Releases: OHDSI/circe-be
CIRCE Version 1.7.2
CIRCE Version 1.7.2
OHDSI/Atlas#1121: Added a warning when death is specified to be before event.
OHDSI/Atlas#1250: Warning message incorrectly identifies an unused concept set
OHDSI/Atlas#1085:Warning message incorrectly identifies source concepts as unused.
CIRCE Version 1.7.1
CIRCE Version 1.7.1
OHDSI/WebAPI#364: persons lost to censoring are now calculated and stored in the new table: cohort_censor_stats
New table definition:
CREATE TABLE @results_schema.cohort_censor_stats( cohort_definition_id int NOT NULL, lost_count BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 );
CIRCE Version 1.7.0
CIRCE Version 1.6.0
CIRCE Version 1.6.0
New Features:
#42: Domain Type Exclusions and Query Optimizations (@chrisknoll)
#37: Provide diagnostic checks for cohort (@wivern)
#49: Person-level inclusion rule reports (@chrisknoll)
#52: Allow option to select index and correlated event start and end dates. (@chrisknoll)
#41: Fixing errors in Impala (@agackovka)
#43: Move source_concept lookup to root criteria so 'first' criteria is handled properly. (@chrisknoll)
#46: row_number() optimizations. Only apply row_number() to queries where it is required. (@chrisknoll)
Explicitly set serialization order for Conceptset class (@pavgra)
Notes: this release stores inclusion rule summary statistics in 2 modes: 0 = all events, 1 = best event (one event per person). Therefore, the results schema that stores the inclusion results requires the following modifications:
ALTER TABLE @resultsSchema.cohort_inclusion_result ADD mode_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE @resultsSchema.cohort_inclusion_stats ADD mode_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE @resultsSchema.cohort_summary_stats ADD mode_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
Circe Version 1.5.1
CIRCE Version 1.5.1
#32: Apply ordinal (earliest/latest) filter before prior observation filter.
Circe Version 1.5.0
CIRCE Version 1.4.0
CIRCE Version 1.4.0
#4: Use Payer Plan Period (note: requires CDM v5.3
#20, #21, #22: Improved support for Impala
#26: Censor Window: specify a date window to censor left/right the cohort entry/exit dates.
#29: Add option to specify vocabulary schema.
#31 : Fix for NULL cast of visit occurrence id.
CIRCE Version 1.3.2
CIRCE Version 1.3.2
This version of CIRCE addresses a sql generation issue on all platforms
Expose visit_occurrence_id in eventTableExpression.sql
CIRCE Version 1.3.1
CIRCE Version 1.3.1
This version of CIRCE addresses a sql generation issue on PostgreSQL.
- #18 : Missing ; on inclusion rule temp table.
- Shorten temp table names for Oracle
CIRCE Version 1.3.0
CIRCE Version 1.3.0
This version of CIRCE involves performance optimizations.
- #14 : Use temp tables to speed up MPP platforms
- Added fromJson() functions to several DTOs in preparation of a R-package wrapper.