This release is intended as default BLOM/iHAMOCC component for NorESM2.5.
is a bug fix/technical update tov1.7.0
- See v1.7.0 release notes for extensive change log.
What's Changed
- fix long_name attribute length for POC by @jmaerz in #469
- Add Externals_BLOM.cfg file for use with NorESM2.3 by @TomasTorsvik in #471
- Update testdefs, BLOM hybrid is now default by @TomasTorsvik in #484
- Filtering of squared buoyancy frequency and Richardson number by @matsbn in #480
- Provide new N-deposition files and used remapping sh-script by @jmaerz in #486
- Initial version for iHAMOCC restart remapping by @jmaerz in #476
- Enabled parameterized wave forcing of Langmuir mixing. by @matsbn in #481
- Abandon usage of ndep in input files, always read NHx and NOy by @jmaerz in #492
- Ensure non-negative tracer values and conservation by virtual flux correction by @matsbn in #485
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.1