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bealdav committed Nov 3, 2024
1 parent 9e7a4fa commit 93c2851
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Showing 4 changed files with 164 additions and 50 deletions.
121 changes: 91 additions & 30 deletions polars_db_schema/models/
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@

import polars as pl

from odoo import fields, models
from odoo import exceptions, fields, models
from import safe_eval

class DbConfig(models.Model):
Expand All @@ -11,56 +12,116 @@ class DbConfig(models.Model):
db_type_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="db.type")
db_table_ids = fields.One2many(comodel_name="db.table", inverse_name="db_config_id")
row_count_query = fields.Text(related="db_type_id.row_count_query")
matching_model = fields.Char(help="Odoo matching models")

def _get_foreign_keys(self):
foreign = defaultdict(list)
df = self._read_sql(self.db_type_id.foreign_key_query)
for mdict in df.to_dicts():
primary_table = mdict["primary_table"]
f"{mdict['fk_column_name']} = {primary_table}.{mdict['fk_column_name']}"
table_filter = fields.Char(
help="Remove tables with a name matching like sql expression"
table_sort = fields.Selection(
selection=[("row_count", "Count"), ("alias", "Alias"), ("odoo", "Odoo")],
manually_entries = fields.Text(
help="Odoo matching models, alias and display. " "Can be backup in your module",

def get_db_metadata(self):
foreign, entries = {}, {}
if self.db_type_id.foreign_key_query:
foreign = self._get_foreign_keys()
foreign = self._get_foreign_keys(self._get_aliases())
if self.row_count_query:
self._read_sql("SELECT 1")
df = self._read_sql(self.row_count_query)
if self.db_type_id.code == "sqlite":
df = (
pl.col("stat").map_elements(sqlite, return_dtype=pl.Int32)
# rename columns
.rename({"tbl": "name", "stat": "row_count"})
# stat columns store extra info leading to duplicate lines,
# then make it unique
sql = self.row_count_query
if self.table_filter:
sql = sql.replace(
"WHERE", f"WHERE name NOT like '{self.table_filter}' AND"
df = self._read_sql(sql)
if self.db_type_id.code == "sqlite":
# Sqlite has weird information schema structure
# we need a little hack
df = sqlite(df)
df = df.filter(pl.col("row_count") > 0).with_columns(
# add m2o foreign key
df = self._filter_df(df)
self.env["db.table"].search([("db_config_id", "=",]).unlink()
if self.manually_entries:
entries = safe_eval(self.manually_entries)
vals_list = []
for row in df.to_dicts():
name = row.get("name")
if name and name in foreign:
row["foreign"] = "\n".join(foreign[name])
if name in foreign:
row["foreign_keys"] = "\n".join(foreign[name])
if entries:
if name in entries.get("odoo_model"):
row["odoo_model"] = entries["odoo_model"][name]
if name in entries.get("alias"):
row["alias"] = entries["alias"][name]

def _get_foreign_keys(self, aliases):
foreign = defaultdict(list)
df = self._read_sql(self.db_type_id.foreign_key_query)
mdicts = df.to_dicts()
cols = ["primary_table", "foreign_table", "fk_column_name"]
if mdicts and any([x for x in cols if x not in mdicts[0].keys()]):
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
f"Missing one of these columns {cols} in the query"
for mdict in mdicts:
primary_table = aliases.get(mdict["primary_table"])
primary_table = (
aliases.get(mdict["primary_table"]) or mdict["primary_table"]
f"{mdict['fk_column_name']} = {primary_table}.{mdict['fk_column_name']}"
return foreign

def _get_aliases(self, reverse=False):
aliases = { x.alias for x in self.db_table_ids if x.alias}
if reverse:
return {value: key for key, value in aliases.items()}
return aliases

def _save_manually_entered_data(self):
def get_dict_format(column):
res = ", ".join(
[f"'{}': '{x[column]}'" for x in self.db_table_ids if x[column]]
if res:
return safe_eval(f"{ {res} }".replace('"', ""))

mdict = {}
for mvar in ("odoo_model", "alias", "display"):
sub_dict = get_dict_format(mvar)
if sub_dict:
mdict[mvar] = sub_dict
self.manually_entries = str(mdict).replace("}, '", "},\n'")

def _filter_df(self, df):
"You may want ignore some tables: inherit me"
return df

def sqlite(value):
def sqlite(df):
"Extract row_count info from 'stat' column"
values = value.split(" ")
return values and int(values[0]) or int(value)

def extract_first_part(value):
values = value.split(" ")
return values and int(values[0]) or int(value)

