With this web page we built a simple quiz system using points that allows you to add various pages solely from script.js
and this page was styled by me, if you are looking for qualified people in UX Design feel free to contact me via discord (NotMatt#3455).
- [HTML]
- [CSS]
- [JS]
To create your quiz just add a JSON element to the constant quizData
using the format as per example:
(The file name is script.js and the quizData variable is located on line 1).
question: "In quale città italiana si trova “Piazza di Spagna”?", /* Question */
a: "Milano", /* Answer A */
b: "Bologna", /* Answer B */
c: "Roma", /* Answer C */
d: "Venezia", /* Answer D */
correct: "c", /* Correct answer */
The quizzes will automatically load from the JSON and will be displayed one after another on the main page
and then conclude with the page that establishes how many points you have scored.
Before downloading the files in the repository I would like to warn you that the "img" folder is not needed
for the program to function and is an ornamental element for the README page, if it weighs you can remove it easily!
Folder = img