Example on using React application with a Node Express Backend to run Nexmo APIs
Install nodemon globally
1)npm i nodemon -g
Install server and client dependencies by going to their root directories.
1) npm install
2) cd client && npm install
Update the .env file. Insert values for API_KEY, API_SECRET,BRAND_NAME & VIRTUAL_NUMBER.
To start the server and client at the same time (from the root of the project)
cd ..
npm start
Run ngrok application. Listen to port 3001
ngrok http 3001
Update the webhook url in your account settings under "inbound messages". it will look like this!
I am interested in creating a react single-page-application. However, the Nexmo library only supports NodeJS.
Hence, an Express "middleware" was created and the react application will sit on top of this using a proxy server.
We will have a proxy entry in client/package.json
"proxy": "http://localhost:3001/"
This tells Webpack development server to proxy our API requests to our API server, given that our Express server is running on localhost:3001.
- Enter your phone number
- Enter the code that was sent to your phone number
This will call Nexmo APIs to verify that you own the number that you have just keyed in.
- Upon clicking the "SUBMIT 4 PIN" button, you will directed "/verifyproject", a protected page.
The routing of the web application is using react-routers.The routing mechanism can also make use of react-cookies to encrypt/decrypt "JWT tokens". In this project, I'm simply storing the required values as cookies after every successful API calls and the protected page checks for the existence of these cookies.
"Click" logout to return back to the main page. "/"
In the "/verifyproject" page, you can now key in two valid phone numbers and execute the "private SMS communication" example.