return (
pl.col("stat").map_elements(extract_first_part, return_dtype=pl.Int32)
# rename columns
.rename({"tbl": "name", "stat": "row_count"})
# stat columns store extra info leading to duplicate lines,
# then make it unique
56 changes: 48 additions & 8 deletions polars_db_schema/models/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,10 +19,15 @@ class DbTable(models.Model):
xlsx = fields.Binary(string="File", attachment=False, readonly=True)
db_config_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="db.config", readonly=True)
filename = fields.Char(readonly=True)
foreign = fields.Text(readonly=True, help="Foreign keys towards other tables")
matching_model = fields.Char(string="Matching", help="Odoo matching model")
foreign_keys = fields.Text(readonly=True, help="Foreign keys towards other tables")
alias = fields.Char(help="Used to make SQL query easier to read")
odoo_model = fields.Char(help="Odoo matching model")
display = fields.Char(
help="Fields to combinate (separated by comma) to give a "
"user friendly representation of the record"
sql = fields.Text(
string="Significant Columns",
string="Relevant Columns",
help="Columns with variable data over rows",
Expand All @@ -44,6 +49,8 @@ def get_metadata_info(self):
cols = [x[0] for x in df.schema.items() if str(x[1]) not in excluded_types]
relevant_cols = []
unique = {}
key_cols, relations = "", ""
# Search columns with non unique value in rows
for col in cols:
# TODO improve it
# Some database have dirty column names: :-(
Expand All @@ -53,27 +60,60 @@ def get_metadata_info(self):
query = f"SELECT distinct {col} FROM self"
res = df.sql(query)
if len(res) > 1:
relevant_cols.append(f"{self.alias or}.{col}")
# column has the same value on any rows
# we prefer ignore them
unique[col] = res.to_series()[0]
self.unique = f"{unique}"
if self.foreign_keys:
joint = [
x.split(".")[0].split(" = ")[1] for x in self.foreign_keys.split("\n")
count = {x: joint.count(x) for x in set(joint)}
print(joint, count)
# breakpoint() # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
foreign_list = [
# table, foreign=othertable.colname
# x[0], x[1][0] x[1][1]
(, x.split(" = "))
for x in self.foreign_keys.split("\n")
key_cols = ", ".join([x[1][1] for x in foreign_list]) + ","
aliases = self.db_config_id._get_aliases()
aliases_rev = self.db_config_id._get_aliases(reverse=True)
relations = "\n\t".join(
f"LEFT JOIN {aliases_rev.get(x[1][1].split('.')[0], x[0])} "
f"{x[1][1].split('.')[0]} ON {aliases.get(x[0], x[0])}"
f".{x[1][0]} = {x[1][1]}"
for x in foreign_list
if relevant_cols:
self.sql = f"SELECT {', '. join(relevant_cols)}\nFROM {};\n"
self.sql = f"""SELECT {key_cols} {', '. join(relevant_cols)}
FROM {} {self.alias or ''}\n\t{relations};\n"""

# WARNING Thread <Thread(odoo.service.http.request.129007460812352,
# started 129007460812352)> virtual real time limit (151/120s) reached.
# Dumping stacktrace of limit exceeding threads before reloading

def write(self, vals):
res = super().write(vals)
if "odoo_model" in vals or "alias" in vals or "display" in vals:
for conf in self.mapped("db_config_id"):
return res

def get_spreadsheet(self):
if not self.sql:
if not self.sql:
raise exceptions.ValidationError(
"There is no column with varaiable data in this table: "
"There is no column with variable data in this table: "
"check Uniques Values column"
Expand All @@ -82,13 +122,13 @@ def get_spreadsheet(self):
excel_stream = io.BytesIO()
vals = {"workbook": excel_stream}
self.filename = f"{}.xlsx"
self.xlsx = base64.encodebytes(

def get_spreadsheet_settings(self):
def _get_spreadsheet_settings(self):
return {
"position": "A1",
"table_style": "Table Style Light 16",
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions polars_db_schema/views/db_config.xml
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Expand Up @@ -18,16 +18,18 @@
invisible="not db_table_ids"
<field name="name" position="after">
<field name="table_filter" />
<field name="password" position="after">
<field name="db_type_id" />
invisible="not matching_model"
<field name="string_connexion" position="before">
<field name="manually_entries" invisible="not manually_entries" />
<xpath expr="//group[@name='connexion']" position="after">
<group col="4">
<field name="table_sort" invisible="not db_table_ids" />
<separator string="Tables" />
<field name="db_table_ids" nolabel="1" editable="bottom" />
Expand Down
25 changes: 18 additions & 7 deletions polars_db_schema/views/db_table.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,12 @@
options="{'accepted_file_extensions': '.xlsx'}"
<field name="filename" optional="hide" />
<field name="row_count" />
<field name="name" string="Table name" />
<field name="matching_model" />
<field name="foreign" />
<field name="name" />
<field name="alias" />
<field name="odoo_model" />
<field name="display" />
<field name="foreign_keys" />
<field name="sql" optional="hide" />
<field name="unique" optional="hide" />
Expand All @@ -28,6 +29,8 @@
class="fa fa-solid fa-file"
title="Get informations on columns"
<field name="filename" optional="hide" />
<field name="db_config_id" optional="hide" />
Expand All @@ -39,16 +42,24 @@
filter_domain="['|', ('name', 'ilike', self), ('foreign', 'ilike', self)]"
filter_domain="[('name', 'ilike', self)]"
filter_domain="[('foreign_keys', 'ilike', self)]"
string="Odoo model"
filter_domain="[('odoo_model', 'ilike', self)]"
<field name="foreign" filter_domain="[('foreign', 'ilike', self)]" />
string="Count > 99"
domain="[('row_count', '>', 99)]"
<separator />
<!-- <filter invisible="1" string="Late Activities" name="date" domain="[('date', '&lt;', context_today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))]"/> -->
<group expand="0" string="Group By">
string="Db Conf"
Expand Down

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