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gatsby with typescript, scss typed modules, eslint, prettier & husky, docker


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The purpose of this project is to create a gatsby dev environment that is a starting point for production projects.


  • Format & Commit Safe by ESLint, StyleLint and Prettier with Lint-Staged (Husky), optimized for VS Code (check .vscode/settings.json)
  • Typings for scss files are automatically generated, you can import you styles like import * as styles from './styles.module.scss' and then use it like <div className={styles.textWrapper}>
  • Responsiveness from the beginning through easy breakpoint configuration
  • Enforce the DRY principle, no hardcoded and repeated margin, font-size, color, box-shadow, border-radius ... properties anymore
  • Docker ready - you can run gatsby dev mode on your machine environment or with docker-compose

NPM scripts explained

  • run scripts from /gatsby directory with either npm run $scriptname or with yarn $scriptname
  • build: default gatsby script that generates static pages
  • devLocal: uses concurrently to start the default gatsby development server + watch script that generates typings for .scss files within one command
  • devDocker: does the same as devLocal + exposing the whole network interface from gatsby develop to make the server reachable from your host machine + setting docker environment variable SHELL to run the watch script
  • watch: uses chokidar to watch all .scss files in project and run buildScssTypings script on change
  • fix: formats the whole codebase according to linting and prettier rules - useful when refactoring a whole project at once
  • buildScssTypings: will run the script in scripts/generateTypings.js that generates type definitions for all .scss files

Setup & Running

local development

  • run yarn to install all npm packages
  • run yarn devLocal to start gatsby server + file watch

docker development

  • docker-compose is mounting the gatsby directory (except the node_modules dir), so you still have hot reloading and see your changed immediately
  • note: if you add new packages, you need to rebuild the container because the package installation command is run inside the container when building
  • run docker-compose build to build the container
  • run docker-compose up to start the
  • access http://localhost:8000/

VS Code Extensions

  • VS Code command line tools have to be installed
  • receive a list of current installed extensions: code --list-extensions | xargs -L 1 echo code --install-extension

Install those extensions for a smooth workflow

code --install-extension DSKWRK.vscode-generate-getter-setter
code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
code --install-extension eamodio.gitlens
code --install-extension EditorConfig.EditorConfig
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
code --install-extension infeng.vscode-react-typescript
code --install-extension kumar-harsh.graphql-for-vscode
code --install-extension mikestead.dotenv
code --install-extension mrmlnc.vscode-scss
code --install-extension MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-de
code --install-extension ms-vscode.node-debug2
code --install-extension ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin
code --install-extension ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
code --install-extension PeterJausovec.vscode-docker
code --install-extension pmneo.tsimporter
code --install-extension VisualStudioExptTeam.vscodeintellicode
code --install-extension wholroyd.jinja
code --install-extension Zignd.html-css-class-completion



  • configuration to basically format everything on save


  • looks for .scss files and creates typings for them, so you have type hints on your imported style classes


  • put any assets in here


  • base directory for components that work with absolute imports, e.g. import Greeting from 'components/Greeting' instead of import Greeting from '../components/Greeting'


  • basic entry point to create pages, here you can put any hook that you would normaly put into gatsby-node.js, e.g. onCreatePage, onPostBuild


  • a simple object that translates page templates to url paths. Here you could also hook in for multi language path generation


  • just some defined types


  • default not found page


  • breakpoints to configure responsive behaviour
  • breakpoints work with src/styles/vendors/_includemedia.scss, you can use them in code with an operator like <, >, = and the name of the breakpoint
  @include media('>=large') {
    margin: get-spacing('xl');
    padding: get-spacing('xl');


  • constants for loaded fonts

src/styles/constants/ && src/styles/functions/ && src/styles/mixins/

  • those play together to create a responsive, breakpoint-agnostic behaviour. Refer to to get a better understanding on how it works in detail
  • there are some useful defaults like colors, spacings, text-sizes, text-sizes-title already implemented
  • all those maps in src/styles/constants/ can be customized to project specific needs


  • just imports constants, functions, mixins and vendors


  • directory to create page templates


  • adjust generateTypings script to just rebuild the typings for recently changed files and not for all files
  • add test library and showcase test driven development
  • fix docker


gatsby with typescript, scss typed modules, eslint, prettier & husky, docker








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