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URL parameters

Noxalus edited this page Aug 18, 2018 · 1 revision

You can give some parameters to the URL to change the way the messages are displayed.

To do that, rather than access to http://localhost:4242 you need to access to http://localhost:4242?param1_name=param1_value&param2_name=param2_value&param3_name=param3_value.

Here are the parameters you can use:

Name Value Description
hide_api_status boolean (ex: true) Hide the API status icon to the bottom right corner.
display_time int (ex: 60) Number of seconds a message should appear (0 means forever).
max_messages int (ex: 10) Maximum number of messages that will be displayed.
max_height int (ex: 500) Maximum size in pixel that can take all messages.

Here is a URL example: http://localhost:4242?hide_api_status=true&display_time=0&max_messages=5&max_height=100

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