitors_count.log
👀 count
ivxn@github:~/profile$ exit